13 research outputs found

    Angular momentum dependence of incomplete fusion reactions

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    γ-ray multiplicities associated with various reaction channels have been measured for the 14N + 197Au system at Elab = 115 and 168 MeV. Channel selection accomplished via charged ejectile-KX-ray coincidence measurements permitted distinction between reactions with two or more charged fragments in the final state. For the former type of reactions the angular momentum dependence expected for (binary) incomplete fusion reactions is obserbed. For the latter, the same angular momentum dependence is found if sequential decay of the primary light fragment is assumed

    Selection of heavy ion reaction channels via particle K X-ray coincidences

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    To identify the residual nuclei in very asymmetric heavy-ion reactions heavy-ion K X-ray coincidences have been measured. The usefulness and limitations of this method are discussed, and its feasibility is demonstrated in a study of the 14N+197Au reaction at 140 MeV

    Cross section balance in the 14N + 159Tb reaction and the origin of fast alpha particles

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    Exclusive cross sections have been obtained from particle-K X-ray coincidence data measured at 236 MeV for ejectiles ranging from 4 He to 15 N. Production cross sections for primary fragments and alpha particle multiplicities associated with different channels have been deduced. The major fraction of the alpha particles appears to originate from inelastic (damped) processes in which only light particles with Z < 2 are emitted

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    Probabilities for sequential decay of projectile-like fragments in reactions with light heavy ions

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    Probabilities for sequential decay of various projectile-like fragments from 14N induced reactions on 159Tb have been determined via projectile-like fragment-K X-ray coincidence measurements at energies of 115 and 168 MeV. A close correspondence with results from particle-particle correlation studies was obtained

    Hexadecapole transition moments in strongly deformed nuclei and the validity of the sd-boson approximation in the IBA

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    The low-lying spectrum of 156Gd up to 3 MeV has been investigated with proton scattering at Ep = 40 MeV. Considerable hexadecapole transition strength is found at Ex>1.5 MeV indicating the necessity for the inclusion of a g-boson in the IBA to explain properties of states above this energy. An IBA calculation including a g-boson reproduces qualitatively the experimentally observed hexadecapole transition strength below 3 MeV

    Breakup processes in the 28Si(α, tp) reaction at Eα=120 MeV

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    Proton-triton coincidence data from the reaction 28Si(α, tp) at Eα = 120 MeV show, in addition to contributions from direct breakup and stripping to unbound states, a process which is strongly forward peaked for Et < 63 MeV. This process has a maximum cross section for excitations of the target system in the region of 15 < Ex < 45 MeV. The data are most likely due to direct inelastic breakup with a proton spectator. The pt coincidence yield at θt = 10° accounts for about 50% of the inclusive continuum (α, t) cross section at θt = 10°

    The importance of sequential ejectile decay in the 14N + 58Ni reaction at 148 MeV

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    The previously suggested factorisation of double-differential heavy-ion alpha coincidence cross sections into a product of inclusive cross sections for heavy-ion and alpha detection has been reexamined for the 14N + 58Ni reaction at 148 MeV. Contrary to the conclusions of previous work the present experiment indicates that these so called “uncorrelated” events are predominantly due to sequential decay of the primary fragments and hence are correlated

    Multipole strength distribution in 156Gd from the (p, t) reaction at Ep = 40 MeV

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    The 158Gd(p, t)156Gd reaction was studied at Ep = 40 MeV with an energy resolution of about 20 keV. One-step DWBA calculations, using a cluster form factor, were used in the analysis to obtain the multipole strength distribution residing in excited states up to 3.37 MeV. A striking feature is the almost complete absence of monopole strength above 2 MeV excitation energy