27 research outputs found

    Duality and fields redefinition in three dimensions

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    We analyze local fields redefinition and duality for gauge field theories in three dimensions. We find that both Maxwell-Chern-Simons and the Self-Dual models admits the same fields redefinition. Maxwell-Proca action and its dual also share this property. We show explicitly that a gauge-fixing term has no influence on duality and fields redefinition.Comment: 8 pages, suppressed contents. To appear in J. Phys.

    Equivalence classes for gauge theories

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    In this paper we go deep into the connection between duality and fields redefinition for general bilinear models involving the 1-form gauge field AA. A duality operator is fixed based on "gauge embedding" procedure. Dual models are shown to fit in equivalence classes of models with same fields redefinitions

    Gauge Invariance and Fractional Statistics

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    We present a new (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional field theory showing exotic statistics and fractional spin. This theory is achieved through a redefinition of the gauge field AμA_{\mu}. New properties are found. Another way to implement the field redefinition is used with the same results obtained.Comment: 5 page

    Mass generation for non-Abelian antisymmetric tensor fields in a three-dimensional space-time

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    Starting from a recently proposed Abelian topological model in (2+1) dimensions, which involve the Kalb-Ramond two form field, we study a non-Abelian generalization of the model. An obstruction for generalization is detected. However we show that the goal is achieved if we introduce a vectorial auxiliary field. Consequently, a model is proposed, exhibiting a non-Abelian topological mass generation mechanism in D=3, that provides mass for the Kalb-Ramond field. The covariant quantization of this model requires ghosts for ghosts. Therefore in order to quantize the theory we construct a complete set of BRST and anti-BRST equations using the horizontality condition.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in Physical Review

    Quantum Scalar Field in D-dimensional de Sitter Spacetimes

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    In this work we investigate the quantum theory of scalar fields propagating in a DD-dimensional de Sitter spacetime. The method of dynamic invariants is used to obtain the solution of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. The quantum behavior of the scalar field in this background is analyzed, and the results generalize previous ones found in the literature. We point that the Bunch-Davies thermal bath depends on the choice of DD and the conformal parameter ξ\xi. This is important in extra dimension physics, as in the Randall-Sundrum model.Comment: 9 page

    Características morfométricas da carcaça de ovinos morada nova alimentados com farelo de castanha de caju.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da inclusão de farelo de castanha de caju na dieta sobre as características de carcaça de ovinos Morada Nova

    Medidas de parâmetros fisiológicos de ovinos da raça Santa Inês criados na região semiárida nordestina.

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    Objetivou-se identificar o efeito do ambiente térmico sobre as características fisiológicas como medidas de adaptação de ovinos da raça Santa Inês criados na região semiárida nordestina durante o período chuvoso. O trabalho foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú ? UVA, em Sobral ? CE em 2 fases. Foram usadas 20 cordeiras da raça Santa Inês. Os parâmetros fisiológicos estudados foram: temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (FR) e frequência cardíaca (FC). Amostras de sangue de cada animal foram coletadas para determinação de Tiroxina (T4). Foram utilizados os dados meteorológicos da Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Para o Índice de Temperatura do Globo e Umidade, o maior valor foi de 84,32 à tarde. Houve diferença entre os turnos para a FR e TR. Os animais em piquete tiveram FR e FC mais baixas, já a TR foi mais elevada nos animais em gaiolas metabólicas. Nos piquetes, tiveram a FR e FC mais elevada no turno da manhã e os das gaiolas metabólicas a FR e TR foram mais elevadas à tarde. As concentrações hormonais de T4 foram maiores para os animais em gaiolas metabólicas em relação ao piquete. Os animais deste estudo conseguiram manter a homeotermia apesar do ambiente ter proporcionado um processo de estresse térmico. A elevação nas concentrações dos níveis hormonais de T4 na corrente sanguínea pode ser um parâmetro a mais na avaliação de adaptabilidade. Measurements of physiological parameters of Santa Ines sheep created in semi-arid northeastern region. Abstract: The objective was to identify the effect of thermal environment on the physiological characteristics as adaptation measures in Santa Ines sheep created in semi-arid northeastern region during the rainy season. The study was conducted at the Experimental Farm University State Valley Acaraú - UVA in Sobral - CE in two phases. We used 20 lambs Santa Ines. The physiological parameters studied were: rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR). Blood samples from each animal were collected for determination of thyroxine (T4). We used the meteorological data of Ceará Foundation for Meteorology. The experimental design was completely randomized. Temperature Index for the Globe and humidity, the highest value was 84,32 in the afternoon. There was a significant shift for the RR and RT. The animals in a paddock and RR had lower HR, whereas the RT was higher in the animals in metabolic cages. Paddock, had the highest RR and HR in the morning and the metabolic cages to RR and RT were higher in the afternoon. The concentrations of T4 were higher for the animals in metabolic cages over the paddock. The study animals were able to maintain homeothermy although the environment have provided a process of heat stress. The increase in the concentrations of hormone levels of T4 in the bloodstream can be a parameter in the evaluation of adaptability

    Degradabilidade in situ do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar para pequenos ruminantes de raças naturalizadas do Nordeste brasileiro.

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    Resumo: Com o crescimento da indústria sucroalcooleira, buscam-se alternativas de uso dos resíduos gerados por ela. Os pequenos ruminantes de raças naturalizadas do Nordeste brasileiro mostram-se como grupos potenciais para que seja utilizado o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (BCA) nas dietas. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se determinar a degradabilidade ruminal in situ da matéria seca (MS) e da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) do BCA e os parâmetros ruminais em caprinos Moxotó e ovinos Morada Nova, fistulados no rúmen. Contidos em sacos de náilon, 3g de BCA foram incubados no rúmen nos tempos seis, 24 e 96 horas, determinando-se o conteúdo de MS e FDN nos resíduos obtidos. Nos tempos zero, seis e 12 horas após a primeira refeição, mediram-se no líquido ruminal pH e nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3) ruminal. O CMS não diferiu entre caprinos e ovinos. O potencial de máxima degradação da MS foi semelhante entre espécies, e da FDN foi superior em caprinos. Ovinos apresentaram maiores tempo de colonização, taxa de degradação e degradabilidade efetiva da MS e FDN. O pH não diferiu entre as espécies. Observou-se maior concentração de N-NH3 ruminal em caprinos, no tempo zero. Diante da maior velocidade de degradação da MS do BCA pelos ovinos, essa espécie se mostra detentora de uma microbiota ruminal com crescimento mais eficiente sobre o BCA. [In situ degradability of sugarcane bagasse for naturalized small ruminant breeds from the northeastern Brazil]. Abstract: With the increase of the sugar and alcohol industries, alternative uses for residue are sought, and the small ruminants from the naturalized breeds of northeastern Brazil are potential groups to make use of the sugarcane bagasse (SCB) in their diets. In this context, the objective was to determine the in situ degradability of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of SCB and ruminal parameters in Moxotó goats and Morada Nova sheep rumen fistulated. Three grams of SCB were placed in naylon bags and incubated in the rumen at 6, 24 and 96 hours, and the residues analyzed for DM and NDF. Rumen fluid was collected at zero, 6 and 12 hours after the first meal and pH and ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3) were determined. DMI did not differ between goats and sheep. The maximum degradation potential of DM was similar between species and the A of NDF was higher in goats. Sheep had higher colonization time, rate of degradation and effective degradability of DM and NDF. The pH did not differ between species. The highest concentration of ruminal N-NH3 in goats was at time zero. Given the higher rate of degradation of bagasse dry matter by sheep, this specie shows a more efficient rumen microbial growth on SCB

    Dual Spaces of Resonance In Thick pp-Branes

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    In this work we consider qq-form fields in a pp-brane embedded in a D=(p+2)D=(p+2) space-time. The membrane is generated by a domain wall in a Randall-Sundrum-like scenario. We study conditions for localization of zero modes of these fields. The expression agrees and generalizes the one found for the zero, one, two and three-forms in a 33-brane. By a generalization we mean that our expression is valid for any form in an arbitrary dimension with codimension one. We also point out that, even without the dilaton coupling, some form fields are localized in the membrane. The massive modes are considered and the resonances are calculated using a numerical method. We find that different spaces have identical resonance structures, which we call dual spaces of resonances(DSR).Comment: 15 page