22 research outputs found

    Flow rate of polygonal grains through a bottleneck: Interplay between shape and size

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    We report two-dimensional simulations of circular and polygonal grains passing through an aperture at the bottom of a silo. The mass flow rate for regular polygons is lower than for disks as observed by other authors. We show that both the exit velocity of the grains and the packing fraction are lower for polygons, which leads to the reduced flow rate. We point out the importance of the criteria used to define when two objects of different shape are considered to be of the same size. Depending on this criteria, the mass flow rate may vary significantly for some polygons. Moreover, the particle flow rate is non-trivially related to a combination of mass flow rate, particle shape and particle size. For some polygons, the particle flow rate may be lower or higher than that of the corresponding disks depending on the size comparison criteria.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Flow rate of polygonal grains through a bottleneck Interplay between shape and size

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    We report two-dimensional simulations of circular and polygonal grains passing through an aperture at the bottom of a silo. The mass flow rate for regular polygons is lower than for disks\red{,} as observed by other authors. We show that both the exit velocity of the grains and the packing fraction are lower for polygons, which leads to the reduced flow rate. We point out the importance of the criteria used to define when two objects of different shape are considered to be of the same size. Depending on this criteria, the mass flow rate may vary significantly for some polygons. Moreover, the particle flow rate is non-trivially related to a combination of mass flow rate, particle shape and particle size. For some polygons, the particle flow rate may be lower or higher than that of the corresponding disks depending on the size comparison criteria.Fil: Goldberg, Ezequiel. UTN (Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional). Facultad Regional Buenos Aires. UDB F铆sica; ArgentinaFil: Carlevaro, Manuel. UTN (Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional). Facultad Regional Buenos Aires. UDB F铆sica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pugnaloni, Luis. UTN (Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional). Departamento de Ingenier铆a Mec谩nica. GMG; ArgentinaPeer Reviewe

    Flow rate of polygonal grains through a bottleneck: interplay between shape and size

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    We report two-dimensional simulations of circular and polygonal grains passing through an aperture at the bottom of a silo. The mass flow rate for regular polygons is lower than for disks, as observed by other authors. We show that both the exit velocity of the grains and the packing fraction are lower for polygons, which leads to the reduced flow rate. We point out the importance of the criteria used to define when two objects of different shape are considered to be of the same size. Depending on this criteria, the mass flow rate may vary significantly for some polygons. Moreover, the particle flow rate is non-trivially related to a combination of mass flow rate, particle shape and particle size. For some polygons, the particle flow rate may be lower or higher than that of the corresponding disks depending on the size comparison criteria.Instituto de F铆sica de L铆quidos y Sistemas Biol贸gico

    DIONISIO 3.0: Comprehensive 3D nuclear fuel simulation through PCMI cohesive and PLENUM models

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    We present a new version of the DIONISIO code, extending its capabilities to three-dimensional domains. Adding to the functionality that divides the rod in a user-defined number of segments, the user can now choose the dimensionality of the domain in which a representative pellet-gap-cladding system is solved. To achieve this, we have developed a new algorithm to simulate the contact between pellet and cladding based in Cohesive Finite Elements, a natural mode to approach this issue. We present our results testing this kind of contact element in order to validate the concept. Alongside the contact algorithm, we have included a model of the plenum domain in three dimensions, treated using an external FEM mesh created ad hoc. DIONISIO reads this mesh adapting it to the specific case to be simulated and solves the energy equation inside the plenum following specific boundary conditions. We compare the new models to selected experiments under irradiation, in normal or accident conditions, for validation, with results showing a high correlation with said experiments.Fil: Goldberg, Ezequiel. Comision Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia de 脕rea de Aplicaciones de la Tecnolog铆a Nuclear. Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Mart铆n. Instituto Sabato; ArgentinaFil: Loza Peralta, Mat铆as E.. Comision Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia de 脕rea de Aplicaciones de la Tecnolog铆a Nuclear. Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Mart铆n. Instituto Sabato; ArgentinaFil: Soba, Alejandro. Comision Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica. Gerencia de 脕rea de Aplicaciones de la Tecnolog铆a Nuclear. Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentin

    Estudio de la propagaci贸n de fisuras en vainas de combustibles nucleares mediante mec谩nica de fractura elasto-pl谩stica

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    Dentro del Sector C贸digos y Modelos de la Gerencia Ciclo de Combustible Nuclear de la Comisi贸n Nacional de Energ铆a At贸mica, se ha desarrollado un c贸digo denominado DIONISIO que analiza el comportamiento de una barra de combustible nuclear bajo irradiaci贸n. El mismo provee informaci贸n, tanto en casos de operaci贸n normal del reactor como en casos de accidente, del comportamiento de las pastillas de UO2 (combustible usado en el 95% de los reactores del mundo) as铆 como de la vaina que las contiene, en general de Zircaloy. En particular, en el marco de este trabajo, se analiza un modelo de crecimiento de fisuras en vainas de combustibles nucleares bajo irradiaci贸n, incluido en el c贸digo. Dicho modelo parte de considerar la existencia de un iniciador (tip) suficientemente profundo como para concentrar tensiones y comenzar la propagaci贸n. Posteriormente, se estudia la condici贸n de propagaci贸n d煤ctil mediante la funci贸n de intensidad de tensiones J, resuelta en m煤ltiples caminos alrededor del tip de la fisura, para despu茅s vincular dicho resultado promediado con la curva JR del material. Los resultados obtenidos de las simulaciones se comparan con resultados anal铆ticos obtenidos de la literatura, con resultados experimentales y contra soluciones num茅ricas de otros c贸digos de elementos finitos existentes en el mercado. El modelo analizado se aplica a geometr铆as en dos y tres dimensiones, usando el m茅todo de elementos finitos con mallas estructuradas y no estructuradas, construidas ad-hoc mediante malladores propios o de c贸digo libre, tanto con elementos lineales como con elementos de segundo orden. En los casos bidimensionales se considera deformaci贸n plana (plane strain), incluyendo las componentes el谩sticas y pl谩sticas.Publicado en: Mec谩nica Computacional vol. XXXV no.31Facultad de Ingenier铆

    Flow rate of polygonal grains through a bottleneck: interplay between shape and size

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    We report two-dimensional simulations of circular and polygonal grains passing through an aperture at the bottom of a silo. The mass flow rate for regular polygons is lower than for disks, as observed by other authors. We show that both the exit velocity of the grains and the packing fraction are lower for polygons, which leads to the reduced flow rate. We point out the importance of the criteria used to define when two objects of different shape are considered to be of the same size. Depending on this criteria, the mass flow rate may vary significantly for some polygons. Moreover, the particle flow rate is non-trivially related to a combination of mass flow rate, particle shape and particle size. For some polygons, the particle flow rate may be lower or higher than that of the corresponding disks depending on the size comparison criteria.Instituto de F铆sica de L铆quidos y Sistemas Biol贸gico

    Effect of grain shape on the jamming of two-dimensional silos

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    We present discrete element method simulations of the discharge of silos in two dimensions. We study the effect of the grain shape on the clogging of small apertures, considering regular polygons and disks of equal mass. In particular, we analyze the avalanche size distribution and the jamming probability for disks, triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons and heptagons as a function of the aperture size. We show that the jamming probability presents a non-linear response as a function of the number of vertexes of the polygons.Instituto de F铆sica de L铆quidos y Sistemas Biol贸gico

    Problemas de ansiedad durante la consulta odontol贸gica

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    Objetivos: 1) Abordar esta problem谩tica. 2) Identificar en la situaci贸n odontol贸gica la presencia de ansiedad en el paciente. 3) Mejorar la relaci贸n odont贸logo paciente. Material y m茅todos: Se evaluar谩n a trav茅s de una encuesta semi estructurada de objetivos limitados a pacientes de ambos sexos entre 25 y 35 a帽os de edad.Facultad de Odontolog铆

    Consecuencias psicol贸gicas de la p茅rdida temprana de las piezas dentarias en adultos j贸venes

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    Objetivos: 1) Identificar los aspectos psicol贸gicos que produce la p茅rdida de piezas dentarias. 2) Evaluar las modificaciones psicol贸gicas que produce la p茅rdida de piezas dentarias. 3) Modificar la conducta del paciente para prevenir dicha alteraci贸n. Material y m茅todo: Se tomaran como muestra un grupo etario con edades de: 25 a 35 a帽os de edad de ambos sexos, que concurren a las aulas de la FOLP en terreno (OPS). Se realizar谩 a cada paciente una entrevista psicol贸gica con objetivos limitados.Facultad de Odontolog铆

    Relacion entre el rendimiento acad茅mico y la ansiedad en alumnos de la FOLP

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    Introducci贸n: Como docentes podemos explicar que la ansiedad de los alumnos deriva de tres factores el biol贸gico, psicol贸gico y social. Hemos observado que la misma aumenta al finalizar la cursada. Nuestro inter茅s en la misma surge para poder acompa帽ar al alumno y ayudarlo a aumentar su seguridad. Objetivo: Identificar los momentos de mayor ansiedad y trabajar en forma combinada con el alumno para rectificar pensamientos err贸neos.Facultad de Odontolog铆