8 research outputs found


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    High altitude (3200 m) 22-day study (12 practically healthy male volunteers, age 21-24, height 168-175 cm, weight 62-67 kg) showed that the use of hypercapnic gas mixtures for breathing revealed an increase in pulmonary ventilation with an increase in the duration of stay in the highlands. The resting heart rate was constant during all period of high altitude adaptation.Проведённые в условиях высокогорья (3200 м) исследования с участием 12 практически здоровых мужчин-добровольцев в возрасте 21-24 лет, ростом 168-175 см, весом 62-67 кг длительностью 22 суток, показали, что применение гиперкапнических газовых смесей для дыхания позволило выявить нарастание лёгочной вентиляции с увеличением срока пребывания в горах. Не менялась частота пульса обследуемых в покое во все сроки высокогорной адаптации

    Changes in the Profile of Urine Proteins Associated with the Cardiovascular System in a Group of Healthy Young Men in Response to a Locomotor Test with a Stepwise Increasing Load

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    Abstract: The prospects of interplanetary missions make it relevant to develop standard tests to find criteria for the correction of preventive measures in a long space flight in order to ensure a peak in physical performance by the time the interplanetary activity is completed. Currently, tests are being developed to assess physical performance. One of them can be the currently developed locomotor test with a stepwise increasing load in the active mode of movement of the treadmill. It is of interest to assess the effect of this load on changes in the profile of proteins associated with the cardiovascular system from the standpoint of the possibility of using them as markers of its response to physical activity. In article analyzes the results of an experimental study of the proteome of human urine after a dosed step-increasing load and discusses the possible role of the identified proteins that can be attributed to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The study involved practically healthy volunteers aged 18.6 ± 0.7 years, weighing 75.7 ± 8 kg (n = 12). The urine proteome was evaluated by chromatography-mass spectrometry and analyzed by bioinformatics methods. For the first time, data on the proteomic response to a locomotor test with a stepwise increasing load in the active mode of web movement in a group homogeneous in autonomic status are presented. As a result of the analysis, 429 proteins were identified, 69 of which significantly changed. Based on bioinformatics analysis, processes related to the work of the heart, vascular tone, and vascular permeability were identified. Ten proteins are described that are associated with the processes of the quick response of the cardiovascular system to dosed physical activity. The obtained results will help in choosing standard criteria for assessing the physiological cost of physical activity. © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Self-help countermeasure strategies for populations living within contaminated areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine

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    Countermeasures have been effectively employed within intensive agricultural systems in areas of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) affected by the Chernobyl accident. However, ingestion doses continue to be elevated in some areas as are sult of few foodstuffs which are collected from the wild or produced by the household. Forest fungi and berries, and milk from privately owned cattle are the most notable contributors to 137Cs intakes amongst these foodstuffs. In this paper we consider advice which would help affected populations to both understand the importance of these exposure routes and to reduce their exposure. In addition to the potential radiological benefits, self-help schemes are highly cost-effective and likely to have a positive psychological influence on populations living within contaminated areas of the FSU. Evidence to suggest that the transfer of radiocaesium to cow milk is considerably higher in the FSU than within western Europe and North America is discussed

    Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Miocene of the Taman Peninsula: Part 1. Description of key sections and benthic fossil groups

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    Modeling of uniformity of treatment of coatings with anti-icing liquid reagent

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