3 research outputs found

    Estructura de las Burbujas en la regi贸n Sureste de la Nube Mayor de Magallanes

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    Resumen: En este trabajo se presentan resultados preliminares obtenidos a partir del an谩lisis efectuado a la estructura de burbujas de medianas dimensiones situadas en la regi贸n Sureste de la Nube Mayor de Magallanes. Mediante el balance de energ铆a determinamos los par谩metros caracter铆sticos de estas estructuras (brillo superficial, densidad electr贸nica, medida de emisi贸n, masa, Luminosidad, densidad ambiente, edad), lo que nos permitir谩 discernir c煤al es el origen (viento estelar, explosi贸n de supernova o alg煤n otro mecanismo) de las diferentes burbujas que componen el supercascar贸n LMC 9, para de esta manera tratar de dilucidar si los objetos analizados poseen cinem谩ticamente alguna identidad de conjunto, o si se trata de objetos relativamente aislados sobre el fondo general difuso al que pertenecen.Abstract: In this work we present preliminary results obtained from the analysis carried on the structure of middle dimensions bubbles located in the southeast region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. We determine by means of the energy balance the characteristics parameters of this structures (superficial brightness, electronic density, emission measure, mass, luminosity, ambiente density, age) which will allow us to discriminate which is the origin (stellar wind, supernova explosion, or other mechanism) of the differents bubbles that form the supershell LMC 9. So, in this way try to elucidate if the analyzed objects have kinematically some identity as group, or if they are objects relatively aisolated against the diffuse background to which they belongFil: Oddone, M贸nica. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Observatorio Astron贸mico de C贸rdoba; Argentina.Otras Ciencias Naturales y Exacta

    A review of the potential effects of suspended sediment on fishes: potential dredging-related physiological, behavioral, and transgenerational implications

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