2 research outputs found
The ILR School at Fifty: Voices of the Faculty, Alumni & Friends (Full Text)
A collection of reflections on the first fifty years of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. Compiled by Robert B. McKersie, J. Gormly Miller, Robert L. Aronson, and Robert R. Julian. Edited by Elaine Gruenfeld Goldberg. It was the hope of the compilers that the reflections contained in this book would both kindle memories of the school and stimulate interest on the part of future generations of ILRies who have not yet shared in its special history.
Dedicated to the Memory of J. Gormly Miller, 1914-1995.
Copyright 1996 by Cornell University. All rights reserved
Cover, Dedication, Preface, Contents
The cover, dedication, preface, and content pages from The ILR School at Fifty, a collection of reflections on the first fifty years of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. Compiled by Robert B. McKersie, J. Gormly Miller, Robert L. Aronson, and Robert R. Julian. Edited by Elaine Gruenfeld Goldberg.1st_section_of_ILRat50.pdf: 918 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020