18 research outputs found

    Microbial probiotics ā€“ the action mechanism and the use of them

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    The scientific paper presents important aspects of the mechanism of action and use of probiotic microorganisms, which administered in adequate quantities has beneficial effects on the host. The investigation has the main objective to present an analysis of the importance of probiotics performance and functionality, which are available in food or as nutritional supplements, most frequently represented by strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus. The research focused on the activity of the probiotic action as enhanced or concentrated cultures of lactic acid bacteria, which serve not only to prevent or reestablish a malfunctioning of the digestive tract, but have a positive influence on the immune system

    Immunological investigations regarding the cuantification of cellular populations of the new born calves

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    The scientific investigations reflected in this study have the purpose of quantification of the cellular populations at the new-born calves in different periods of age. There were determined in dynamics the number of the lymphocytes indices, T and B cells with populations. These data indicates the principal effector role in the immune system activity, as effector of the immune reactions mediated cellularly and humorally, capable to sinthesize some lymphokynes etc. There were determined the increasing of the concentration level of the T and B lymphocytes with populations, which justifies the early instalation of the cellular and humoral specific resistance of the immune status and receiving the antibodies through colostrum in the neonatal period, as result of the instalation of the colostral immunity. The research results demonstrated, that the new-born calves are born with well organized cellular lypmhocytic immune system, represented by the corection of the immune homeostasis of the organism

    The immunological aspects regarding the importance of the phagocytic indices at ovines

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    The scientific investigations revealed in this research had the purpose to study some immunological aspects regarding the importance of the phagocytic indices at ovines in different physiological periods and at lambs in different periods of age. The obtained data, reflects that the cellular defense mechanisms against bacteria are performed by lymphocyte cells equipped with phagocytic macrophage functions, neutrophils, etc. This determines the importance of the phagocytic mechanisms in triggering and controlling cellular reactions. The results of the research reveal the evaluation of the cell phagocytic indices at ovines and lambs by establishing the significant values of both the phagocytic activity and the phagocytic intensity. These researches give us the possibility to conclude that the installation of the immunological reactivity of the animal body and the adaptation to changes in the environment, especially the action of the pathogens, take place

    The Importance of Correlation of T-helper and T-supressor Limfocitary Subpopulations ā€“ Indicators of Animals Immune Status

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    The scientific investigations reflected in this study present the research in dynamics of the activity of correlating T-helper and T-suppressor immunocompetent cells at the newborn calves in different age periods. In the scientific research is presented the main effector role of these indicators, regarding the importance of the immune system through the ability to synthesize lymphokines, etc. The researches reveal T-helper and T-suppressor level of lymphocytes at all research ages. Thus at 10 days the concentration of T-helper lymphocytes was 7.85Ā±0.001 and 8.30Ā±0.08; 7.57 Ā± 0.008 at the age of 20 and 30 days, compared to T-suppressor lymphocytes, which in these age groups was equal to 6.0 Ā± 0.08; 6.33 Ā± 0.08 and 6.0Ā±0.08. The results of the investigations offer the possibility to understand that the correlation of some lymphocytary subpopulations of the newborn animal organism provides the possibility of installing a strong immunity and ensures the maintenance of the biochemical homeostasis of the organism

    Agronomic and economic efficiency of the waste use from the production of alcoholic beverages on cambic chernozem

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    Nowadays, the environment ecological status in the Republic of Moldova is deplorable in most natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. Wastes from the alcoholic beverages production is often stored chaotically presenting a major danger to the environment soil, water, air, flora and fauna. There is no waste processing and recycling company in the country. This waste contains a significant amount of biophilic elements necessary for the nutrition of agricultural plants and the increase of organic matter in the soil. About 100 thousand tons of waste is accumulated annually in the Republic of Moldova. Waste from the production of alcoholic beverages contains 28 thousand tons of organic matter, 180 tons of nitrogen, 80 tons of phosphorus and 260 tons of potassium. For this purpose, two field experiments were organized at the Technological-Experimental Station "Codru", Codru commune, Chisinau municipality, where the residues from the production of alcoholic beverages were studied: wine yeasts and vinasse (waste from wine production), distillers grains marc (waste from the production of rectified ethyl alcohol) on soil fertility and plant productivity. Research conducted in 2012-2019 showed that fertilizing the soil with cereal marc led to increased productivity of field crops. The increase in production on average is 868-1223 kg/ha of cereal units (30-42%) compared to the non-fertilized version with marc. Fertilization with waste from the production of alcoholic beverages increases on average over 9 years, the content of organic matter by 0.18-0.37% (4800-10000 kg/ha), mobile phosphorus by 0.3-1.0 mg/100 g soil (8.1-27.0 kg/ha), exchangeable potassium with 10-13 mg/100 g soil (230-300 kg/ha) for variants fertilized with waste. There was an increase in Sauvignon grape production of 0.9-2.3 t/ha (8-21%) on average for 9 years for wine waste variants. Wastes from the production of alcoholic beverages, applied to the soil as organic fertilizer have a significant economic effect, can be recovered and reintegrated into viticulture and phytotechnic sectors

    The importance of the bacterial cultures used in production of cheeses

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    The scientific researches reflected in this study has the purpose to study the microbiological aspects of the importance of bacterial cultures used in the production of the important dairy product-the cheeses. There have been studied some determinations of interactions between lactic acid bacteria, which are highly complex and beneficial for growth promotion activity of fermentation in the cheeses, and the use of selectioned cultures of lactic acid bacteria, which are used in the form of monocultures or mixed cultures with biotechnological suitable properties for the production of quality products in everyday life

    Aspects regarding the activity of the phagocytic mechanisms in immunity regulation of the new-born calves

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    The scientific investigations revealed in this research present the objectives of studying some immunological aspects of the phagocytic activity in immunity regulation in the neonatal period of the new-born calves at the age of 5, 10, 20 and 30 days. As a result of the immunological investigations were revealed various indexes which characterize the activity and intensity of the phagocytic activity, which varies at different age periods. The dynamics of these indexes demonstrates that in the neonatal period, at the calves aged of 5 days, the phagocytic activity constituted 52.33 Ā± 0.60, compared to the age of 10 days, which constituted 41.67 Ā± 0.65, which shows a decrease expressed by various aspects of external factors, which acts on the newborn animal in the first days of life. The values of the phagocytic activity at the age of 20 and 30 days constituted 38,56 Ā± 0,56 and 35,44 Ā± 0,47, which confirms the decrease of the phagocytic processes at the animals. From the obtained results, it is noticeable that the phagocytic intensity at the neonatal animals at the age of 5 and 10 days determined significant values which constituted 2,32 Ā± 0,02 and 1,83 Ā± 0,01, compared to the animals at the age of 20 and 30 days, where these values constituted 1,78 Ā± 0,01 and 1,57 Ā± 0,01. The results of the research demonstrated that at the neonatal animals the defense mechanisms are not sufficiently triggered in order to protect against the microorganisms, viruses and other pathogenic agents aggression

    Contributions to the interpretation of microbiological research on the microflora of different fish varieties

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    The scientific research reflected in this study aimed to identify the bacterial microflora in different varieties of fish of different marketing categories through microbiological investigation. The microbiological conditions for assessing the examined fish assortments determined the presence of saprophytic germs, asserting a normal microflora according to the requirements of the microbiological investigation standards and the identification of existing microbial species

    Observations regarding the values of immunocompetent cells at lambs according to age

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    The scientific researches reflected in this study aimed to investigate some immunological aspects regarding the values of the indices of immunocompetent cells at lambs in different age periods. The obtained data indicate that the cellular defense mechanisms are performed by lymphocyte cells endowed with immune defense functions and are responsible by cellular and humoral mechanisms. These determines the importance of cellular mechanisms in triggering and controlling immune reactions. The results of the study reveal the evaluation of cell indices at lambs by finding significant values of both T and B immunocompetent cell activity. These researches allow us to conclude on the fact that the installation of the immunological reactivity of the animal organism takes place and in the same time, the adaptation to the changes of the environmental conditions

    Lactococcus lactis ā€“ an important probiotic of a healthy digestive system

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    The scientific investigations revealed in this investigation has the purpose the identification of the microbial culture of Lactococcus lactis, considered as a probiotic in the aspects of consumption different milk products as well as the mechanisms of action of probiotics.There were realized bacterioscopic and bacteriological researches by performing microbial preparations and passages on culture media, using different simple and complex methods of investigation, in order to determine the presence and diversity of the saprophytes and pathogens microorganisms. Simultaneously, there were evaluated the aspects of development the culture of Lactococcus lactis on simple and complex identification mediums, the morphology of microorganisms on images natively visualized smears and microbial colonies. It is revealed the importance of this microorganism on the beneficial effects of the human and animal body, representing one of the most important microorganisms from the milk industry, being considered as a probiotic which expresses the balancing of the intestinal flora. In this aspect was proved, that bacteria Lactococcus lactis represents not only the safest and free of risks probiotic which helps the digestion, but also the simplest and natural solution to maintain the health and increase the longevity