213 research outputs found

    Climatic changes in the Urals over the past millennium. An analysis of geothermal and meteorological data

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    International audienceThis investigation is based on a study of two paleoclimatic curves obtained in the Urals (51?59° N, 58?61° E): i) a ground surface temperature history (GSTH) reconstruction since 800 AD and ii) meteorological data for the last 170 years. Temperature anomalies measured in 49 boreholes were used for the GSTH reconstruction. It is shown that a traditional averaging of the histories leads to the lowest estimates of amplitude of past temperature fluctuations. The interval estimates method, accounting separately for the rock's thermal diffusivity variations and the influence of a number of non-climatic causes, was used for obtaining the average GSTH. Joint analysis of GSTH and meteorological data bring us to the following conclusions. First, ground surface temperatures in the Medieval maximum during 1100?1200 was 0.38 K higher than the 20th century mean temperature (1900?1960). The Little Ice Age cooling was culminated in 1720 when surface mean temperature was 1.58 K below than the 20th century mean temperature. Secondly, contemporary warming began approximately one century prior to the first instrumental measurements in the Urals. The rate of warming was +0.25K/100years in the 18th century, +1.15 K/100years in the 19th and +0.75 K/100years in the first 80 years of the 20th. Finally, the mean rate of temperature warming increased in final decades of 20th century. An analysis of linear regression coefficients in running intervals of 11, 21 and 31 years, shows that there were periods of warming with almost the same rates in the past, including the 19th century

    Linguistic and creative nature professional Nominations

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    The article analyzes the manifestations of linguocreative activity in the field of professional nomination, provides an overview of the characteristic trends and ways of creating innovations in professional areas of the language. The author considers the phenomena of anthropomorphization and zoomorphization of special objects, fixed in professional and professional jargon, as well as examples of the implementation of the metaphor of reification in the professional environment. Special attention is paid to the processes of secondary semiosis based on paronymic attraction, as well as to the peculiarities of correlation between General and special, concrete and abstract in professional names. It is argued that every professionalism and professional jargon in one way or another has the uniqueness and linguistic and creative potential.В статье анализируются проявления лингвокреативной деятельности в сфере профессиональной номинации, делается обзор характерных тенденций и способов создания инноваций в профессиональных сферах языка. Автором рассматриваются явления антропоморфизации и зооморфизации специальных объектов, закрепленные в профессионализмах и профессиональных жаргонизмах, а также примеры реализации метафоры овеществления в профессиональной среде. Особое внимание уделяется процессам вторичного семиозиса на основе паронимической аттракции, а также особенностям корреляции общего и специального, конкретного и абстрактного в профессиональных наименованиях. Утверждается, что большая часть профессионализмов и профессиональных жаргонизмов в той или иной мере обладает уникальностью и лингвокреативным потенциалом

    Conformity and Reaction to Error: An ERPs Study

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of cognitive indicators of conformal behavior. It presents the results of the study of EEG-correlates of conformity. The hypothesis of the study is that people who tend to the conformal behavior have a similar way of response on the errors and disagreement with the majority opinion. Theexperiment involved 20 participants: 11 – nonconformists, 9 – conformists according to tests (‘Interpersonal Behavior Circle’ by T. Leary and ‘Portrait Values Questionnaire’ by S. Schwartz). Participants took part in two types of tasks: arithmetic tasks and attractiveness evaluation. After solving the tasks, participants were given feedback about right/wrong decisions in arithmetic tasks, and agreement/disagreement with the majority opinion in the evaluation of people’s attractiveness. This study analyzed event-related potentials (ERPs) in the case of error or disagreement with the majority opinion. The results of the study showed the differences in the indicators of bioelectric brain activity between conformal and nonconformal participants after the disagreement with the majority opinion. Conformal participants demonstrate higher amplitude of P300 wave upon presentation of the feedback of the disagreement with the majority opinion. Thus, the conformal behavior in a situation of disagreement with others’ opinion accompanied by specific ERP patterns of the brain associated with the correction of behavior. Keywords: conformity, error processing, event-related potentials, P300, error-related negativit

    Designing the “Self—Concept of creative Self-Development” of Students during the training process in pedagogics

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    © 2015 Ashgate Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. Actuality of the matter under investigation is stipulated by the necessity of exploring the issues of development of “Self-concept of creative self-development” of students, which can be defined not only as the “Theory of Self” or as the effect of realization of one’s own “Self”, but also as the regulation mechanism of all types of creative activity of a human being. The purpose of this article is to analyze and systemize pedagogical conditions of effective development of the “Self-concept of Creative Self-development” of students. The method leading to the research of this issue was a pedagogical experiment on testing pedagogical conditions of effective development of the “Self-concept of Creative Self-development” of students during the study of “Pedagogics” as an educational discipline. The main result of this article is the conclusion that application of the system of creative, research related tasks targeted to the development of the “Self-concept of Creative Self-development” of students, leads to significant growth of all the backbone elements of “selfness”. The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of designing the “Self-concept of Creative Self-development” of students through the training process (on the basis of the pedagogical disciplines’ training material) based on the integration of the pedagogical conditions: system of diagnostics and self-diagnostics of “self” processes, enrichment of training sessions on pedagogical disciplines with the specialized tasks on stimulating reflexive thinking, aimed at self-actualization of one’s own creative development processes, assistance to students in realizing indicators and criteria of principle backbone elements of creative development, periodical self-correction of the “Self-concept of Creative Self-development”; implementation of the education and training integration links. Information in this article may be useful for educators of higher education institutions, involved in generating the “Self-concept of Creative Self-development” of students in the framework of professional education

    Data on granulometric composition of calcium phosphate obtained by dispersion method

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    The kinetics of calcium phosphate crystallization from model solutions of saliva and liquid phase of dental plaque has been studied by the dispersion method. It was found that the composition of the saliva model system is favorable for the growth of larger crystals. The size of the particles in crystallization varies nonlinearly. As supersaturation grows, the amount of formed particles increases, however, the average rate of crystallite growth decreases

    Social conditionality of multilinguism education in educational establishments of the country in the modern period

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    © 2016 Lopareva.The urgency of the examined issue is stipulated by inconsistency between social services commissioning to speak several foreign languages and inadequate implementation of these services in educational establishments of the country. The aim of the article is to justify the necessity to reconsider models of mastering the language and to alter professional training of future foreign language teachers within the teacher's activity in the present day situation. The leading approach to investigate this issue is a cognitive one, whose realization makes it possible to solve some up-to-date problems of methods of foreign language teaching, formation of multicultural linguistic personality, development and improvement of linguistic and conceptual worldview. The article studies interconnection between social and political conditions, leading to international and interpersonal affinity and interaction, and, therefore, to appearance of new targets in foreign language training practice. The material of the article can be used both for training foreign language teachers and for advanced training of the first and second foreign language teachers

    Study of thermal effects of silicate-containing hydroxyapatites

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    The possibility of modifications of hydroxyapatite silicate ions, from the extracellular fluid prototype solution under near-physiological conditions has been studied. Formation of silicon-structured hydroxyapatite with different extent of substitution of phosphate groups in the silicate group has been established through chemical and X-ray diffraction analyses, FTIR spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The results obtained are in agreement and suggest the possibility of substitution of phosphate groups for silicate groups in the hydroxyapatite structure when introducing different sources of silica, tetraethoxysilane and sodium silicate, in the reaction mixture. Growth in the amount of silicon in Si-HA results in the increase in the thermal stability of the samples. The greatest mass loss occurs at temperatures in the range of 25-400 °С that is caused by the removal of the crystallization and adsorption water and volatile impurities. It is shown that the modified apatites are of imperfect structure and crystallize in a nanocrystalline state


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    The aim. Analysis of the socio-psychological rehabilitation of participants in the operation of the combined forces. Materials and methods. 1043 OUF participants were examined for the diagnosis of stress disorder in the Mississippi questionnaire. Statistical data was used to summarize the data. Results. The article considers psychological aid, which includes psychological support and psychological rehabilitation. Psychological aid is necessary for all military servicemen involved in military actions. The types of psychological states are considered. We have proved the approximate topics of conversations with military servicemen in the context of psychological education: stages of experiencing a traumatic event, circumstances influencing the experience of the traumatic event, the harmfulness of alcohol consumption in a stressful situation, ways to improve physical and mental health of the military, prevention of post-stress disorder, the specific features of adaptation to conditions of stay in a combat zone, etc.  We analyzed the development of a normal person’s reaction to a dangerous event. The diagnostic criteria of personality disadaptation are considered. We analyzed the teamwork of specialists, which includes highly qualified psychologists, certified in different modalities of psychotherapy: gestalt therapy, guided affective imagery, psychodrama, psychosomatics, family system psychotherapy, which together compiled a scenario of daily work with anti-terrorist operation participants according to their inquiries. Such diversity in approaches to psychotherapy has made it possible to approach more systematically the solution of specific psychological problems of the military who have different severity levels of trauma and personal disintegration. Attention is paid to psychological rehabilitation, aimed at compensating for lost professional and social-adaptive qualitiesThe types of physical rehabilitation are considered. The physical rehabilitation includes: exercise therapy, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy, kinesitherapy, ergotherapy, counseling, manual therapy, reflexotherapy, phytotherapy, homeopathic therapy, aromatherapy, natural physical factors, tempering. We gave the definition of social rehabilitation, which means a system of measures aimed at creating and providing the conditions for returning a person to active engagement in life. Conclusions. After going through the above-described measures, demobilized veterans felt better, when respondents indicated that their psychological state had improved.Мета. Аналіз соціально-психологічної реабілітації учасників операції об’єднаних сил. Матеріали і методи дослідження.  Обстежено 1043 учасники ООС для визначення стресового розладу за Місісіпським опитувальником. Для узагальнення даних використовувався статистичний метод. Результати. Стаття присвячена психологічній допомозі, що включає в себе психологічну підтримку і психологічну реабілітацію. Психологічна допомога необхідна всім військовослужбовцям, котрі беруть участь у військових діях. Розглядаються види психологічних станів. Доведена орієнтовна тематика бесід із військовослужбовцями в контексті психологічної просвіти: етапи переживання травмуючої події, обставини, що впливають на переживання психотравмівної події, шкідливість вживання алкоголю у стресовій ситуації, способи покращення фізичного та психічного здоров’я військових, профілактика постстресових розладів, особливості адаптації до умов перебування в зоні бойових дій, та ін. Проаналізований розвиток реакції нормальної людини на небезпечну подію. Розглянуті діагностичні критерії дезадаптації особистості. Проаналізована командна робота фахівців, що включає висококваліфікованих психологів, що сертифіковані у різних модальностях психотерапії: гештальттерапія, символдрама, психодрама, психосоматика, сімейна системна психотерапія, які спільно складали сценарій щоденної роботи з учасниками АТО, відповідно до їх запитів. Така різноманітність у підходах до психотерапії дала змогу більш системно підійти до вирішення конкретних психологічних проблем військових, які мають різний ступінь травматизації та особистісної дезінтеграції. Приділена увага психологічній реабілітації, спрямованій на компенсацію втрачених професійних і соціально-адаптивних якостей. Розглянуті види фізичної реабілітації. Фізична реабілітація включає: лікувальну фізичну культуру, лікувальний масаж, фізіотерапію, механотерапію, працетерапію, кінезотерапію, егротерапію, консультування, мануальну терапію, рефлексотерапію, фітотерапію, гомеопатичну терапію, ароматерапію, природні фізичні чинники, загартування. Дано визначення соціальній реабілітації, що означає систему заходів, спрямованих на створення і забезпечення умов для повернення особи до активної участі у житті. Висновки. Після проходження вищеописаних заходів демобілізовані ветерани почували себе краще, при опитуванні, як зазначають респонденти,  їх психологічний стан покращився

    The Functional Semantics of Oral Speech Discourse Markers: Dynamic Aspect

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    Submitted on 03 April, 2018. Accepted on 24 October, 2018.Поступила в редакцию 03.04.2018. Принята к печати 24.10.2018.В статье раскрываются особенности функциональной семантики дискурсивных маркеров устной речи авось, мол, в принципе, вообще, на самом деле, как ни крути в динамическом аспекте. Актуальность темы обусловлена отсутствием в современной русистике работ, посвященных анализу функционирования десемантизированных единиц, которые регулируют дискурсивное поведение участников коммуникативного акта, на протяжении нескольких исторических периодов. Попытка охватить различные дискурсивные маркеры в одном исследовании позволяет выявить общие тенденции, связанные с изменением их функциональной семантики. В исследовании применены методы лингвистического описания и контент-анализа, приемы сравнения и количественных подсчетов. Сравнение производилось с целью обнаружения сходств и различий контекстов употребления дискурсивных маркеров. Использование контент-анализа и приема количественных подсчетов направлено на определение тенденций в функционировании данных единиц. Анализ дискурсивных маркеров произведен на материале Национального корпуса русского языка. В статье приводится словарное значение дискурсивных маркеров, указывается количество употреблений, а также цель их употребления в те или иные временные промежутки, благодаря чему проясняется функциональная семантика каждого маркера. Дискурсивный маркер на самом деле сопоставляется с маркером в самом деле для выяснения степени сходства между ними. В ходе исследования подтверждается мысль о возможных сдвигах в семантике дискурсивных маркеров устной речи, что происходит не единовременно, а постепенно. Впервые определены доминантные признаки рассматриваемых единиц и показаны изменения в их функционировании в русском языке в соответствии с меняющимися требованиями к характеру коммуникации.This article considers the functional semantic features of the oral speech discourse markers авось, мол, в принципе, вообще, на самом деле, как ни крути in the dynamic aspect. The choice of the subject matter of the research is conditioned by the absence of studies focusing on the functioning of nonsemantic units which have been regulating the discourse behaviour of the participants of a communication act for several historical periods. The attempt to describe different discourse markers within the scope of one study makes it possible to reveal the general tendencies connected with the change in their functional semantics. The authors use methods of linguistic description and content analysis, methods of comparison and quantitative methods. The comparison carried out is meant to reveal the similarities and differences between the contexts in which such discourse markers are used. The analysis of discourse markers is carried out with reference to the Russian National Corpus. The article quotes dictionary definitions of the discourse markers under consideration, indicates their frequency, the purpose of their use at certain times which helps clarify the functional semantics of each marker. The на самом деле discourse marker is compared to the в самом деле marker in order to establish the similarity between the two. The research carried out proves the fact that there may be shifts in the semantic meaning of discourse markers in oral speech which does not happen instantly but gradually. The authors establish the dominant features of the units under considerations and demonstrate changes in their functioning in the Russian language taking into account the changes in the requirements to communication

    Epidemiology of acute myocardial infarction in ukraine and poltava region

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    У всьому світі 11% загального тягаря захворювання, яке вимірюється з корисними роками, пов'язаними з інвалідністю, пояснюється ішемічною хворобою серця (ІХС) та інфарктом. Завдяки поліпшенню лікування ІХС та інсульту, що сприяють зниженню смертності, а також через тиск збільшеної робочої кар'єри, частка людей працездатного віку з серцево-судинними захворюваннями імовірно збільшиться