419 research outputs found

    When Shape Matters: correcting the ICFs to derive the chemical abundances of bipolar and elliptical PNe

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    The extraction of chemical abundances of ionised nebulae from a limited spectral range is usually hampered by the lack of emission lines corresponding to certain ionic stages. So far, the missing emission lines have been accounted for by the ionisation correction factors (ICFs), constructed under simplistic assumptions like spherical geometry by using 1-D photoionisation modelling. In this contribution we discuss the results (Goncalves et al. 2011, in prep.) of our ongoing project to find a new set of ICFs to determine total abundances of N, O, Ne, Ar, and S, with optical spectra, in the case of non-spherical PNe. These results are based on a grid of 3-D photoionisation modelling of round, elliptical and bipolar shaped PNe, spanning the typical PN luminosities, effective temperatures and densities. We show that the additional corrections --to the widely used Kingsburgh and Barlow (1994) ICFs-- are always higher for bipolars than for ellipticals. Moreover, these additional corrections are, for bipolars, up to: 17% for oxygen, 33% for nitrogen, 40% for neon, 28% for argon and 50% for sulphur. Finally, on top of the fact that corrections change greatly with shape, they vary also greatly with the central star temperature, while the luminosity is a less important parameter.Comment: Oral contribution (4 pages, 2 figures) to IAU Symposium 283: "Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future" held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain in July 25th-29th 201

    Avaliação da atratividade em fotografias totais e parciais da face

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    Tese de Mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2014INTRODUÇÃO: A evolução do estudo da estética facial tem levado ao surgimento de cada vez mais disciplinas para o estudo da beleza, como a ortodontia. O objetivo deste estudo é o de estabelecer uma relação entre as avaliações da atratividade de componentes da face com a avaliação da atratividade global da face. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Um conjunto de oito avaliadores leigos avaliou, através de uma escala visual analógica, uma fotografia de frente a sorrir de 60 indivíduos, 30 de cada sexo, bem como sete partes da mesma face nomeadamente o sorriso, o nariz, os olhos, o cabelo, o mento, as sobrancelhas e a pele. A análise estatística incluiu a estatística descritiva, a análise de Shapiro-Wilk, a correlação de Pearson e a regressão Stepwise. Esta análise foi feita para a mostra total e para a amostra dividida por género. RESULTADOS: A correlação de Pearson, foi significativa na correlação entre: imagem do sorriso e face completa, pele e mento, sobrancelhas e o nariz, sobrancelhas e cabelo, pele e sorriso, pele e cabelo e pele e sobrancelhas. Por género, a correlação de Pearson indicou que o subgrupo dos indivíduos do sexo masculino tinha maior correlação da face total com a imagem do sorriso (r=0,70) e com os olhos (r=0,51). No sexo feminino a face total tinha correlação significativa com o sorriso (r=0,83) e com a pele (r=0,37) DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÃO: A correlação do sorriso com a face foi estatisticamente significativa (R=0,71). Houve diferenças entre a avaliação de homens e mulheres, sendo que no sexo masculino, para a avaliação da atratividade global da face a sorrir, foram relevantes não só o sorriso mas também os olhos e o cabelo, enquanto que para o sexo feminino apenas foi relevante o sorriso, que neste caso explica 69% da variabilidade na atratividade de toda a face a sorrir.INTRODUCTION: Orthodontics, as other subjects, has been one of the products of the pursue for beauty. The objective of this study is to establish a relation between the evaluation of components of attractiveness of the face with the attractiveness evaluation of the face as a whole. MATERIAL AND METHODS: a panel of eight laysperson evaluated, using a visual analogic scale, a photograph of a face smiling from 60 different individuals, 30 of each sex, and also seven images obtained from the same face – smile, nose, eyes, hair, chin, eye-brows and skin. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk analysis, Pearsons’s correlation e Stepwise regression. This was done for the entire sample and for the sample divided by genre. RESULTS: The correlation of Pearson was significant between: picture of the smile and of the complete face, skin and chin, eyebrows and nose, eyebrows and hair, skin and smile, skin and hair, and skin and eyebrows. By gender, the correlation of Pearson indicated that the subgroup of individuals of the masculine sex had a higher correlation of the total face with the picture of the smile (r=0,70) and with the eyes (r=0,51). With the feminine sex, the face had a significant correlation with the smile (r=0,83) and the skin (r=0,37). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The correlation between the face and smile was statistically significant (R=0,71). Men and women’s evaluation differed, since the first, for the evaluation of global facial attractiveness while smiling, were important not only the smile but also eyes and hair, while for women the smile was relevant. This explains the 69% variation of the attractiveness of the face as a whole, while smiling

    Perícia contábil judicial : uma análise das principais causas da não homologação dos laudos apresentados pelos peritos judiciais na fase de liquidação de sentença

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    A fase de liquidação de sentença de um processo judicial consiste na etapa em que, com base nas decisões proferidas por um juiz de direito, são quantificados e mensurados monetariamente os reflexos de uma decisão. Nesse sentido, em ações da esfera cível ajuizadas por clientes insatisfeitos contra instituições financeiras, o magistrado costuma nomear um Perito Contador, de sua confiança, para executar tal tarefa. Além disso, as partes litigantes também podem requisitar a nomeação de Assistentes para participar e acompanhar este processo. Nessa sintonia, o objetivo deste trabalho é descobrir quais as principais causas combatidas pelos Peritos Assistentes que resultam na não homologação dos laudos apresentados pelos Peritos Judiciais em fase de liquidação de sentença. No que diz respeito aos procedimentos metodológicos adotados, a pesquisa se caracteriza como qualitativa, descritiva e documental. Para a análise dos dados, foi extraída uma amostra, com base em amostragem aleatória simples, de uma população de processos nos quais determinado escritório de perícia contábil atua como Assistente Técnico. Após, filtrou-se a amostra para selecionar apenas aqueles casos nos quais o laudo pericial elaborado em sede de liquidação de sentença não foi homologado pelo magistrado. Então, foram identificados e ilustrados por meio de processos judiciais representativos os motivos que levaram à necessidade de retificação dos trabalhos periciais. Ante às conclusões alcançadas, constatou-se que, apesar de o profissional nomeado pelo juiz ser dominador da matéria, é imprescindível a participação de agentes que confiram o trabalho, uma vez que o Perito não está imune de cometer equívocos.The liquidation phase of a judicial proceeding consists of the stage at which, based on the decisions given by a court of law, the reflexes of a decision are quantified and measured monetarily. In this sense, in actions of the civil sphere filed by dissatisfied clients against financial institutions, the magistrate usually appoint an Expert Accountant, of his confidence, to carry out such task. In addition, litigants may also request the appointment of Assistants to participate and monitor this process. In this line, the objective of this work is to find out the main causes faced by the Assistant Experts that result in the non-approval of the reports presented by the Judicial Experts in the liquidation of sentence. With regard to the methodological procedures adopted, the research is characterized as qualitative, descriptive and documentary. For the analysis of the data, a sample, based on simple random sampling, was extracted from a population of processes in which a certain accountancy office acts as Technical Assistant. Afterwards, the sample was filtered to select only those cases in which the expert report prepared in the liquidation of sentence was not approved by the magistrate. Therefore, the reasons that led to the need to rectify the expert work were identified and illustrated through representative judicial processes. The conclusion reached was that, although the professional appointed by the judge is dominant in the matter, it is essential the participation of agents who confine the work, since the expert is not immune to running into mistakes

    Dispersion of Magnetic Fields in Molecular Clouds. III

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    We apply our technique on the dispersion of magnetic fields in molecular clouds to high spatial resolution Submillimeter Array polarization data obtained for Orion KL in OMC-1, IRAS 16293, and NGC 1333 IRAS 4A. We show how one can take advantage of such high resolution data to characterize the magnetized turbulence power spectrum in the inertial and dissipation ranges. For Orion KL we determine that in the inertial range the spectrum can be approximately fitted with a power law k^-(2.9\pm0.9) and we report a value of 9.9 mpc for {\lambda}_AD, the high spatial frequency cutoff presumably due to turbulent ambipolar diffusion. For the same parameters we have \sim k^-(1.4\pm0.4) and a tentative value of {\lambda}_AD \simeq 2.2 mpc for NGC 1333 IRAS 4A, and \sim k^-(1.8\pm0.3) with an upper limit of {\lambda}_AD < 1.8 mpc for IRAS 16293. We also discuss the application of the technique to interferometry measurements and the effects of the inherent spatial filtering process on the interpretation of the results.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa


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    O Sistema Aquífero Urucuia representa um manancial estratégico no oeste baiano. Seu fluxo de base é responsável pela vazão dos principais afluentes da margem esquerda do rio São Francisco no período de estiagem, entre eles o rio Grande, seu principal afluente na Bahia. Este trabalho foca na simulação numérica em regime permanente, utilizando o método dos elementos finitos empregado no algoritmo computacional FEFLOW. Os resultados da simulação numérica evidenciaram um modelo conceitual simplificado que inclui: fluxo nulo nos limites do platô e na base do aquífero; descarga de água subterrânea nas drenagens que cortam o aquífero e que este é livre em toda a sua extensão; uma discrepância hidráulica entre as porções oeste e leste e heterogeneidade hidráulica desta última, sendo distribuídas quatro grandes zonas de condutividade hidráulica variando de 1x10-5 m/s a 5x10-4 m/s; e taxas de recarga média variando aproximadamente de 20% a 25% da precipitação média nas zonas de recarga. O balanço hídrico calculado apresenta um valor de saída de 2,37x107m³/dia. O estudo confirma a grande parcela de contribuição do Sistema Aquífero Urucuia para a vazão dos rios e a influência do embasamento na porção oeste, com provável drenança de uma parcela do fluxo do aquífero

    Are cognitive interventions for multiple sclerosis effective and feasible?

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    Purpose: Fifty percent of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are estimated to have cognitive impairments leading to considerable decline in productivity and quality of life. Cognitive intervention has been considered to complement pharmacological treatments. However, a lack of agreement concerning the efficacy of cognitive interventions in MS still exists. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to assess the effects of cognitive interventions in MS. Methods: To overcome limitations of previous meta-analyses, several databases were searched only for Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) with low risk of bias. Results: Five studies (total of 139 participants) met our eligibility criteria. Although good completion and adherence rates were evident, we found no evidence of intervention effects on cognition or mood in post-intervention or follow-up assessments. Conclusions: This is the first meta-analysis assessing the effects of cognitive intervention in MS including only RCTs with comparable conditions. Research regarding efficacy, cost-effectiveness and feasibility is still in its infancy. Caution is advised when interpreting these results due to the small number of RCTs meeting the inclusion criteria. Considering the costs of disease, good completion and adherence rates of this approach, further research is warranted. Recommendations concerning improved research practices in the field are presented as well.R.M. and J.A. are supported by doctoral Grants from Fundac¸ao para a Ci ˜ encia e Tecnologia (FCT) ˆ (SFRH/BD/65213/2009, SFRH/BD/64457/2009 and co-funded by FSE/POPH). A.S. is funded for the project PIC/IC/83290/2007, supported by FEDER (POFC–COMPETE) and FCT to develop and assess the effectiveness of a cognitive stimulation tool for Portuguese clinicians

    Multidisciplinary therapy of extensive oligodontia: a case report

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    Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases: 1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics, allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance.Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases: 1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics, allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance242174178A oligodontia é uma doença rara, congênita, caracterizada pela ausência de seis ou mais dentes. Este relato de caso descreve uma abordagem terapêutica multidisciplinar de um adolescente de 12 anos de idade com ausência de 11 dentes permanentes. Antes de qualquer procedimento, todos os dentes decíduos foram extraídos devido à pobre relação coroa-raiz. O plano de tratamento foi constituído por duas fases: 1. terapia ortodôntica e fonoaudiológica com o objetivo de ajuste de sobre-mordida e mordida aberta anterior, bem como melhoria da posição da língua, e 2. tratamento reabilitador protético através da instalação de próteses parciais removíveis provisórias. A abordagem multidisciplinar envolvendo os tratamentos ortodônticos, fonoaudiológico e protético reestabeleceram a função mastigatória e a estética, melhorando a autoestima e aceitação social do pacient

    Mapping the electronic structure of polypyrrole with image-based electrochemical scanning tunneling spectroscopy

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The support of this research by FAPESP (grants: 2013/07296-2, 2014/50249-8, 2015/12851-0, 2017/11986-5), Shell, CsF-PVE (99999.007708/2015-07), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and CNPq is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewedPublisher PD