20 research outputs found

    Geo-environmental approaches for the remediation of acid sulphate soil in low-lying floodplains

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    Acidity generated from the oxidation of pyrite and other sulphidic compounds that exist at shallow depths in acid sulphate soils (ASS) presents a challenging environmental problem in coastal Australia. The generated acidic groundwater can adversely impact coastal ecosystems, aquaculture and agriculture. Groundwater manipulation using weirs and modified floodgates in creeks and flood mitigation drains in ASS-affected farmland, which has been practiced for over a decade for preventing pyrite oxidation, is not effective in low-lying floodplains due to the high risk of flooding. In this paper, the authors present an overview of their experience in coastal Australia, a critical evaluation of currently practiced geo-environmental remediation methods as well as a demonstration of a pilot permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to control acidic groundwater pollution. The selection of recycled concrete, a commonly available alkaline waste material, and the systematic investigation of its longevity are highlighted through a series of batch and column experiments. In addition, the improvement of the groundwater quality by a pilot PRB using recycled concrete in ASS terrain within the Shoalhaven region of NSW, Australia will be elucidated based on field data collected over the last 3.5 years

    Occurrence and consequences of acid sulphate soils and methods of site remediation

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    The oxidation of sulphides in acid sulphate soils (ASS) causes the acidification of many Australian coastal river systems. The acidity negatively impacts upon coastal ecosystems, aquaculture, agriculture and concrete and steel infrastructure. In the low-lying floodplains, relatively deep surface drains fitted with one-way floodgates lower the watertable, thereby exposing the sulphidic minerals to oxidation. On the Broughton Creek floodplain in SE Australia, four distinct remediation strategies have been developed to tackle the issue of acidification by ASS: (i) simple V-notch weirs that raise the level of the watertable surrounding the drains thereby submerging the pyrite and preventing the further formation of acidity; (ii) modified two-way floodgates that allow the inflow of tidal water into the drains, thereby offering the acidity within the drain before it enters the river and raising the level of the watertable surrounding the drain; (iii) lateral impermeable lime barriers that both prevent oxidation of pyrite by stopping the downward movement of oxygen into the soil and neutralise the acidity in the groundwater; and (iv) permeable reactive barriers (PRB) that passively intercept the groundwater flow and neutralise the acidity. Each remediation strategy has a distinct role to suit the different terrain and groundwater conditions

    Selection of permeable reactive barrier materials for treating acidic groundwater in acid sulphate soil terrains based on laboratory column tests

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    The Shoalhaven region of NSW experiences environmental acidification due to acid sulphate soils (ASS). In order to trial an environmental engineering solution to groundwater remediation involving a permeable reactive barrier (PRB), comprehensive site characterisation and laboratory-based batch and column tests of reactive materials were conducted. The PRB is designed to perform in situ remediation of the acidic groundwater (pH 3) that is generated in ASS. Twenty-five alkaline reactive materials have been tested for suitability for the barrier, with an emphasis on waste materials, including waste concrete, limestone, calcite-bearing zeolitic breccia, blast furnace slag and oyster shells. Following three phases of batch tests, two waste materials (waste concrete and oyster shells) were chosen for column tests that simulate flow conditions through the barrier and using acidic water from the field site (pH 3). Both waste materials successfully treated with the acidic water, for example, after 300 pore volumes, the oyster shells still neutralised the water (pH 7)

    Petrography, carbonate mineralogy and geochemistry of thermally altered coal in Permian coal measures, Hunter Valley, Australia

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    Carbonate minerals commonly occur in coals of many ages and from a utilisation viewpoint can be deleterious. Several studies have been undertaken of the carbonates in the Permian coals of the Hunter Valley, Australia, but few studies use a multi-technique approach. For this study, a combined petrographic, geochemical and mineralogical approach was used to determine the distribution and residence of carbonate minerals in coal that had been intruded by a dyke. The dominant carbonate assemblages comprise primary siderite in inertinite-rich microlithotypes and secondary calcite(–ankerite–dolomite)–dawsonite in vitrinite-rich microlithotypes. The secondary carbonates were found in both the aureole of heated coal and also in an unheated mine-face sample. It is believed that the secondary carbonate minerals precipitated from magma-derived fluids percolating through the coal following the emplacement of the intrusions. The textures and distribution of the secondary carbonate minerals suggest that the temperature and pressure of the fluids may be just as important in developing fractures near dykes (particularly those that have multiple phases of geometries), cleat mineralogy and coal textures as direct heating from the intrusion. The partitioning of primary siderite with inertinite and secondary carbonates with vitrinite indicates that it can be reasonably expected that there would be a partitioning of minerals in various density fractions derived from float–sink tests and consequently a partitioning of elements with inertinite-rich fractions containing elevated Fe levels and vitrinite-rich fractions containing elevated Ca, Mg and Al. This partitioning has implications for the behaviour of the coal during washing and combustion, and the composition of combustion products

    3D characterisation of potential CO 2 reservoir and seal rocks

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    Digital core analysis at multiple scales incorporating X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) imaging in different states in 3D, and registration of 2D SEM and SEM-energy-dispersive X-ray spectra (EDS) images into the 3D tomograms, offers an extensive an

    3D porosity and mineralogy characterization in tight gas sandstones

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    Tight gas reservoirs exhibit storage and flow characteristics that are intimately tied to depositional and diagenetic processes. As a result, exploitation of these resources requires a comprehensive reservoir description and characterization program to identify properties which control production. In particular, tight gas reservoirs have significant primary and secondary porosity and pore connectivity dominated by clays and slot-like pores. This makes them particularly susceptible to the effects of overburden stress and variable water saturation. This paper describes an integrated approach to describe a tight gas sandstone at the pore scale in 3D. In particular, the primary and secondary porosity of a tight gas sandstone are identified and quantified in three dimensions using 3D X-ray micro-CT imaging and visualization of core material at the pore scale. 3D images allow one to map in detail the pore and grain structure and interconnectivity of primary and secondary porosity. Once the tomographic images are combined with SEM images from a single plane within the cubic data set, the nature of the secondary porosity can be determined and quantified. In-situ mineral maps measured on the same polished plane are used to identify different microporous phases contributing to the secondary porosity. Once these data sets are combined, the contribution of individual clay minerals to the microporosity, pore connectivity, and petrophysical response can be determined. Insight into the producibility may also be gained. This illustrates the role 3D imaging technology can play in a comprehensive reservoir characterization program for tight gas

    Multi-scale formation evaluation of tight gas resources

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    Tight unconventional rocks have become an increasingly common target for hydrocarbon production. Exploitation of these resources requires a comprehensive reservoir description and characterization program to accurately estimate reserves and identify properties which control production. In particular this requires mapping the porosity at multiple scales and understanding the coupled contributions of fractures, variable pore types, microporosity and mineral heterogeneity to petrophysical response and reserves assessment. This paper describes the application of a formation characterization study based on the integrated analysis of data in 2D and 3D at multiple scales on plugs from two sets of unconventional tight gas samples. Heterogeneity and geological rock typing is considered at the core scale via classical 3D imaging techniques. Mineralogy and secondary microporosity characterization is mapped at the plug scale with different modes of 3D X-ray micro-CT analysis coupled with SEM and SEM-EDS analysis. In particular the pore connectivity and production potential is probed. FIBSEM imaging can then used to reveal the porous microstructure of the key phases at the nano-scale. This information, collected at multiple scales, is integrated to provide an understanding and quantification of the pore structure and connectivity of these complex rocks. Petrophysical properties which impact the storage capacity and production characteristics are then computed for each key phase and data up-scaled to the plug scale using standard procedures. Results compare favourably with available core analysis data. The methodology illustrates the value of integrating conventional geological rock typing with plug/core scale petrophysical characterization to better understand rock properties characteristic of heterogeneous "unconventional" resources