42 research outputs found

    Participación de la sociedad civil representativa en el desarrollo social de Trujillo metropolitano

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la participación de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo social de Trujillo Metropolitano. Durante la investigación se buscó que exista una influencia de la participación de la sociedad civil organizada en el desarrollo de la ciudad, la hipótesis de investigación fue: La participación ciudadana influye significativamente en el desarrollo de Trujillo metropolitano- 2015. La muestra seleccionada fue de 100 encuestados entre dirigentes de la sociedad civil, trabajadores y funcionarios de las entidades públicas, las técnicas utilizadas fueron la encuesta y la observación participativa, los instrumento que se usó son dos cuestionarios

    Grado de valoración de la población aledaña al patrimonio arqueológico Chan Chan

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    La investigación trata de describir y explicar la problemática y el grado de la valoración, conocimiento e identidad al patrimonio Arqueológico Chan Chan por parte de la población que se encuentra ubicada en alrededores del monumento. El artículo pretende que el estado, los pobladores, lleguen a valorar, conocer y proteger el patrimonio cultural de la humanidad Chan Chan. Se aplicó encuesta a 495   pobladores de la zona del entorno, asimismo se entrevistó a 7 especialistas entre arqueólogos, conservadores, historiadores, antropólogos, docentes universitarios. Del análisis de los resultados de la investigación se ha determinado por parte de pobladores de la zona aledaña, los grados de valoración, del conocimiento y de identificación son bajos, esta determinación está sustentada en los resultados de la encuesta, con las opiniones de nuestros entrevistados, así como las opiniones de los dirigentes recogidos en las visitas realizadas a la comunidad y las conversaciones con los funcionarios y trabajadores del Proyecto Chan Chan

    Programa Presupuestal Formación Universitaria de Pregrado y calidad de la formación profesional en la Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, 2019

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    La investigación se plantea el objetivo, determinar la relación entre el Programa Presupuestal formación universitaria de pregrado y calidad de la formación profesional en la Universidad Nacional de Ucayali; el tipo de estudio es aplicado; el diseño es correlacional transaccional; el método fue descriptivo; el método de muestreo es probabilístico con una muestra de 264 estudiantes, 166 docentes, 49 autoridades universitarias y 22 funcionarios administrativos; los instrumentos fueron cuestionarios, la confiabilidad se utilizó coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, la variable 1,  0,809 y variable 2 0,851. La conclusión principal, indica que el programa presupuestal formación universitaria de pregrado tiene correlación positiva moderada (Rho= 0,566) y altamente significativa (p-valor= 0,000) con la calidad de la formación profesional en la Universidad Nacional Ucayali, 2019. Las conclusiones específicas fueron: Desempeño docente con adecuadas competencias, infraestructura y equipamiento adecuado, programas curriculares adecuados y servicios adecuados de apoyo al estudiante, todas tienen una correlación positiva alta y altamente significativa (p-valor= 0,000) con la calidad de la formación profesional

    Cancer Mortality in Older Mexican Individuals (2000 – 2010)

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    Objective: Given the trends in aging worldwide, in Mexico, we determined trends in adjusted mortality rates due to cancer and 11 cancer subtypes in older individuals (>65 years) from 2000 to 2010. Methods: For this retrospective study, we collected data on mortality due to cancer from the registries of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography. Adjusted rates were calculated with a direct method based on the world standard population. Trend analysis was performed with a linear regression of the natural logarithm of the adjusted rate, and trends were evaluated with the Student´s t test. Results: During the studied period, the cancer mortality rates significantly declined from 630.21 to 573.03 (per 100,000 inhabitants) in the overall population. Similar declines were observed in women (from 548.81 to 490.09) and men (from 726.03 to 672.94). Significant declines in mortality rates were observed across several cancer subtypes, including esophageal, gastric, colorectal-anal, liver-biliary, pancreatic, and tracheal-bronchial-lung cancers. Significant increases in mortality rates were observed in colorectal and breast cancer, but no changes were observed in mortality rates due to prostate, ovarian, bladder, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancers. Conclusion: Mortality due to cancer in older Mexicans was lower than that observed in developed countries, and it significantly declined over the study period. Men had higher mortality rates than women. The highest mortality rates were due to breast and prostate cancer subtypes in older individuals

    Cancer Mortality in Older Mexican Individuals (2000 – 2010)

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    The article shows the trends of cancer mortality in older mexican individuals during the period from 2000 to 201

    Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review

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    Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic and painful condition that affects the quality of life of patients. It is usually triggered by a traumatic event of the soft tissues involving the nervous tissue. Although the factors that cause the syndrome are varied and not well known, different etiopathologic concepts have been proposed to explain the presence of this syndrome, such as autonomic dysfunction and changes in CNS plasticity, among others. The patient characteristically presents pain, sensory abnormalities, vasomotor disturbances in the skin, edema, changes in sweating, and motor alterations. The pain is associated with changes in the autonomic nervous system and has a distal predominance. Since there is no definitive diagnostic test, diagnosis is mainly based on a complete medical history and physical examination. Treatment is multidisciplinary and based on pain relief. Although in most cases evolution is favorable, rapid diagnosis and treatment are recommended to avoid dystrophic stage as much as possibl

    Optimization of factors that influence the “settlement” of the concrete in mixer transport

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    The research seeks to determine the relationship of the settlement as a parameter of the quality of the concrete, with the volume and pressure of the manometer of the concrete mixer truck, by means of a multiple linear regression model in a concrete manufacturing company. A regression model was generated where the variables volume of the mixer and pressure turned out to be statistically significant (p value < 0.05), the linear correlation coefficient was 72.4% which speaks well of the level of relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable, in addition the average forecast error was 0.0000003 following the model residuals a normal distribution, p value of the KolmogorovSmirnov test was 0.5913, therefore the model has good behavior at the time to correctly forecast the value of the settlement. The model will allow an approximate estimation of the settlement behavior

    Isolated HBsAg positivity in a Mexican patient with newly diagnosed lupus nephritis

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    Abstract Introduction: Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is usually regarded as a marker of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The concurrence of lupus nephritis (LN) and HBsAg-positivity is a challenge for the clinician, since immunosuppressant use may be associated with an increase in viral replication and an exacerbation of liver disease. Case presentation: Here, we describe the case of a 30-year-old Mexican woman with newly diagnosed focal proliferative LN who also tested repeatedly positive for HBsAg by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA). She had no clinical features of hepatitis and her liver function tests were within normal limits. Her abdominal ultrasound was also normal. While waiting for further results, she was started on lamivudine (100 mg daily). However, total HBV core antibody test was negative. Owing to the infrequency of this serological pattern, an in vitro polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was performed and HBV was not detected. Overall, we interpreted these results as a false-positive screening. Methylprednisolone pulse therapy was subsequently given (1 g daily for three doses) without hepatic repercussion, neither clinically nor biochemically. Conclusions: Isolated HBsAg positivity may result from multiple causes, one of which is crossreactivity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a false-positive reading using CMIA technique in an active lupus patient. It is reasonable to stress that lupus patients with a positive screening for HBV should undergo a confirmatory assay (such as genomic detection), since this diagnosis may have important therapeutic implications. � 2016 Egyptian Society of Rheumatic Diseases. Publishing services provided by Elsevier. B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/