1,486 research outputs found

    New genus of Calliopsini.

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    71 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm.We establish a new genus for an unusual species of Peruvian calliopsine bees (Panurginae: Calliopsini) that was initially reported in the literature as an undescribed species of Spinoliella Ashmead that purportedly expanded the range of the latter genus beyond Argentina and Chile. Although the new genus superficially resembles Spinoliella, it is easily distinguished by a unique combination of characters in both sexes but particularly in the male hidden metasomal sterna and genitalia. A cladistic analysis of 82 adult external morphological characters including all species of Spinoliella, as well as species of the remaining genera of Calliopsini, suggests that this group is sister to a clade consisting of Spinoliella and Callonychium Brèthes. We describe and illustrate Xeranthrena imponticula Gonzalez and Engel, new genus and species, from males and females collected in xeric areas along the Pacific slopes of the Peruvian Andes. In addition, the phylogenetic study suggests two well-defined clades within Spinoliella and corresponding to the previously recognized subgenera, although we do not advocate for their reinstatement. We briefly discuss new putative synapomorphies for Spinoliella and, building upon prior revisionary work, we describe and figure five new species: Spinoliella aidae Gonzalez, Smith-Pardo, and Engel, new species; S. confusa Gonzalez and Engel, new species; S. propinqua Gonzalez and Engel, new species; S. packeri Gonzalez and Engel, new species; and S. polita Gonzalez and Engel, new species. In addition, we synonymize S. karhadra Rodríguez, Toro, and Ruz under S. rufiventris Toro and Ruz (new synonymy). We provide new geographical and floral records, an identification keys to all 17 recognized species of Spinoliella, and updated key to the genera of Calliopsini

    Sex differences across teacher’s motivation, teaching satisfaction, loneliness and affects during COVID-19

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    Motivation, teaching satisfaction, loneliness and affects are significant variables concerning the quality of teaching performance. Nevertheless, the presence of the homebased teaching during COVID- 19 could have influenced these variables. As such, the goals of this research were to examine whether there are sex differences in teacher’s motivation, teaching satisfaction, loneliness and affects; and if there is any association of age on teacher motivation, teaching satisfaction, loneliness and affects. A sample of 315 teachers (Mage=41.95; SD=10.18) participated in the study and fulfilled a series of self-report questionnaires during COVID-19 homebased teaching. Results revealed significant sex differences in identified regulation, loneliness, and balance of negative affects. In particular, female teachers reported significantly higher scores in identified regulation and balance of negative affects and men reported higher scores in loneliness. In conclusion, it should be considered to create interventions to help teachers to reduce the negative consequences of loneliness and negative affects on teaching performance and to enhance motivational profiles, especially among men teachers.La motivación, la satisfacción docente, la soledad y los estados afectivos son variables significativas en el rendimiento docente. No obstante, la presencia de la docencia en casa durante la COVID-19 puede haber influido en estas variables. Por ello, los objetivos de esta investigación fueron examinar si existen diferencias de sexo en la motivación del docente, la satisfacción docente, la soledad y los estados afectivos; y si existe alguna asociación entre la edad y la motivación del docente, la satisfacción docente, la soledad y los estados afectivos. Una muestra de 315 docentes (Mage=41.95; DT=10.18) participó en el estudio y cumplimentó una serie de cuestionarios de autoinforme durante el periodo de COVID-19 de docencia en casa. Los resultados revelaron que existen diferencias de sexo en la regulación identificada, la soledad y el equilibrio de los afectos negativos. En particular, las docentes obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en regulación identificada y equilibrio de los afectos negativos y los docentes reportaron puntuaciones más altas en la variable soledad. En conclusión, se debe considerar crear intervenciones para ayudar a los docentes a reducir las consecuencias negativas de la soledad y los estados afectivos negativos sobre el rendimiento docente y mejorar los perfiles motivacionales, especialmente entre los docentes hombres

    New records of bee genera (hymenoptera: apoidea) from colombia

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    The solitary bee genera Lophothygater Moure y Michener (Apidae, Eucerini) and Tapinotaspoides Moure (Apidae, Tapinotaspidini) are reported from northern Colombia for the first time. These genera were previously known from the central Brazilian Amazonian and Argentina and Paraguay, respectively.Se registran por primera vez para Colombia los géneros de abejas solitarias Lophothygater Moure y Michener (Apidae, Eucerini) y Tapinotaspoides Moure (Apidae, Tapinotaspidini). Estos géneros solo se conocían del centro de la Amazonía brasileña, Argentina y Paraguay, respectivamente

    Vinyl sulfonyl chemistry-driven unidirectional transport of a macrocycle through a [2]rotaxane

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    This work has been financially supported by FEDER(EDRF)/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (P18-FR-2877), grant PID2020-112906GA-I00 funded by MCIN/AIE (/10.13039/501100011033) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) (CTQ2014-55474-C2-2-R and CTQ2017-86125P, co-financed by FEDER funds). Funding for open access APCs provided by Universidad de Granada through a Paid by Read & Publish agreement with RSC.By applying a combination of the coupling-and-decoupling (CAD) chemistry of the vinyl sulfonate group with the click thia-Michael addition to the vinyl sulfone group (MAVS) we performed the irreversible unidirectional transportation of the ring through the linear component in a [2]rotaxane by a chemically and pH-driven flashing energy ratchet mechanism. The design is based on a monostoppered thread precursor bearing a sulfonate stopper, a vinyl sulfone group on the unstoppered end and a dibenzylammonium unit as recognition site for the dibenzo-24-crown-8 macrocycle. First, the ring enters from the vinyl sulfone side and the rotaxane is capped through a thia-Michael addition reaction. Then, the cleavage of the sulfonate group of the opposite stopper using MgBr2 as chemical stimulus and subsequent addition of base (Et3N) promoted the controlled and directional release of the macrocycle into the bulk under mild conditions. The efficiency of the system allowed the in situ operation as demonstrated by NMR and HRMS techniques.FEDER(EDRF)/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades - MCIN/AIE P18-FR-2877Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) (FEDER funds) CTQ2014-55474-C2-2-R; CTQ2017-86125PUniversidad de GranadaRSCMCIN/AIE PID2020-112906GA-I0


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    From observations carried out at the end of the rainy season of 1995 and almost the whole dry season of 1996 we registered 38 nests from eighteen bird species belonging to 10 taxonomic families and three orders. Nests found were cup-shaped, globe-shaped, pendulum-shaped, some were in artificial cavities and hole excavated in trees. The cup-shaped type, Myiozetetes similis, Tyrannidae and Passeriformes were the best represented. Vegetal, animal and artificial material as well as soil were incorporated in the nests structure, the vegetal material predominated. Nests were located on 17 plant species Spathodea campanulata followed by Terminalia catappa showed the highest number of nest and bird species. Todirostrum cinereum and Turdus grayi employed the most diverse number of plant species to build their nests over there. The highest number of nests and nesting species were observed in March. Ten eggs from five species were found in six nests as well as ten nests with nestlings from eight species. Four nestlings from two species (Columbina talpacoti and Sicalis flaveola) completed their development successfully. Thirty nests from sixteen species failed mostly during the construction stage. Predators, pruning, neglect, disappearance, winds and drought along with the human population, type of plant holding the nests, their location in the University campus, food availability and pollution from the surrounding city had some effect on the success or failure of the reproductive events. All nests were located at 1.70 to 8.00 meters height; most of them (60. 60%) were located between 2.00 and 4.80 meters. Myiozetetes similis, who built more nests, used to settle them between middle and high elevations. There was a wide variation in nest dimensions. At termination of the observations six active nests remained, with nestlings corresponding to four species.      A finales de la estación lluviosa de 1995 y la mayor parte de la seca de 1996, dieciocho especies de aves, de 10 familias y tres órdenes, construyeron 38 nidos que variaron entre copas, globosos, pendulares, cavidades artificiales y huecos en árboles. El tipo copa, Myiozetetes similis, Tyrannidae y Passeriformes fueron los mejores representados. En la estructura de los nidos se incorporó material vegetal, animal, artificial y tierra, predominando el vegetal. Los nidos se ubicaron en 17 especies de plantas, Spathodea campanulata, seguida de Terminalia catappa, fueron las que más nidos y especies de aves tuvieron. Todirostrum cinereum y Turdus grayi emplearon la mayor cantidad de especies de plantas. La mayor cantidad de nidos y especies anidantes ocurrió en marzo. Hubo diez huevos en seis nidos y cinco especies, diez nidos con pollos de ocho especies y cuatro pollos de dos especies (Columbina talpacoti y Sicalis flaveola) fueron exitosos. Treinta nidos correspondientes a 16 especies fracasaron, la mayor cantidad se dio en la etapa de construcción. Hubo depredadores, poda, abandono, desapariciones, vientos y sequía que aunados a la población humana , especie de planta donde se construyeron los nidos, su ubicación en la Universidad, disponibilidad de alimento y la contaminación citadina, tuvieron algo que ver en el éxito o fracaso de los eventos reproductivos. Todos los nidos se ubicaron de 1.70 a 8.00 metros de altura, la mayoría (60.60%) estuvo entre 2.00 y 4.80 metros. Myiozetetes similis, el mayor constructor, tendió a establecerlos en elevaciones medias y altas. Las dimensiones de los nidos presentaron variaciones amplias. Al finalizar las observaciones quedaron seis nidos activos, con polluelos y correspondientes a cuatro especies. &nbsp

    On the order of an automorphism of a smooth hypersurface

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    In this paper we give an effective criterion as to when a positive integer q is the order of an automorphism of a smooth hypersurface of dimension n and degree d, for every d>2, n>1, (n,d)\neq (2,4), and \gcd(q,d)=\gcd(q,d-1)=1. This allows us to give a complete criterion in the case where q=p is a prime number. In particular, we show the following result: If X is a smooth hypersurface of dimension n and degree d admitting an automorphism of prime order p then p(d-1)^n then X is isomorphic to the Klein hypersurface, n=2 or n+2 is prime, and p=\Phi_{n+2}(1-d) where \Phi_{n+2} is the (n+2)-th cyclotomic polynomial. Finally, we provide some applications to intermediate jacobians of Klein hypersurfaces

    Estenosis aórtica severa: ¿qué ves cuando me ves?

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    Aortic stenosis is the most frequent valve disease in the world and its incidence increases with the aging of the population. The echocardiogram is a useful tool for the non-invasive evaluation of patients with aortic valve stenosis in all its stages of evolution.La estenosis aórtica es la valvulopatía más frecuente en el mundo y su incidencia se incrementa con el envejecimiento de la población. El ecocardiograma es una herramienta útil para la evaluación no invasiva de pacientes con estenosis valvular aórtica en todas sus fases de evolución

    Impact of antiviral treatment and hospital admission delay on risk of death associated with 2009 A/H1N1 pandemic influenza in Mexico

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    Background Increasing our understanding of the factors affecting the severity of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in different regions of the world could lead to improved clinical practice and mitigation strategies for future influenza pandemics. Even though a number of studies have shed light into the risk factors associated with severe outcomes of 2009 A/H1N1 influenza infections in different populations (e.g., [1-5]), analyses of the determinants of mortality risk spanning multiple pandemic waves and geographic regions are scarce. Between-country differences in the mortality burden of the 2009 pandemic could be linked to differences in influenza case management, underlying population health, or intrinsic differences in disease transmission [6]. Additional studies elucidating the determinants of disease severity globally are warranted to guide prevention efforts in future influenza pandemics. In Mexico, the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic was characterized by a three-wave pattern occurring in the spring, summer, and fall of 2009 with substantial geographical heterogeneity [7]. A recent study suggests that Mexico experienced high excess mortality burden during the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic relative to other countries [6]. However, an assessment of potential factors that contributed to the relatively high pandemic death toll in Mexico are lacking. Here, we fill this gap by analyzing a large series of laboratory-confirmed A/H1N1 influenza cases, hospitalizations, and deaths monitored by the Mexican Social Security medical system during April 1 through December 31, 2009 in Mexico. In particular, we quantify the association between disease severity, hospital admission delays, and neuraminidase inhibitor use by demographic characteristics, pandemic wave, and geographic regions of Mexico. Methods We analyzed a large series of laboratory-confirmed pandemic A/H1N1 influenza cases from a prospective surveillance system maintained by the Mexican Social Security system, April-December 2009. We considered a spectrum of disease severity encompassing outpatient visits, hospitalizations, and deaths, and recorded demographic and geographic information on individual patients. We assessed the impact of neuraminidase inhibitor treatment and hospital admission delay (≤ \u3e 2 days after disease onset) on the risk of death by multivariate logistic regression. Results Approximately 50% of all A/H1N1-positive patients received antiviral medication during the Spring and Summer 2009 pandemic waves in Mexico while only 9% of A/H1N1 cases received antiviral medications during the fall wave (P \u3c 0.0001). After adjustment for age, gender, and geography, antiviral treatment significantly reduced the risk of death (OR = 0.52 (95% CI: 0.30, 0.90)) while longer hospital admission delays increased the risk of death by 2.8-fold (95% CI: 2.25, 3.41). Conclusions Our findings underscore the potential impact of decreasing admission delays and increasing antiviral use to mitigate the mortality burden of future influenza pandemics

    Resonant states in an attractive one dimensional cusp potential

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    We solve the two-component Dirac equation in the presence of a spatially one dimensional symmetric attractive cusp potential. The components of the spinor solution are expressed in terms of Whittaker functions. We compute the bound states solutions and show that, as the potential amplitude increases, the lowest energy state sinks into the Dirac sea becoming a resonance. We characterize and compute the lifetime of the resonant state with the help of the phase shift and the Breit-Wigner relation. We discuss the limit when the cusp potential reduces to a delta point interaction.Comment: 11 pages. To appear in Physica Script

    “They don’t trust us; they don’t care if we’re attacked”: trust and risk perception in Mexican journalism

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    Drawing from 93 semi-structured, in-person interviews with journalists from 23 states, this article analyzes the relation between trust and risk perception in Mexican journalism. It focuses on how Mexican journalists perceive and experience public trust placed in them as social actors, and how it influences their willingness or reluctance to assume the risks associated with reporting on corruption and drug-trafficking in a country marked by anti-press violence. The findings challenge previous studies as they show that journalists from all regions of the country –even in the so-called safe states– are fearful, even when they have not been victims of threats, beatings or kidnappings. Also, it explains that the connection between institutions and journalism makes news workers feel unprotected and unaccompanied. As a result, they accept self-censorship and even express a willingness to resign. Thus, this article surpasses the social, spatial and temporal delimitations of risk, by arguing that distrust in journalists increases the dangers they face