100 research outputs found

    Action Evaluation Is Modulated Dominantly by Internal Sensorimotor Information and Partly by Noncausal External Cue

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    Previous studies demonstrated that human motor actions are not always monitored by perceptual awareness and that implicit motor control plays a key role in performing actions. In addition, appropriate evaluation of our own motor behavior is vital for human life. Here we combined a reaching task with a visual backward masking paradigm to induce an implicit motor response that is congruent or incongruent with the visual perception. We used this to investigate (i) how we evaluate such implicit motor response that could be inconsistent with perceptual awareness and (ii) the possible contributions of reaching error, external visual cues, and internal sensorimotor information to this evaluation. Participants were instructed, after each trial, to rate their own reaching performance on a 5-point scale (i.e., smooth – clumsy). They also needed to identify a color presented at a fixation point that could be changed just after the reaching start. The color was linked to the prime-mask congruency (i.e., congruent-green, incongruent-blue) in the practice phase, and then inconsistent pairs (congruent-blue or incongruent-green) were introduced in the test phase. We found early trajectory deviations induced by the invisible prime stimulus, and such implicit motor responses are significantly correlated with the action evaluation score. The results suggest the “conscious” action evaluation is properly monitoring online sensory outcomes derived by implicit motor control. Furthermore, statistical path analyses showed that internal sensorimotor information from the motor behavior modulated by the invisible prime was the predominant cue for the action evaluation, while the color-cue association learned in the practice phase in some cases biases the action evaluation in the test phase

    Odd Sensation Induced by Moving-Phantom which Triggers Subconscious Motor Program

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    Our motor actions are sometimes not properly performed despite our having complete understanding of the environmental situation with a suitable action intention. In most cases, insufficient skill for motor control can explain the improper performance. A notable exception is the action of stepping onto a stopped escalator, which causes clumsy movements accompanied by an odd sensation. Previous studies have examined short-term sensorimotor adaptations to treadmills and moving sleds, but the relationship between the odd sensation and behavioral properties in a real stopped-escalator situation has never been examined. Understanding this unique action-perception linkage would help us to assess the brain function connecting automatic motor controls and the conscious awareness of action. Here we directly pose a question: Does the odd sensation emerge because of the unfamiliar motor behavior itself toward the irregular step-height of a stopped escalator or as a consequence of an automatic habitual motor program cued by the escalator itself. We compared the properties of motor behavior toward a stopped escalator (SE) with those toward moving escalator and toward a wooden stairs (WS) that mimicked the stopped escalator, and analyzed the subjective feeling of the odd sensation in the SE and WS conditions. The results show that moving escalator-specific motor actions emerged after participants had stepped onto the stopped escalator despite their full awareness that it was stopped, as if the motor behavior was guided by a “phantom” of a moving escalator. Additionally, statistical analysis reveals that postural forward sway that occurred after the stepping action is directly linked with the odd sensation. The results suggest a dissociation between conscious awareness and subconscious motor control: the former makes us perfectly aware of the current environmental situation, but the latter automatically emerges as a result of highly habituated visual input no matter how unsuitable the motor control is. This dissociation appears to yield an attribution conflict, resulting in the odd sensation

    Lack of motor prediction, rather than perceptual conflict, evokes an odd sensation upon stepping onto a stopped escalator

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    When stepping onto a stopped escalator, we often perceive an “odd sensation” that is never felt when stepping onto stairs. The sight of an escalator provides a strong contextual cue that, in expectation of the backward acceleration when stepping on, triggers an anticipatory forward postural adjustment driven by a habitual and implicit motor process. Here we contrast two theories about why this postural change leads to an odd sensation. The first theory links the odd sensation to a lack of sensorimotor prediction from all low-level implicit motor processes. The second theory links the odd sensation to the high-level conflict between the conscious awareness that the escalator is stopped and the implicit perception that evokes an endogenous motor program specific to a moving escalator. We show very similar postural changes can also arise from reflexive responses to visual stimuli, such as contracting/expanding optic flow fields, and that these reflexive responses produce similar odd sensations to the stopped escalator. We conclude that the high-level conflict is not necessary for such sensations. In contrast, the implicitly driven behavioral change itself essentially leads to the odd sensation in motor perception since the unintentional change may be less attributable to self-generated action because of a lack of motor predictions

    Multiple Motor Learning Strategies in Visuomotor Rotation

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    When exposed to a continuous directional discrepancy between movements of a visible hand cursor and the actual hand (visuomotor rotation), subjects adapt their reaching movements so that the cursor is brought to the target. Abrupt removal of the discrepancy after training induces reaching error in the direction opposite to the original discrepancy, which is called an aftereffect. Previous studies have shown that training with gradually increasing visuomotor rotation results in a larger aftereffect than with a suddenly increasing one. Although the aftereffect difference implies a difference in the learning process, it is still unclear whether the learned visuomotor transformations are qualitatively different between the training conditions.We examined the qualitative changes in the visuomotor transformation after the learning of the sudden and gradual visuomotor rotations. The learning of the sudden rotation led to a significant increase of the reaction time for arm movement initiation and then the reaching error decreased, indicating that the learning is associated with an increase of computational load in motor preparation (planning). In contrast, the learning of the gradual rotation did not change the reaction time but resulted in an increase of the gain of feedback control, suggesting that the online adjustment of the reaching contributes to the learning of the gradual rotation. When the online cursor feedback was eliminated during the learning of the gradual rotation, the reaction time increased, indicating that additional computations are involved in the learning of the gradual rotation.The results suggest that the change in the motor planning and online feedback adjustment of the movement are involved in the learning of the visuomotor rotation. The contributions of those computations to the learning are flexibly modulated according to the visual environment. Such multiple learning strategies would be required for reaching adaptation within a short training period

    Multi-digit tactile perception I: motion integration benefits for tactile trajectories presented bimanually

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    Interactions with objects involve simultaneous contact with multiple, not necessarily adjacent, skin regions. While advances have been made in understanding the capacity to selectively attend to a single tactile element among distracting stimulations, here, we examine how multiple stimulus elements are explicitly integrated into an overall tactile percept. Across four experiments, participants averaged the direction of two simultaneous tactile motion trajectories of varying discrepancy delivered to different fingerpads. Averaging performance differed between within- and between-hands conditions in terms of sensitivity and precision but was unaffected by somatotopic proximity between stimulated fingers. First, precision was greater in between-hand compared to within-hand conditions, demonstrating a bimanual perceptual advantage in multi-touch integration. Second, sensitivity to the average direction was influenced by the discrepancy between individual motion signals, but only for within-hand conditions. Overall, our experiments identify key factors that influence perception of simultaneous tactile events. In particular, we show that multi-touch integration is constrained by hand-specific rather than digit-specific mechanisms

    Odd Sensation Induced by Moving-Phantom which Triggers Subconscious Motor Program

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    Our motor actions are sometimes not properly performed despite our having complete understanding of the environmental situation with a suitable action intention. In most cases, insufficient skill for motor control can explain the improper performance. A notable exception is the action of stepping onto a stopped escalator, which causes clumsy movements accompanied by an odd sensation. Previous studies have examined short-term sensorimotor adaptations to treadmills and moving sleds, but the relationship between the odd sensation and behavioral properties in a real stopped-escalator situation has never been examined. Understanding this unique action-perception linkage would help us to assess the brain function connecting automatic motor controls and the conscious awareness of action. Here we directly pose a question: Does the odd sensation emerge because of the unfamiliar motor behavior itself toward the irregular step-height of a stopped escalator or as a consequence of an automatic habitual motor program cued by the escalator itself. We compared the properties of motor behavior toward a stopped escalator (SE) with those toward moving escalator and toward a wooden stairs (WS) that mimicked the stopped escalator, and analyzed the subjective feeling of the odd sensation in the SE and WS conditions. The results show that moving escalator-specific motor actions emerged after participants had stepped onto the stopped escalator despite their full awareness that it was stopped, as if the motor behavior was guided by a “phantom” of a moving escalator. Additionally, statistical analysis reveals that postural forward sway that occurred after the stepping action is directly linked with the odd sensation. The results suggest a dissociation between conscious awareness and subconscious motor control: the former makes us perfectly aware of the current environmental situation, but the latter automatically emerges as a result of highly habituated visual input no matter how unsuitable the motor control is. This dissociation appears to yield an attribution conflict, resulting in the odd sensation

    The Hand Sees Visual Periphery Better Than the Eye: Motor-Dependent Visual Motion Analyses

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    Information pertaining to visual motion is used in the brain not only for conscious perception but also for various kinds of motor controls. In contrast to the increasing amount of evidence supporting the dissociation of visual processing for action versus perception, it is less clear whether the analysis of visual input is shared for characterizing various motor outputs, which require different kinds of interactions with environments. Here we show that, in human visuomotor control, motion analysis for quick hand control is distinct from that for quick eye control in terms of spatiotemporal analysis and spatial integration. The amplitudes of implicit and quick hand and eye responses induced by visual motion stimuli differently varied with stimulus size and pattern smoothness (e.g., spatial frequency). Surprisingly, the hand response did not decrease even when the visual motion with a coarse pattern was mostly occluded over the visual center, whereas the eye response markedly decreased. Since these contrasts cannot be ascribed to any difference in motor dynamics, they clearly indicate different spatial integration of visual motion for the individual motor systems. Going against the overly unified hierarchical view of visual analysis, our data suggest that visual motion analyses are separately tailored from early levels to individual motor modalities. Namely, the hand and eyes see the external world differently

    Modulations of stretch reflex by altering visuomotor contexts

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    Various functional modulations of the stretch reflex help to stabilize actions, but the computational mechanism behind its context-dependent tuning remains unclear. While many studies have demonstrated that motor contexts associated with the task goal cause functional modulation of the stretch reflex of upper limbs, it is not well understood how visual contexts independent of the task requirements affect the stretch reflex. To explore this issue, we conducted two experiments testing 20 healthy human participants (age range 20–45, average 31.3 ± 9.0), in which visual contexts were manipulated in a visually guided reaching task. During wrist flexion movements toward a visual target, a mechanical load was applied to the wrist joint to evoke stretch reflex of wrist flexor muscle (flexor carpi radialis). The first experiment (n = 10) examined the effect of altering the visuomotor transformation on the stretch reflex that was evaluated with surface electromyogram. We found that the amplitude of the stretch reflex decreased (p = 0.024) when a rotational transformation of 90° was introduced between the hand movement and the visual cursor, whereas the amplitude did not significantly change (p = 0.26) when the rotational transformation was accompanied by a head rotation so that the configuration of visual feedback was maintained in visual coordinates. The results suggest that the stretch reflex was regulated depending on whether the visuomotor mapping had already been acquired or not. In the second experiment (n = 10), we examined how uncertainty in the visual target or hand cursor affects the stretch reflex by removing these visual stimuli. We found that the reflex amplitude was reduced by the disappearance of the hand cursor (p = 0.039), but was not affected by removal of the visual target (p = 0.27), suggesting that the visual state of the body and target contribute differently to the reflex tuning. These findings support the idea that visual updating of the body state is crucial for regulation of quick motor control driven by proprioceptive signals

    An isomorphous replacement method for efficient de novo phasing for serial femtosecond crystallography.

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    SACLAのX線自由電子レーザーを用いた新規タンパク質立体構造決定に世界で初めて成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2015-09-14.Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) holds great potential for structure determination of challenging proteins that are not amenable to producing large well diffracting crystals. Efficient de novo phasing methods are highly demanding and as such most SFX structures have been determined by molecular replacement methods. Here we employed single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS) for phasing and demonstrate successful application to SFX de novo phasing. Only about 20,000 patterns in total were needed for SIRAS phasing while single wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing was unsuccessful with more than 80,000 patterns of derivative crystals. We employed high energy X-rays from SACLA (12.6 keV) to take advantage of the large anomalous enhancement near the LIII absorption edge of Hg, which is one of the most widely used heavy atoms for phasing in conventional protein crystallography. Hard XFEL is of benefit for de novo phasing in the use of routinely used heavy atoms and high resolution data collection

    Rapid Change in Articulatory Lip Movement Induced by Preceding Auditory Feedback during Production of Bilabial Plosives

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    BACKGROUND: There has been plentiful evidence of kinesthetically induced rapid compensation for unanticipated perturbation in speech articulatory movements. However, the role of auditory information in stabilizing articulation has been little studied except for the control of voice fundamental frequency, voice amplitude and vowel formant frequencies. Although the influence of auditory information on the articulatory control process is evident in unintended speech errors caused by delayed auditory feedback, the direct and immediate effect of auditory alteration on the movements of articulators has not been clarified. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This work examined whether temporal changes in the auditory feedback of bilabial plosives immediately affects the subsequent lip movement. We conducted experiments with an auditory feedback alteration system that enabled us to replace or block speech sounds in real time. Participants were asked to produce the syllable /pa/ repeatedly at a constant rate. During the repetition, normal auditory feedback was interrupted, and one of three pre-recorded syllables /pa/, /Φa/, or /pi/, spoken by the same participant, was presented once at a different timing from the anticipated production onset, while no feedback was presented for subsequent repetitions. Comparisons of the labial distance trajectories under altered and normal feedback conditions indicated that the movement quickened during the short period immediately after the alteration onset, when /pa/ was presented 50 ms before the expected timing. Such change was not significant under other feedback conditions we tested. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The earlier articulation rapidly induced by the progressive auditory input suggests that a compensatory mechanism helps to maintain a constant speech rate by detecting errors between the internally predicted and actually provided auditory information associated with self movement. The timing- and context-dependent effects of feedback alteration suggest that the sensory error detection works in a temporally asymmetric window where acoustic features of the syllable to be produced may be coded