412 research outputs found

    Production, Characterization and Utilization of the Biomass from Various Sources

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    Úprava biomasy je jedním z nejdůležitějších problémů v moderních přírodních vědách, protože je základní kategorií týkající se zemědělství, potravinářství, ekologie, zpracování odpadu a biotechnologie. Ať už živočišného, rostlinného nebo mikrobiálního původu, biomasa představuje obrovský zdroj surovin jako potravin, čistých chemikálií, bioaktivních molekul atd., jejichž izolace, charakterizace a formulace může vést k zajímavým novým produktům určeným pro lidskou spotřebu, nebo jako nový materiál v biomedicíně. Předložená studie byla zaměřena na výzkum dvou druhů biomasy - kuřecí kůže jako zdroje kolagenu t a biomasy mikrořasy Chlorella sorokiniana obohacené selenomethioninem (SeMet). V první části práce byl z kuřecí kůže izolován, identifikován a charakterizován kolagen typu I. Molekulární vlastnosti kuřecího kolagenu byly analyzovány a srovnány s jinými kolageny z živočišných kůží. Pro molekulární charakterizaci kolagenu byla použita viskosimetrie a ultrazvuková spektroskopie. Ultrazvukovou spektroskopií bylo zjištěno, že disagregace a zkapalňování hovězího kolagenu začíná při teplotě 40 °C, zatímco u kuřecího kolagenu začíná až při 50 °C. Viskosimetrie dále potvrdila vyšší tepelnou stabilitu kolagenu z kuřecí kůže, jeho denaturační teplota byla 50 °C, což je rovněž o deset stupňů více než u hovězího kolagenu. Kuřecí kolagen obsahuje dvakrát vyšší množství lysinu, což poskytuje tepelnou stabilitu kolagenu. Na základě získaných výsledků lze říci, že vzhledem ke své vysoké tepelné stabilitě a vhodnému aminokyselinovému složení, kuřecí kůže může být použita jako alternativní zdroj kolagenu typu I s aplikacemi v potravinářském průmyslu a biomedicíně. Druhá část práce byla zaměřena na obohacení biomasy zelené mikrořasy C. sorokiniana selenomethioninem. Experimentální část byla provedena v Laboratoři biotechnologie řas na Univerzitě Huelva ve Španělsku. Cílem první části experimentů bylo studovat vliv selenu na životaschopnost řas, morfologii buněk a akumulaci SeMet v biomase mikrořasy kultivované v dávkových kulturách. Subletální koncentrace Se v živném médiu, 40 mgL-1 (212 M), snížila rychlost růstu o 25 % ve srovnání s kontrolní kulturou. Hodnota EC50 45 mgL-1 (238,2 M) byla stanovena pro selenan. Ultrastrukturální studie ukazovaly na strukturální změny chloroplastu (granulární stroma, redukce thylakoid). Elektroforéza proteinů z biomasy mikrořasy ukazuje, že Se ovlivňuje expresi genu enzymu Rubisco. C. sorokiniana byla schopna akumulovat až 140 mgkg-1 SeMet během 120 h kultivace. Další část experimentální práce byla zaměřena na obohacování biomasy mikrořasy C. sorokiniana selenomethioninem během kontinuální kultivace s použitím 2,2 L bioreaktoru v kultivačním médiu s přídavkem koncentrace selenu v rozmezí od 5 do 50 mgL-1. C. sorokiniana rostla stejně ve všech testovaných koncentracích selenu kromě koncentrace 50 mgL1, která byla již po krátké době kultivace letální. Během kontinuální kultivace se 40 mgL-1 selenu, bylo získáno maximálně 246 gL-1 selenomethioninu denně. Výsledky ukazují, že kultivace v dávkových kulturách a dlouhodobá kontinuální kultivace mikrořasy C. sorokiniana pro získaní biomasy obohacené SeMet je možná pečlivým výběrem podmínek kultivace a subletálních koncentrací selenu v živném médiu.Biomass management is one of the most important issues in modern natural science as it is the basic category which spans through various disciplines of biotechnology. Whether animal, plant or microbial by its origin, biomass presents a vast source of food components, fine chemicals and bioactive molecules, which extraction, characterization and formulation can result in interesting new products destined for human consumption or as new materials in biomedicine. In the scope of this work, two natural biomass types were investigated – chicken skin as a source of collagen type I, and green microalga Chlorella sorokiniana biomass enriched in selenomethionine (SeMet). Chicken skin is a good alternative to traditional sources of collagen such as pork, bovine and carp that have some limitations. In the first part of this thesis, collagen type I from chicken skin was isolated, identified and characterized and molecular properties were compared to collagen from other animal skins. New methods (viscosimetry and ultrasonic spectroscopy) for molecular characterization of collagen were used. By ultrasonic attenuation, it has been determined that disaggregation and liquefaction phase starts at 40 °C in bovine collagen, whereas in chicken collagen starts at 50 °C. Using viscosimetry technique, denaturation temperature was found to be 50 °C, which is 10 °C higher than that obtained with bovine tendon collagen, confirming higher thermal stability of chicken skin collagen, probably because lysine levels in chicken collagen are two times higher than in bovine. Based on obtained results it could be concluded that due to its higher thermal stability and amino acid composition, chicken skin could be used as an excellent alternative source of collagen. The second phase of the thesis focused on the enrichment of green microalga C. sorokiniana biomass in SeMet by exposing cultures to selenate Se (+VI) during batch and continuous cultivation, and it was performed at the laboratory of Biotechnology of Algae from the Faculty of Experimental Sciences at the University of Huelva in Spain. Effect of selenate on viability, cell morphology and SeMet accumulation of the microalga C. sorokiniana grown in batch conditions was studied. Growth rate of cultures exposed to a sub-lethal 40 mgL1 (212 M) of Se decreased about 25 % compared to control. EC50 of 45 mgL1 (238.2 M) was determined for selenate. Ultrastructural studies with electronic microscope revealed cellular alterations. Electrophoresis of Se-exposed cell proteins suggests that selenate affects expression of the Rubisco gene. Microalga was able to accumulate up to 140 mgkg-1 of SeMet in 120 h of cultivation. The second type of microalgae experiments focused on the enrichment of C. sorokiniana in SeMet, grown in continuous conditions in a 2.2 L photobioreactor, in a medium supplemented with selenate concentrations ranging from 5 to 50 mgL-1. Continuous cultivation at several dilution rates was performed at 40 mgL-1 selenate obtaining a maximum of 246 gL-1day-1 of SeMet. Results suggest that an efficient batch and continuous cultivation of C. sorokiniana for the production of biomass enriched in the high value amino acid SeMet, at laboratory scale is feasible by carefully selecting sub-lethal selenate concentrations in culture medium as well as the culture dilution rates.

    Mental health services and prisoners: an updated review

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    Mental health services and prisoners: an updated revie

    Study of preparations for fat separators

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    Diplomová práce byla zaměřena na testování komerčního přípravku do odlučovačů tuků. Cílem práce bylo dokázat schopnost přítomných mikroorganismu v přípravku, produkovat lipázy, které působí na různé lipidové substráty. K analýze bylo použito celkem 4 druhů rostlinných olejů a 2 druhů živočišných tuků. Pro submerzní kultivaci bylo použito speciálně připravené médium, do kterého následně byl přidáván určitý druh tuků nebo oleje. U všech substrátů byly stanoveny číslo zmýdelnění, číslo kyselosti, esterové a peroxidové číslo. Aktivita enzymu a narůst biomasy byly měřeny spektrofotometrický a degradace lipidů byla měřena titračně. Studie ukázala, že testované mikroorganizmy z přípravku utilizují všechny lipidové substráty.Diploma thesis was concentrated at testing of a single commercial product designed as a lipid residue removal agent, applicable in grease trap vessel. Concept was, that product is to be tested for possible content of viable microbial culture with ability to utilize various kinds of vegetable oils and animal fats, by producing functional lipase. Four types of vegetable oils were used, and two fats of animal origin: olive oil, palm oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, lard and beef fat. Determined fat characteristics were: point of the saponification, the acid value, the ester value and the peroxide value. Submerged cultivation was performed on specially composed medium in which the oil or fat of choice, was mixed later. Lipolytic activity and biomass growth measurement was performed using spectrophotometry, lipid degradation ability was measured using titrimetry. Based on results it can be stated that tested microorganisms, originated from product, and its lipase has ability to successfully utilize all of used fats and oils and thus, theoretically, remove its content from grease trap.

    Prison reform in Serbia: a case for mental health?

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    This article outlines the findings of the recent research in the field of prison mental health care in Serbia, in light of the recent developments in the Serbian criminal justice system and the development of community mental health care services. The article notes paucity of research in this area, which is a reflection of the unfavorable position of offender care on the Serbian prison agenda. The authors emphasize the need for dedicated mental health legislation as well as the development of mental health services in prisons, which would mirror the developments in the community. Other suggestions for the development of prison mental health care are discussed in the text

    Integritet vägt mot allmänna intressen - En kritisk diskussion om personlig integritet vid användandet av hemliga tvångsmedel

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    This essay investigates the meaning of integrity in a constitutional context. Personal integrity, or the right to a private life, can be restricted in relation to other constitutional interest, such as public order. The focus of the thesis is when the police or secret service use secret surverlliance when an individual displays a prominent risk to undertake a criminal conduct. What constitutes personal integrity? In this text, personal integrity is defined in philosophical and legal context. There is no distinct definition of what constitutes personal integrity. The term needs to be defined within the context where it’s being used. The term, here, is used in the context of the Swedish prevention act. The act constitutes under what measures secret surveillance is to be used when an individual is at risk at committing a crime. Therefore, the definition that is used here contains several factors, such as private life, infringement on an individual’s personality, values, dreams etc. The crimes all have common characteristics in the sense that they all oppose a threat to the society or democratic values in general. Integrity can be restricted when other constitutional interests are at risk, such as public order. Also, constitutional principles needs to be considered in relation to such a restriction. Legality and proportionality must precede the trial, in order to prevent arbitrariness and excessive use of state power. The study also concerns the question of transparency for the individual when he or she is being supervised by state authorities. It is rare that an induvial can attain full access to information that concerns him or her, because of specific interests protected by the Swedish Public and Secrecy act. Ultimately, an overview of the thesis questions describes several aspects of integrity. One is privacy infringement, meaning that the individual cannot access information about him- or herself. From a theoretical point a view, it can be seen as the individual is risking to lose his or her autonomy. Is the restriction of power sufficient in order to protect the individual from intrusions of his or hers private life? Hereby, it is discussed whether this order is desirable in a society, especially in relation to how it can affect the individual. The balancing of personal integrity and public order as different constitutional interests is discussed in the last section of the essay.I denna uppsats utreds vad personlig integritet i ideell mening innebär och hur integritet kan inskränkas utifrån konstitutionella intressen. Även hur personlig integritet förhåller sig när polis eller SÄPO använder hemliga tvångsmedel mot en individ utreds. Sammanfattningsvis diskuteras dessa frågor utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv. Vad är personlig integritet? I denna text definieras personlig integritet utifrån dels juridiska definitioner och dels filosofiska definitioner. Någon entydig definition existerar inte, utan begreppets betydelse får ofta bestämmas utifrån kontexten det behandlas i. Här behandlas begreppet utifrån förebyggandelagens bestämmelser om hemliga tvångsåtgärder. Den enskilde kan få sin integritet begränsad om den visar påtaglig risk att begå ett allvarligt brott. Brotten har karaktären av att utgöra ett hot mot allmän ordning, vilket är det intresse som den personliga integriteten vägs mot. I sammanhanget måste dock en rad konstitutionella principer beaktas. Principerna, så som legalitetsprincipen och proportionalitetsprinciper har till syfte att begränsa godtycklig maktutövning mot den enskilde, vilket är ytterligare en konstitutionell fråga som diskuteras. I studien har möjligheterna till insyn inkluderats, vilket ställer integritetsfrågan på sin spets. Den enskilde som har blivit utsatt för hemliga tvångsmedel har som huvudregel väldigt liten möjlighet till att ta del av uppgifter som har förekommit i ärendet. Detta eftersom ärendet ofta är av känslig natur och kan riskera intressen som utrikessekretess, allmän ordning, brottsutredningar eller att uppgifterna kan vara till men för den enskildes eller dennes närståendes personliga integritet. Vid en samlad överblick av frågeställningarna, går det att se att integritet berörs i flera aspekter. Långtgående integritetskränkningar innebär i stort att den enskilde inte kan disponera över information som rör den själv och att dennes autonomi begränsas vid en sådan ordning. Sett ur en teoretisk synvinkel, går det att diskutera huruvida maktbegränsningar som finns på ett konstitutionellt plan är tillräckliga och om en sådan ordning som föreligger i dagsläget är önskvärd sett till vad det innebär för den enskilde. Avslutningsvis diskuteras förhållningssättet mellan personlig integritet, som ett grundlagsfäst intresse, och den allmänna ordningen

    Imagining the family:intergenerational cultural transmission in mixed families in Istanbul

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    Tezin basılısı İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi'ndedir.Accelerated and increasingly complex patterns of international migration are correlated with emergence of various types of transnational families and ever rising number of bi-national couples. Once a typical emigration country, Turkey has recently been established as a transit and receiving society, where numerous Europeans settled due to emotional ties with Turkish citizens. This thesis studies mixed European-Turkish families residing in Istanbul, as an “active and complex socio-cultural hybrid space” (Rodríguez García, 2006, 426). The self-definition is for each family open, fluid, and in a continual process of (re)construction. Although the creation of a new family always involves “imagining”, mixed couples necessarily answer more abstract questions than mono-cultural: a) Who are we as a family and where do we stand vis-à-vis our respective societies? b) Who are our children going to be? c) How we will raise them? Consequently, the thesis is divided into three main parts corresponding to the stated questions. First, I examine a) the social characteristics of the research participants, b) the reactions of family and friends to their relationship, and c) the adaptation strategies of non-Turkish partners to Turkish society. Second, I explore how these couples, as mothers and fathers, negotiate and pass specific aspects of their heritages to their children. Third, within the mixed families, mothers and fathers have at their disposal two distinctive sociocultural repertoires in regard to cultural transmission and parenting models, as they were raised and socialized in distinctive settings. Hence, I examine the non-Turkish participants’ perceptions of a role of extended family, a concept of a good mother and child-rearing practices. The thesis represents a qualitative micro study and derives from semistructured in-depth interviews.Abstract………………………………………………………………….…………iii Öz………………………………………………………………………………..….iv Dedication……………………………………………………………………………v Acknowledgments……………………………………………………….………...vi Table of contents……………………………………………………………………vii List of tables………………………………………………………………..……….ix CHAPTERS 1. Chapter I: Introduction a. Turkish migratory field: Overview…………………………………..1 b. How to study cross-national families? The research question and thesis outline……………………..…………………………………4 c. Methodology………………………………………………………....6 2. Chapter II: Who are we? Social characteristics of research participants, reactions to cross-national marriage, and adaptation strategies to Turkish society a. The research participants…………………………………………….9 b. The initial reactions and acceptance of the relationship …………...15 c. The adaptation strategies to Turkish society………………………..22 3. Chapter III: Who we want our children to be? Identity markers, competencies, and belonging a. Approaches to diversity within the mixed family.............................36 b. Open individualized approach: Cosmopolitan children....................39 c. Mix collective approach: Bi-national children..................................42 d. Single collective approach: Mono-national children.........................45 e. Discussion..........................................................................................50 4. Chapter IV: How we raise our children? Setting symbolic boundaries a. Context……………………………………………………………..55 b. The family models………………………………………………….58 c. The symbolic boundaries………………………………………...…61 d. Closeness between extended family members……………………...62 e. What is a good mother?.....................................................................68 f. Moral boundaries…………………………………………………...73 g. Socioeconomic boundaries…………………………………………77 h. Cultural boundaries…………………………………………………79 i. Discussion…………………………………………………………..81 5. Chapter V: Conclusion…………………………………………………84 References…………………………………………………………………………8

    Quality Red Wines: Changing the Content of Anthocyanins in the Process of Ripening Grapes

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    The content of anthocyanins in grape affects the color and sensory properties of red wine. This paper deals with the quality of Cabernet Sauvignon wines examining changes in the content of anthocyanins in the process of ripening grapes. The HPLC results show that the skin extracts obtained from the early defoliation plants showed up to 6 % and corresponding wine up to 24 % increase of the content of total anthocyanins as compared to the extracts from the control grape and corresponding wine samples. Partial early defoliation may be an excellent tool for control of anthocyanins in grapes and may be employed as a management practice as parameter for quality of red wines

    The Role of Microalgae in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Methylmercury (MeHg) in Aquatic Environments

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    Methylmercury (MeHg) is the most important and the most abundant organic Hg pollutant in the aquatic ecosystem that can affect human health through biomagnification. It is the most toxic organic Hg form, which occurs naturally and by human-induced contamination in water and is further biomagnified in the aquatic food web. MeHg is the only Hg form that accumulates in living organisms and is able to cross the blood–brain barrier, presenting an enormous health risk. Anthropogenic activity increases eutrophication of coastal waters worldwide, which promotes algae blooms. Microalgae, as primary producers, are especially sensitive to MeHg exposure in water and are an important entrance point for MeHg into the aquatic food web. MeHg assimilated by microalgae is further transferred to fish, wildlife and, eventually, humans as final consumers. MeHg biomagnifies and bioaccumulates in living organisms and has serious negative health effects on humans, especially newborns and children. Knowledge of the microalgae–MeHg interaction at the bottom of the food web provides key insights into the control and prevention of MeHg exposure in humans and wildlife. This review aims to summarize recent findings in the literature on the microalgae–MeHg interaction, which can be used to predict MeHg transfer and toxicity in the aquatic food webThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities; by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the framework of the FEDER program of Andalusia (Spain) 2014–2020, grant number UHU–202065; and by Grant P20-00930 from the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation, within the frame of the operational program “FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020” The authors wish to thank Erik Björn from Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden, for his constructive comments on the paper’s content. We wish to thank personnel from LICAH (Laboratorio de Investigación y Control Agroalimentario), University of Huelva, for their collaboration and cooperation under FEDER 2014–2020 UHU–202065 project. We also want to thank colleagues from BITAL (Algae Biotechnology Group), University of Huelva, for their kind assistance in the lab and for creating a productive working environmen