37 research outputs found

    Instability driven fragmentation of nanoscale fractal islands

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    Formation and evolution of fragmentation instabilities in fractal islands, obtained by deposition of silver clusters on graphite, are studied. The fragmentation dynamics and subsequent relaxation to the equilibrium shapes are controlled by the deposition conditions and cluster composition. Sharing common features with other materials' breakup phenomena, the fragmentation instability is governed by the length-to-width ratio of the fractal arms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Physical Review Letters in pres

    Motor control or graded activity exercises for chronic low back pain? A randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Chronic low back pain remains a major health problem in Australia and around the world. Unfortunately the majority of treatments for this condition produce small effects because not all patients respond to each treatment. It appears that only 25-50% of patients respond to exercise. The two most popular types of exercise for low back pain are graded activity and motor control exercises. At present however, there are no guidelines to help clinicians select the best treatment for a patient. As a result, time and money are wasted on treatments which ultimately fail to help the patient

    The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that the course of low back pain (LBP) symptoms in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) follows a pattern of large improvement regardless of the type of treatment. A similar pattern was independently observed in observational studies. However, there is an assumption that the clinical course of symptoms is particularly influenced in RCTs by mere participation in the trials. To test this assumption, the aim of our study was to compare the course of LBP in RCTs and observational studies. METHODS: Source of studies CENTRAL database for RCTs and MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE and hand search of systematic reviews for cohort studies. Studies include individuals aged 18 or over, and concern non-specific LBP. Trials had to concern primary care treatments. Data were extracted on pain intensity. Meta-regression analysis was used to compare the pooled within-group change in pain in RCTs with that in cohort studies calculated as the standardised mean change (SMC). RESULTS: 70 RCTs and 19 cohort studies were included, out of 1134 and 653 identified respectively. LBP symptoms followed a similar course in RCTs and cohort studies: a rapid improvement in the first 6 weeks followed by a smaller further improvement until 52 weeks. There was no statistically significant difference in pooled SMC between RCTs and cohort studies at any time point:- 6 weeks: RCTs: SMC 1.0 (95% CI 0.9 to 1.0) and cohorts 1.2 (0.7to 1.7); 13 weeks: RCTs 1.2 (1.1 to 1.3) and cohorts 1.0 (0.8 to 1.3); 27 weeks: RCTs 1.1 (1.0 to 1.2) and cohorts 1.2 (0.8 to 1.7); 52 weeks: RCTs 0.9 (0.8 to 1.0) and cohorts 1.1 (0.8 to 1.6). CONCLUSIONS: The clinical course of LBP symptoms followed a pattern that was similar in RCTs and cohort observational studies. In addition to a shared 'natural history', enrolment of LBP patients in clinical studies is likely to provoke responses that reflect the nonspecific effects of seeking and receiving care, independent of the study design

    A systematic review on the effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine for chronic non-specific low-back pain

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    The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the effects of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), acupuncture and herbal medicine for chronic non-specific LBP. A comprehensive search was conducted by an experienced librarian from the Cochrane Back Review Group (CBRG) in multiple databases up to December 22, 2008. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of adults with chronic non-specific LBP, which evaluated at least one clinically relevant, patient-centred outcome measure were included. Two authors working independently from one another assessed the risk of bias using the criteria recommended by the CBRG and extracted the data. The data were pooled when clinically homogeneous and statistically possible or were otherwise qualitatively described. GRADE was used to determine the quality of the evidence. In total, 35 RCTs (8 SMT, 20 acupuncture, 7 herbal medicine), which examined 8,298 patients, fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Approximately half of these (2 SMT, 8 acupuncture, 7 herbal medicine) were thought to have a low risk of bias. In general, the pooled effects for the studied interventions demonstrated short-term relief or improvement only. The lack of studies with a low-risk of bias, especially in regard to SMT precludes any strong conclusions; however, the principal findings, which are based upon low- to very-low-quality evidence, suggest that SMT does not provide a more clinically beneficial effect compared with sham, passive modalities or any other intervention for treatment of chronic low-back pain. There is evidence, however, that acupuncture provides a short-term clinically relevant effect when compared with a waiting list control or when acupuncture is added to another intervention. Although there are some good results for individual herbal medicines in short-term individual trials, the lack of homogeneity across studies did not allow for a pooled estimate of the effect. In general, these results are in agreement with other recent systematic reviews on SMT, but in contrast with others. These results are also in agreement with recent reviews on acupuncture and herbal medicine. Randomized trials with a low risk of bias and adequate sample sizes are direly needed

    Growth of nanostructures by cluster deposition : a review

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    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of simple models useful to analyze the growth of nanostructures obtained by cluster deposition. After detailing the potential interest of nanostructures, I extensively study the first stages of growth (the submonolayer regime) by kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations. These simulations are performed in a wide variety of experimental situations : complete condensation, growth with reevaporation, nucleation on defects, total or null cluster-cluster coalescence... The main scope of the paper is to help experimentalists analyzing their data to deduce which of those processes are important and to quantify them. A software including all these simulation programs is available at no cost on request to the author. I carefully discuss experiments of growth from cluster beams and show how the mobility of the clusters on the surface can be measured : surprisingly high values are found. An important issue for future technological applications of cluster deposition is the relation between the size of the incident clusters and the size of the islands obtained on the substrate. An approximate formula which gives the ratio of the two sizes as a function of the melting temperature of the material deposited is given. Finally, I study the atomic mechanisms which can explain the diffusion of the clusters on a substrate and the result of their mutual interaction (simple juxtaposition, partial or total coalescence...)Comment: To be published Rev Mod Phys, Oct 99, RevTeX, 37 figure

    Dynamics of molecules and clusters at surfaces

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    and aggregate into round particles with a 'universal' diameter of approx 14 nm. This preferred diameter is attributed to the strain between the silver and graphite lattices. The deposition rate and the cluster impact angle are also shown to be important parameters, which strongly influence the morphology of the islands. Computer simulation results indicate that, to produce the observed island size distributions, the mobility of the particles must fall off rapidly as their size increases. In chapter five, I present results from angular resolved electron stimulated desorption studies of 0 sup - , 0 sub 2 sup - , and 0 sub 3 sup - , produced from ordered films of 0 sub 2 on HOPG. Resonances in the yields of all products as a function of electron impact energy are attributed to dissociative electron attachment, generating 0 sup - ions, which can react with neighbouring O sub 2 molecules in the film. Characteristic differences in the ion yield profiles from one product to another are explained in terms of a binary collision model, which estimates the KE of the ion products, and thus the probability of escape from the polarisation potential induced in the 0 sub 2 film. The model is consistent with the measured angular distributions of desorbed ions. An understanding of the dynamical behaviour of adsorbates on surfaces is essential to the development of materials and devices with controlled structure on the nanometre scale. In this thesis I examine two systems. The major part of the work concerns the development of a source of size selected metallic clusters, and the deposition and diffusion of silver clusters on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. The final part of the thesis reports an investigation of electron stimulated desorption of ions from O sub 2 films on HOPG. In chapter one, I review recent work in cluster physics, concentrating mainly on experiments with deposited clusters. Chapter two is a review of techniques used to generate free cluster beams. This includes examination of the various technologies and techniques involved in cluster production, beam formation, and mass selection. This chapter also gives a detailed account of the principles of operation of a gas condensation cluster source. In chapter three, I present a detailed account of the design, characterisation and commissioning of a gas condensation cluster source. Chapter four contains the results of a series of experiments on the deposition and diffusion of silver clusters on HOPG. The results of landing clusters with controlled kinetic energy (KE) show that silver clusters deposited with a KE of 400 eV or more become pinned to the surface, whereas clusters deposited with 200 eV or less diffuse across the surface after landin

    International Trade Law Statutes and Conventions 2011-2013

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