3 research outputs found
The Heterogeneous State and Legal Pluralism in Mozambique
- Author
- Aguiar Chaves de
- Alexander Jocelyn
- Ayittey George B. N.
- Bayart Jean-Francois
- Benda-Beckmann Franz
- Benda-Beckmann Franz
- Boaventura Sousa Santos
- Braganca Aquino
- Centro de Estudos Africanos
- Chanock Martin
- Chiba Masaji
- Chichava Jose Antonio
- Chingono Mark
- Copans Jean
- Cuahela Ambrosio
- Darian-Smith Eve
- Dezalay Yves
- Dijk Rijk van
- Dinerman Alice
- Ela Jean-Marc
- Ennes Antonio
- Esteva Gustavo
- Fisiy Cyprian
- Fitzpatrick Peter
- Francisco Antonio A. S.
- Galanter Marc
- Geffray Christian
- Gentili Anna Maria
- Ghai Yash
- Goncalves Cota Jose
- Goncalves Cota Jose
- Griffiths John
- Gundersen Aase
- Hall Margaret
- Honwana Alcina
- Hooker M. Barry
- Isaacman Allen
- Khatibi Abdelkebir
- Ki-Zerbo Francoise
- Klug Heinz
- Klug Heinz
- Lippman Matthew
- Lopes Manoel M.
- Mamdani Mahmood
- Mamdani Mahmood
- Mappa Sophia
- Mbembe Achille
- Mbembe Achille
- Meneses Maria Paula
- Meneses Maria Paula
- Merry Sally
- Minter William
- Moiane Eugenio
- Mondlane Eduardo C.
- Mondlane Luis A.
- Monteiro Oscar
- Moore Sally F.
- Moore Sally F.
- Moore Sally F.
- Nader Laura
- Nader Laura
- Ndegwa Stephen N.
- Negrao Jose
- Panikkar Raimon
- Panikkar Raimon
- Penvenne Jeanne
- Randeria Shalini
- Roy Etienne
- Sachs Albie
- Sanchez Beatriz E.
- Santos Boaventura de Sousa
- Santos Boaventura de Sousa
- Santos Boaventura de Sousa
- Santos Boaventura de Sousa
- Sheth Dhirubhai L.
- Starr June
- Tamanaha Brian
- Tate Neal
- Teubner Gunther
- Tie Warwick
- Trindade Joao Carlos
- Twining William
- Vail Leroy
- Werbner Richard
- Williamson John
- Young Crawford
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/03/2006
- Field of study
This article analyzes some of the most salient features of the state and the legal system in Mozambique. I propose the concept of the heterogeneous state to highlight the breakdown of the modern equation between the unity of the state, on the one hand, and the unity of its legal and administrative operation, on the other. The centrality of legal pluralism is analyzed in light of an empirical research focused on community courts and traditional authorities. I use the concept of legal hybridization with the purpose of showing the porosity of the boundaries of the different legal orders and cultures in Mozambique and the deep cross-fertilizations or cross-contaminations among them. Special attention is given to the multicultural plurality resulting from the interaction between modern law and traditional law, the latter conceived here as an alternative modernity
Endocannabinoid influence in drug reinforcement, dependence and addiction-related behaviors
- Author
- Aceto
- Adamczyk
- Adamczyk
- Adams
- Adermark
- Adermark
- Agrawal
- Aguiar
- Ahn
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- Alvarez-Jaimes
- Alvarez-Jaimes
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- Antonia Serrano
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- Ashton
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- Basavarajappa
- Basavarajappa
- Basavarajappa
- Basavarajappa
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- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Endocannabinoid-mediated synaptic plasticity and addiction-related behavior
- Author
- Adamczyk
- Adamczyk
- Adermark
- Adermark
- Ahn
- Alen
- Alger
- Alling
- Alvarez-Jaimes
- Anggadiredja
- Annis
- Arevalo
- Aronne
- Ashton
- Ashton
- Aso
- Azad
- Bambico
- Barna
- Batkai
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- Bisogno
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- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study