124 research outputs found

    Raman and IR spectra of pure and doped forsterite single crystals

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    Forsterite single crystals were grown by the Czochralski technique in air. The lattice parameters were determined by X-ray power diffraction. The IR and Raman spectra of pure and doped (V3+, V5+, and Ni4+) Mg2SiO4 single crystals were measured at room temperature. We studied the phonon properties and discussed the influence of dopants

    Sliding Columnar Phase of DNA-Lipid Complexes

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    We introduce a simple model for DNA-cationic-lipid complexes in which galleries between planar bilayer lipid lamellae contain DNA 2D smectic lattices that couple orientationally and positionally to lattices in neighboring galleries. We identify a new equilibrium phase in which there are long-range orientational but not positional correlations between DNA lattices. We discuss properties of this new phase such as its X-ray structure factor S(r), which exhibits unusual exp(- const.ln^2 r) behavior as a function of in-plane separation r.Comment: This file contains 4 pages of double column text and one postscript figure. This version includes interactions between dislocations in a given gallery and presents an improved estimate of the decoupling temperature. It is the published versio

    Structural Properties of the Sliding Columnar Phase in Layered Liquid Crystalline Systems

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    Under appropriate conditions, mixtures of cationic and neutral lipids and DNA in water condense into complexes in which DNA strands form local 2D smectic lattices intercalated between lipid bilayer membranes in a lamellar stack. These lamellar DNA-cationic-lipid complexes can in principle exhibit a variety of equilibrium phases, including a columnar phase in which parallel DNA strands from a 2D lattice, a nematic lamellar phase in which DNA strands align along a common direction but exhibit no long-range positional order, and a possible new intermediate phase, the sliding columnar (SC) phase, characterized by a vanishing shear modulus for relative displacement of DNA lattices but a nonvanishing modulus for compressing these lattices. We develop a model capable of describing all phases and transitions among them and use it to calculate structural properties of the sliding columnar phase. We calculate displacement and density correlation functions and x-ray scattering intensities in this phase and show, in particular, that density correlations within a layer have an unusual exp(const.ln2r)\exp(- {\rm const.} \ln^2 r) dependence on separation r. We investigate the stability of the SC phase with respect to shear couplings leading to the columnar phase and dislocation unbinding leading to the lamellar nematic phase. For models with interactions only between nearest neighbor planes, we conclude that the SC phase is not thermodynamically stable. Correlation functions in the nematic lamellar phase, however, exhibit SC behavior over a range of length scalesComment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetically induced splitting of a giant vortex state in a mesoscopic superconducting disk

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    The nucleation of superconductivity in a superconducting disk with a Co/Pt magnetic triangle was studied. We demonstrate that when the applied magnetic field is parallel to the magnetization of the triangle, the giant vortex state of vorticity three splits into three individual F0-vortices, due to a pronounced influence of the C3 symmetry of the magnetic triangle. As a result of a strong pinning of the three vortices by the triangle, their configuration remains stable in a broad range of applied magnetic fields. For sufficiently high fields, F0-vortices merge and the nucleation occurs through the giant vortex state. The theoretical analysis of this novel reentrant behaviour at the phase boundary, obtained within the Ginzburg - Landau formalism, is in excellent agreement with the experimental data.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B - Rapid. Com

    Mutual intelligibility between closely related languages in Europe

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    By means of a large-scale web-based investigation, we established the degree of mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages within the Germanic, Slavic and Romance language families in Europe. We first present the results of a selection of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young, educated Europeans from the same 16 countries where the test languages are spoken. Next, we present the data from a sub-group of listeners who had not learned the test language and had had minimal exposure to it. This allows us to investigate how well the listeners understand the test language on the basis of structural similarities between their own language and the test languages. Finally, we compare the results of the two data sets to the traditional genealogic characterisation of the three language groups. We expect the intelligibility results from the second group of listeners who had had minimal exposure to the test language to be a better reflection of the genealogical characterisation than the results from the larger group who had sometimes been exposed to the test language or had learned it at school

    Mutual intelligibility between closely related languages in Europe

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    By means of a large-scale web-based investigation, we established the degree of mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages within the Germanic, Slavic and Romance language families in Europe. We first present the results of a selection of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young, educated Europeans from the same 16 countries where the test languages are spoken. Next, we present the data from a sub-group of listeners who had not learned the test language and had had minimal exposure to it. This allows us to investigate how well the listeners understand the test language on the basis of structural similarities between their own language and the test languages. Finally, we compare the results of the two data sets to the traditional genealogic characterisation of the three language groups. We expect the intelligibility results from the second group of listeners who had had minimal exposure to the test language to be a better reflection of the genealogical characterisation than the results from the larger group who had sometimes been exposed to the test language or had learned it at school

    The 0 and the pi phase Josephson coupling through an insulating barrier with magnetic impurities

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    We have studied temperature and field dependencies of the critical current ICI_{C} in the Nb-Fe0.1_{0.1}Si0.9_{0.9}-Nb Josephson junction with tunneling barrier formed by paramagnetic insulator. We demonstrate that in these junctions the co-existence of both the 0 and the π\pi states within one tunnel junction takes place which leads to the appearance of a sharp cusp in the temperature dependence IC(T)I_{C}(T) similar to the IC(T)I_{C}(T) cusp found for the 0π0-\pi transition in metallic π\pi junctions. This cusp is not related to the 0π0-\pi temperature induced transition itself, but is caused by the different temperature dependencies of the opposing 0 and π\pi supercurrents through the barrier.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Synthesis of Anatase Nanopowders by Sol-gel Method and Influence of Temperatures of Calcination to Their Photocatalitic Properties

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    The titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanopowders were produced by sol-gel technique from tetrabutyl titanate as a precursor, varying the temperature of calcination (from 500 to 550 degrees C with the step of 10 degrees C). XRPD results have shown that all synthesized nanopowders are dominantly in anatase phase. The analysis of the shift and linewidth of the most intensive anatase E-g Raman mode confirmed the XRPD results and added the presence of small amount of highly disordered brookite phase in all samples. The analysis of pore structure from nitrogen sorption experimental data described all samples as mesoporous, with mean pore diameters in the range of 1.5 and 4.5 nm. Nanopowder properties have been related to the photocatalytic activity, tested in degradation of the textile dye (C.I. Reactive Orange 16). The sample calcined at temperature of 510 degrees C showed the best photocatalytic performance

    Classical motion in force fields with short range correlations

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    We study the long time motion of fast particles moving through time-dependent random force fields with correlations that decay rapidly in space, but not necessarily in time. The time dependence of the averaged kinetic energy and mean-squared displacement is shown to exhibit a large degree of universality; it depends only on whether the force is, or is not, a gradient vector field. When it is, p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/5} independently of the details of the potential and of the space dimension. Motion is then superballistic in one dimension, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{12/5}, and ballistic in higher dimensions, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{2}. These predictions are supported by numerical results in one and two dimensions. For force fields not obtained from a potential field, the power laws are different: p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/3} and q^{2}(t) ~ t^{8/3} in all dimensions d\geq 1

    Stochastic Model for Surface Erosion Via Ion-Sputtering: Dynamical Evolution from Ripple Morphology to Rough Morphology

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    Surfaces eroded by ion-sputtering are sometimes observed to develop morphologies which are either ripple (periodic), or rough (non-periodic). We introduce a discrete stochastic model that allows us to interpret these experimental observations within a unified framework. We find that a periodic ripple morphology characterizes the initial stages of the evolution, whereas the surface displays self-affine scaling in the later time regime. Further, we argue that the stochastic continuum equation describing the surface height is a noisy version of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.Comment: 4 pages, 7 postscript figs., Revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let