400 research outputs found

    Frustration driven structural distortion in VOMoO4

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), magnetization measurements and electronic structure calculations in VOMoO4 are presented. It is found that VOMoO4 is a frustrated two-dimensional antiferromagnet on a square lattice with competing exchange interactions along the side J1 and the diagonal J2 of the square. From magnetization measurements J1+J2 is estimated around 155 K, in satisfactory agreement with the values derived from electronic structure calculations. Around 100 K a structural distortion, possibly driven by the frustration, is evidenced. This distortion induces significant modifications in the NMR and EPR spectra which can be accounted for by valence fluctuations. The analysis of the spectra suggests that the size of the domains where the lattice is distorted progressively grows as the temperature approaches the transition to the magnetic ground state at Tc=42 K

    On formal verification of arithmetic-based cryptographic primitives

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    Cryptographic primitives are fundamental for information security: they are used as basic components for cryptographic protocols or public-key cryptosystems. In many cases, their security proofs consist in showing that they are reducible to computationally hard problems. Those reductions can be subtle and tedious, and thus not easily checkable. On top of the proof assistant Coq, we had implemented in previous work a toolbox for writing and checking game-based security proofs of cryptographic primitives. In this paper we describe its extension with number-theoretic capabilities so that it is now possible to write and check arithmetic-based cryptographic primitives in our toolbox. We illustrate our work by machine checking the game-based proofs of unpredictability of the pseudo-random bit generator of Blum, Blum and Shub, and semantic security of the public-key cryptographic scheme of Goldwasser and Micali.Comment: 13 page

    Contribution of pulsars to the gamma-ray background and their observation with the space telescopes GLAST and AGILE

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    Luminosities and uxes of the expected population of galactic gamma-ray pulsars become foreseeable if physical distributions at birth and evolutive history are assigned. In this work we estimate the contribution of pulsar uxes to the gamma-ray background, which has been measured by the EGRET experiment on board of the CGRO. For pulsar luminosities we select some of the most important gamma-ray emission models, taking into account both polar cap and outer gap scenarios. We nd that this contribution strongly depends upon controversial neutron star birth properties. A comparison between our simulation results and EGRET data is presented for each model, nding an average contribution of about 10%. In addition, we perform the calculation of the number of new gamma-ray pulsars detectable by GLAST and AGILE, showing a remarkable di erence between the two classes of models. Finally, we suggest some improvements in the numerical code, including more sophisticated galactic m odels and di erent populations of pulsars like binaries, milliseconds, anomalous pulsars and magnetars.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    Population statistics study of radio and gamma-ray pulsars in the Galactic plane

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    We present results of our pulsar population synthesis of ordinary isolated and millisecond pulsars in the Galactic plane. Over the past several years, a program has been developed to simulate pulsar birth, evolution and emission using Monte Carlo techniques. We have added to the program the capability to simulate millisecond pulsars, which are old, recycled pulsars with extremely short periods. We model the spatial distribution of the simulated pulsars by assuming that they start with a random kick velocity and then evolve through the Galactic potential. We use a polar cap/slot gap model for Îł\gamma-ray emission from both millisecond and ordinary pulsars. From our studies of radio pulsars that have clearly identifiable core and cone components, in which we fit the polarization sweep as well as the pulse profiles in order to constrain the viewing geometry, we develop a model describing the ratio of radio core-to-cone peak fluxes. In this model, short period pulsars are more cone-dominated than in our previous studies. We present the preliminary results of our recent study and the implications for observing these pulsars with GLAST and AGILE.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Formalizing Size-Optimal Sorting Networks: Extracting a Certified Proof Checker

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    Since the proof of the four color theorem in 1976, computer-generated proofs have become a reality in mathematics and computer science. During the last decade, we have seen formal proofs using verified proof assistants being used to verify the validity of such proofs. In this paper, we describe a formalized theory of size-optimal sorting networks. From this formalization we extract a certified checker that successfully verifies computer-generated proofs of optimality on up to 8 inputs. The checker relies on an untrusted oracle to shortcut the search for witnesses on more than 1.6 million NP-complete subproblems.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Binary pattern tile set synthesis is NP-hard

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    In the field of algorithmic self-assembly, a long-standing unproven conjecture has been that of the NP-hardness of binary pattern tile set synthesis (2-PATS). The kk-PATS problem is that of designing a tile assembly system with the smallest number of tile types which will self-assemble an input pattern of kk colors. Of both theoretical and practical significance, kk-PATS has been studied in a series of papers which have shown kk-PATS to be NP-hard for k=60k = 60, k=29k = 29, and then k=11k = 11. In this paper, we close the fundamental conjecture that 2-PATS is NP-hard, concluding this line of study. While most of our proof relies on standard mathematical proof techniques, one crucial lemma makes use of a computer-assisted proof, which is a relatively novel but increasingly utilized paradigm for deriving proofs for complex mathematical problems. This tool is especially powerful for attacking combinatorial problems, as exemplified by the proof of the four color theorem by Appel and Haken (simplified later by Robertson, Sanders, Seymour, and Thomas) or the recent important advance on the Erd\H{o}s discrepancy problem by Konev and Lisitsa using computer programs. We utilize a massively parallel algorithm and thus turn an otherwise intractable portion of our proof into a program which requires approximately a year of computation time, bringing the use of computer-assisted proofs to a new scale. We fully detail the algorithm employed by our code, and make the code freely available online

    Spin-Dependent Cyclotron Decay Rates in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    Cyclotron decay and absorption rates have been well studied in the literature, focusing primarily on spectral, angular and polarization dependence. Astrophysical applications usually do not require retention of information on the electron spin state, and these are normally averaged in obtaining the requisite rates. In magnetic fields, higher order quantum processes such as Compton scattering become resonant at the cyclotron frequency and its harmonics, with the resonances being formally divergent. Such divergences are usually eliminated by accounting for the finite lifetimes of excited Landau states. This practice requires the use of spin-dependent cyclotron rates in order to obtain accurate determinations of process rates very near cyclotronic resonances, the phase space domain most relevant for certain applications to pulsar models. This paper develops previous results in the literature to obtain compact analytic expressions for cyclotron decay rates/widths in terms of a series of Legendre functions of the second kind; these expressions can be expediently used in astrophysical models. The rates are derived using two popular eigenstate formalisms, namely that due to Sokolov and Ternov, and that due to Johnson and Lippmann. These constitute two sets of eigenfunctions of the Dirac equation that diagonalize different operators, and accordingly yield different spin-dependent cyclotron rates. This paper illustrates the attractive Lorentz transformation characteristics of the Sokolov and Ternov formulation, which is another reason why it is preferable when electron spin information must be explicitly retained.Comment: 11 pages, 2 embedded figures, apjgalley format, To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol 630, September 1, 2005 issu

    Compton Scattering in Ultra-Strong Magnetic Fields: Numerical and Analytical Behavior in the Relativistic Regime

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    This paper explores the effects of strong magnetic fields on the Compton scattering of relativistic electrons. Recent studies of upscattering and energy loss by relativistic electrons that have used the non-relativistic, magnetic Thomson cross section for resonant scattering or the Klein-Nishina cross section for non-resonant scattering do not account for the relativistic quantum effects of strong fields (>4Ă—1012 > 4 \times 10^{12} G). We have derived a simplified expression for the exact QED scattering cross section for the broadly-applicable case where relativistic electrons move along the magnetic field. To facilitate applications to astrophysical models, we have also developed compact approximate expressions for both the differential and total polarization-dependent cross sections, with the latter representing well the exact total QED cross section even at the high fields believed to be present in environments near the stellar surfaces of Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters and Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars. We find that strong magnetic fields significantly lower the Compton scattering cross section below and at the resonance, when the incident photon energy exceeds mec2m_ec^2 in the electron rest frame. The cross section is strongly dependent on the polarization of the final scattered photon. Below the cyclotron fundamental, mostly photons of perpendicular polarization are produced in scatterings, a situation that also arises above this resonance for sub-critical fields. However, an interesting discovery is that for super-critical fields, a preponderance of photons of parallel polarization results from scatterings above the cyclotron fundamental. This characteristic is both a relativistic and magnetic effect not present in the Thomson or Klein-Nishina limits.Comment: AASTeX format, 31 pages included 7 embedded figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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