17 research outputs found

    Assessment of extracellular matrix proteins (laminin and fibronectin) in adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland using morphometric method

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    BackgroundAdenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is an uncommon form of malignant epithelial neoplasm. It arises within major and minor salivary glands as well as mucous glands of the upper respiratory tract. It is characterized by high clinical malignancy, with unclear prognosis and unstable clinical course.In histological examination of the tumour fibrillar structures are found in the extracellular matrix, containing fibronectin, type IV collagen and laminin.AimThe aim of the present study was to assess the protein components of the extracellular matrix – laminin and fibronectin.Materials/MethodsThe study group included 30 patients with ACC of major salivary glands. The expression of immunohistochemical reaction for laminin and fibronectin was assessed using computerized analysis of obtained images.ResultsThe analysis showed no significant differences in mean laminin and fibronectin positive reaction areas. Analysis of the proteins depending on histological ACC subtype showed that fibronectin expression was significantly lower in tubular cancer compared to other types. For laminin no significant expression difference was found.ConclusionsIn the future the immunochemistry of laminin and fibronectin may become a useful element of prognosis assessment in patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma

    Value of intraoperative ultrasonography in tonsil cancer

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    BackgroundThe exact assessment of a tonsil carcinoma's size is often difficult because of the tumour's submucosal extension and deep infiltration.AimThe aim of the study is to assess the usefulness of intraoperative ultrasonography in tonsil cancer.MaterialTwenty patients with carcinoma of the tonsil were included in the study (squamous cell carcinoma keratosis – 12, squamous cell carcinoma akeratosis – 6, diffuse large B cell lymphoma – 1, neoplasma malignum microcellulare – 1).MethodTranscutaneous, endoscopic, and intraoperative ultrasonography were performed using a linear 7.5[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]MHz probe.ResultsThe difference in the results was statistically significant between palpation examination and intraoperative ultrasonographic examination, between transcutaneous ultrasonographic examination and intraoperative ultrasonographic examination, and between endoscopic ultrasonographic examination and intraoperative ultrasonographic examination in tonsil tumours. Generally, tumour size assessed by intraoperative ultrasonography was more advanced than those assessed by other methods.ConclusionsIntraoperative ultrasonography is a safe, non-invasive method, which can be repeated at every stage of surgery. There were no contraindications or side effects. In all cases histological margins corresponded to sonographic margins. Intraoperative ultrasonography provides a quick and reliable orientation during resection of tonsil carcinoma

    Wismodegib w leczeniu zaawansowanego raka podstawnokomórkowego skóry — polskie doświadczenia kliniczne w ramach programu lekowego

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    Wstęp. Wismodegib to małocząsteczkowy inhibitor szlaku sygnałowego Hedgehog zarejestrowany do leczenia pacjentów, u których stwierdzono raka podstawnokomórkowego w fazie choroby przerzutowej lub miejscowo zaawansowanego raka podstawnokomórkowego niespełniającego kryteriów leczenia chirurgicznego lub radiote- rapeutycznego. Od 1 stycznia 2017 roku dostępne jest na terenie Polski leczenie w ramach programu lekowego refundowanego przez NFZ.  Celem pracy była analiza grupy chorych zakwalifikowanych do terapii wismodegibem, uwzględniająca ocenę częstości występowania działań niepożądanych wraz z określeniem ich stopnia nasilenia według CTCAE oraz wyniki leczenia po 6 i 12 miesiącach zgodnie z kryteriami RECIST 1.1. Materiał i metody. Dane dotyczące chorych pochodziły z trzech ośrodków, które w sumie prowadziły 42/78 (53,8%) pacjentów leczonych w Polsce od początku trwania programu lekowego. Czas leczenia chorych był bardzo zróżnicowany i zawierał się pomiędzy 3 tygodniami a 68 miesiącami. Mediana czasu leczenia wyniosła 8,25 miesiąca (0,75–68), mediana czasu obserwacji pacjentów leczonych krócej lub dłużej niż 12 miesięcy — wyniosła odpowiednio 8 miesięcy (6–11) i 14 miesięcy (12–68).  Wyniki. Podsumowanie danych po 6 i 12 miesiącach leczenia było możliwe odpowiednio u 29/42 i 17/42 chorych. Całkowitą odpowiedź uzyskano u 3/29 (10,3%) oraz u 3/16 (17,6%) pacjentów po odpowiednio 6 i 12 miesiącach leczenia, częściową odpowiedź odnotowano odpowiednio u 13/29 (44,8%) i 5/16 (29,4%) pacjentów, stabilizację choroby uzyskano odpowiednio u 13/29 (44,8%) i 8/16 (50,0%). Progresję choroby stwierdzono u 7 z 42 chorych (16,6%) w okresie 3–28 miesięcy od rozpoczęcia leczenia. Odnotowano 1 przypadek zgonu z powodu progresji choroby u pacjenta z obecnymi przerzutami do mózgu w momencie kwalifikacji do udziału w programie. Działania niepożądane wystąpiły u 31/42 (73,8%), a liczne działania niepożądane u tego samego pacjenta wystąpiły u 22/42 (52,3%) chorych. Nie odnotowano żadnego przypadku poważnych działań niepożądanych

    Vismodegib in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma — Polish clinical experience in the frame of therapeutic program

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    Introduction. Vismodegib is a small-molecule inhibitor of the sonic hedgehog pathway, registered for the treat- ment of patients with metastatic or locally advanced basal cell carcinoma, who were disqualified from surgical excision or radiotherapy. The full treatment refund from the National Health Fund has been available in Poland since 1st January 2018. The aim of the study was to analyse the frequency of occurrence of adverse events based on CTCAE and the treatment results based on the RECIST 1.1 criteria, in a group of patients treated for six or 12 months with vismodegib.  Material and methods. The patient database was gathered from three sites and consisted of 42 patients, who represented 53.8% of the patients treated with vismodegib in Poland. The duration of the treatment ranged between three weeks and 68 months. The median of the treatment period was 8.25 months (0.75–68); the median of the observation of patients treated for less than 12 months was eight months (6–11), and for those treated for more than 12 months it was 14 months (12–68).  Results. The summary of the treatment results after six and 12 months was performed on 29/42 and 17/42 patients accordingly. Complete response was achieved in 3/29 (10.3%) and 3/16 (17.6%) patients after six and 12 months of treatment, respectively, partial response in 13/29 (44.8%) and 5/16 (29.4%) patients, respectively, and stable disease in 13/29 (44.8%) and 8/16 (50.0%) patients, respectively. Progression of the disease was experienced by 7/42 (16.6%) patients within the period of 3–28 months of treatment. One patient with brain metastases died due to the progression of the disease. Adverse events were reported in 31/42 (73.8%) patients, more than one adverse event in a single patient was reported in 22/42 (52.3%) patients. No serious adverse events were observed.

    Prognostic Factors Associated with Successful Salvage Surgery in Recurrent Oral Cancer

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    Most patients with recurrent oral cancer are not eligible for salvage surgery. Among those who are candidates for surgical salvage, failure rates are high. Given the potential negative impact of salvage surgery on quality of life (QoL)—particularly in unsuccessful interventions—the decision to operate must be weighed carefully. However, the variables associated with successful surgical salvage in oral cancer have not been clearly established. In the present retrospective study, we sought to determine the factors associated with disease recurrence and successful salvage surgery. We evaluated the following parameters in patients (n = 261) treated for primary oral cancer at our institution from 2010 to 2017: age; T/N status; perineurial invasion; lymphovascular invasion; extranodal extension; and margin status. In total, 36 patients (33%) were considered eligible for salvage surgery. Four variables were significantly associated with suitability for salvage surgery: early primary T stage, no primary neck disease (N0), no positive margins in the primary resection, and no adjuvant radiotherapy following primary resection. The only variable significantly associated with improved salvage outcomes was negative margin status after the primary tumor resection, underscoring the importance of margin status on treatment outcomes. Additional studies are needed to identify other factors associated with successful salvage surgery in order to better stratify patients according to the likelihood of success, thus potentially avoiding the negative impact on QoL in patients who undergo unsuccessful surgery

    Role of extended histological examination in the assessment of local recurrence of tongue and floor of the mouth cancer

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    AimThe aim is to find out why the rate of recurrence of tongue and floor of the mouth cancer is so high despite radical surgical treatment combined with radiochemotherapy.BackgroundOropharyngeal cancer is the second most common head and neck cancer in Poland. Tongue cancers account for 40% of all oral cavity tumours. A frequent reason for a failure in treatment of tongue and floor of the mouth cancers is local recurrence. Based on that examination, cancer treatment can be precisely planned.Materials and methodsThe study comprised a group of 56 tongue and floor of the mouth cancer patients. 9 patients who showed local recurrence were given an extended histopathological examination. The infiltration of the vessels, nerves and muscles was examined. The examination also checked the largest dimension of the tumour, the greatest depth of invasion from the mucous membrane, invasive front of the cancer, vessel embolisms, intra- and perineural infiltrations in the cancer invasive front. Tumour aggressiveness was assessed according to M. Brandwein-Gensler.ResultsIn five patients, primary tumours were found to be histologically aggressive as indicated by the infiltration of the vessels, nerves and muscles. Tumours which penetrate these structures were characterized with peri- and intraneural infiltration and were correlated with the depth of invasion from the mucous membrane, the occurrence of embolisms, and a high risk assessment as proposed by M. Brandwein-Gensler.ConclusionThe progression of cancer depends strongly on histopathological traits. The incidence of penetration of the vessels, nerves and muscles correlates with aggressiveness of the tumour front

    Patterns of treatment failure in salivary gland cancers

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    AimThe purpose of the study was to publish our experience of salivary gland cancer treatment with large number of patients treated at a single institution.BackgroundSalivary gland cancers are rare tumors of the head and neck representing about 5% of cancers in that region and about 0.5% of all malignancies. Due to the rarity of the disease, most of the studies regarding treatment outcome consist of low number of patients, thus making it difficult to draw conclusions.Material and methods115 patients with primary salivary gland cancer were included in a retrospective study. The subsites of tumor were the parotid gland (58% patients), submandibular gland (19%) and minor salivary glands (23%). All patients underwent primary surgical resection. The following were collected: age, stage of the disease, T status, N status, grade of tumor, perineurial invasion, lymphovascular invasion, extracapsular spread, final histological margin status and postoperative treatment. Details of local, regional or distant recurrence, disease free survival and overall survival were included.ResultsThe majority (65%) of patients presented in early stage, T1 and T2 tumors. 81% of patients were N0. Free surgical margins were achieved in 18% of patients, close in 28% patients and positive surgical margins in 54% (62) patients. Factors that significantly increased the risk of recurrence: T stage (p=0.0006); N-positive status (

    Is Immunohistochemical Evaluation Of P16 In Oropharyngeal Cancer Enough To Predict The Hpv Positivity?

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    Aim Our goal was to determine the expression levels of p16 in the cohort of the OPSCC patients and evaluation of the pathological and clinical differences between these two groups including patients’ survival. Background HPV infection is the main causative factor of oropharyngeal cancer (OPSCC). Identification of HPV status in OPSCC requires positive evaluation of viral DNA integration into host cell however, p16 accumulation in the proliferating cell layers has been accepted as an alternative marker for HPV infection. Material and Methods The IHC staining for p16 has been performed in tumor tissue from 382 OPSCC patients. The sample was considered positive based on more than 70% of carcinoma tissue showing strong and diffused nuclear and cytoplasmic immunostaining. The clinicopathological characteristics of the patients including site, age, gender, tumor grade, tumor stage, the nodal status, smoking and survival have been analyzed when comparing p16 positive and p16 negative tumors. Results Out of our cohort in 38.2% cases positive staining for p16 has been recorded. Our analysis did not indicate significant differences in the distribution of the p16 positive patients and age of the patients, stage of the disease. Among the patients who have presented with the N+ neck, there were significantly more p16 positive tumors than in the group with N0 neck (p = 0.0062). There was highly significant correlation between the expression of p16 and smoking (p \u3c 0.0001). The significant difference in survival (p \u3c 0.0001) with more favorable prognosis in the p16 positive group has been observed. Conclusions Overexpression of p16 is accepted as a surrogate diagnostic marker for detecting HPV infection in oropharyngeal cancer. However, one should remember about existence of the small subgroups of p16 positive but HPV negative tumors, with relatively worse prognosis. Immunostaining for p16, however useful on everyday basis, should be complemented with other techniques in terms of reliable identification of the HPV infection