2 research outputs found

    “Drown[ing] A Little Bit All the Time: The Intersections of Labor Constraints and Professional Development in Hybrid Contingent Faculty Experiences

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    Faculty teaching during COVID-19 have been asked to adapt to a wide range of instructional modalities that have often increased the labor they experience without commensurate compensation. Hybrid courses, which were already popular pre-pandemic, have become even more common as schools and universities have rushed to adapt instruction to students’ needs. This article reports on interviews with faculty teaching hybrid courses to investigate their perceptions of the labor involved in teaching in this instructional modality, drawing connections to the labor many faculty are experiencing as they adapt to hybrid or other, similar instructional modalities. It then argues that targeted professional development activities are needed to support faculty teaching hybrid courses in particular, but that offering such opportunities are complicated by the amount of labor faculty teaching hybrid courses often already perform

    Systematic Review of Gut Microbiota and Major Depression

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    Background: Recently discovered relationships between the gastrointestinal microbiome and the brain have implications for psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD). Bacterial transplantation from MDD patients to rodents produces depression-like behaviors. In humans, case-control studies have examined the gut microbiome in healthy and affected individuals. We systematically reviewed existing studies comparing gut microbial composition in MDD and healthy volunteers.Methods: A PubMed literature search combined the terms “depression,” “depressive disorder,” “stool,” “fecal,” “gut,” and “microbiome” to identify human case-control studies that investigated relationships between MDD and microbiota quantified from stool. We evaluated the resulting studies, focusing on bacterial taxa that were different between MDD and healthy controls.Results: Six eligible studies were found in which 50 taxa exhibited differences (p < 0.05) between patients with MDD and controls. Patient characteristics and methodologies varied widely between studies. Five phyla—Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Fusobacteria, and Protobacteria—were represented; however, divergent results occurred across studies for all phyla. The largest number of differentiating taxa were within phylum Firmicutes, in which nine families and 12 genera differentiated the diagnostic groups. The majority of these families and genera were found to be statistically different between the two groups in two identified studies. Family Lachnospiraceae differentiated the diagnostic groups in four studies (with an even split in directionality). Across all five phyla, nine genera were higher in MDD (Anaerostipes, Blautia, Clostridium, Klebsiella, Lachnospiraceae incertae sedis, Parabacteroides, Parasutterella, Phascolarctobacterium, and Streptococcus), six were lower (Bifidobacterium, Dialister, Escherichia/Shigella, Faecalibacterium, and Ruminococcus), and six were divergent (Alistipes, Bacteroides, Megamonas, Oscillibacter, Prevotella, and Roseburia). We highlight mechanisms and products of bacterial metabolism as they may relate to the etiology of depression.Conclusions: No consensus has emerged from existing human studies of depression and gut microbiome concerning which bacterial taxa are most relevant to depression. This may in part be due to differences in study design. Given that bacterial functions are conserved across taxonomic groups, we propose that studying microbial functioning may be more productive than a purely taxonomic approach to understanding the gut microbiome in depression