128 research outputs found

    HOD, V and the GCH

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    Starting from large cardinals we construct a model of ZFCZFC in which the GCHGCH fails everywhere, but such that GCHGCH holds in its HODHOD. The result answers a question of Sy Friedman. Also, relative to the existence of large cardinals, we produce a model of ZFC+GCHZFC+GCH such that GCHGCH fails everywhere in its HODHOD.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1510.0293

    Fra\"iss\'e limit via forcing

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    Given a Fra\"{i}ss\'{e} class K\mathcal{K} and an infinite cardinal κ,\kappa, we define a forcing notion which adds a structure of size κ\kappa using elements of K\mathcal{K}, which extends the Fra\"{i}ss\'{e} construction in the case $\kappa=\omega.

    An introdution to forcing

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    The aim of these lectures is to give a short introduction to forcing. We will avoid metamathematical issues as much as possible and similarly we will avoid performing the actual construction of forcing. We assume familiarity with basic predicate logic, the axioms of ZF C set theory and constructible sets. We will also make use of tools like the coding of Borel sets and the Shoenfield absoluteness result

    Singular cofinality conjecture and a question of Gorelic

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    We give an affirmative answer to a question of Gorelic \cite{Gorelic}, by showing it is consistent, relative to the existence of large cardinals, that there is a proper class of cardinals α\alpha with cf(α)=ω1cf(\alpha)=\omega_1 and $\alpha^\omega > \alpha.

    On a theorem of Magidor

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    Assuming κ\kappa is a supercompact cardinal and λ\lambda is an inaccessible cardinal above it, we present an idea due to Magidor, to find a generic extension in which κ=ℵω\kappa=\aleph_\omega and $\lambda=\aleph_{\omega+1}.

    An Easton like theorem in the presence of Shelah Cardinals

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    We show that Shelah cardinals are preserved under the canonical GCHGCH forcing notion. We also show that if GCHGCH holds and F:REG→CARDF:REG\rightarrow CARD is an Easton function which satisfies some weak properties, then there exists a cofinality preserving generic extension of the universe which preserves Shelah cardinals and satisfies ∀κ∈REG, 2κ=F(κ)\forall \kappa\in REG,~ 2^{\kappa}=F(\kappa). This gives a partial answer to a question asked by Cody [1] and independently by Honzik [5]. We also prove an indestructibility result for Shelah cardinals

    More on almost Souslin Kurepa trees

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    It is consistent that there exists a Souslin tree TT such that after forcing with it, TT becomes an almost Souslin Kurepa tree. This answers a question of Zakrzewski

    Woodin's surgery method

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    In this short paper we give an overview of Woodin's surgery method

    (Weak) diamond can fail at the least inaccessible cardinal

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    Starting from suitable large cardinals, we force the failure of (weak) diamond at the least inaccessible cardinal. The result improves an unpublished theorem of Woodin and a recent result of Ben-Neria, Garti and Hayut.Comment: This is the preliminary version of the pape

    The generalized Kurepa hypothesis at singular cardinals

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    We discuss the generalized Kurepa hypothesis KHλKH_{\lambda} at singular cardinals λ\lambda. In particular, we answer questions of Erd\"{o}s-Hajnal [1] and Todorcevic [6], [7] by showing that GCHGCH does not imply KHℵωKH_{\aleph_\omega} nor the existence of a family F⊆[ℵω]ℵ0 \mathcal{F} \subseteq [\aleph_\omega]^{\aleph_0} of size ℵω+1\aleph_{\omega+1} such that F↾X\mathcal{F} \restriction X has size ℵ0\aleph_0 for every X⊆S,∣X∣=ℵ0X \subseteq S, |X|=\aleph_0.Comment: In personal communication, Stevo Todorcevic informed the author that Theorem 3.1 has been obtained by him before; for example can be found on page 231 of his book Walks on ordinals and their characteristics. However our proof is different from hi
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