209 research outputs found

    Comunicación e Imagen para PyMes: SUCOPLAS - Sunchales Santa Fe

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    Trabajo Final para optar al grado académico de Licenciatura en Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Calificación 7 (Siete) Orientación InstitucionalLa presente tesina “Comunicación e Imagen para PyMEs: SUCOPLAS - Sunchales, Santa Fe” realiza un diagnóstico comunicacional dentro de la PyME SUCOPLAS. El mismo explora la cultura organizacional y los circuitos de comunicación, con el propósito de reconocer potenciales problemáticas en torno a la comunicación interna, en su organización, y también a la comunicación externa. El trabajo culmina con el desarrollo de una propuesta que pretende mejorar los problemas comunicacionales hallados y a su vez optimizar la imagen de la institución con el objeto de fidelizar públicos. Es entonces, que se propone el uso de una estrategia para que la PyME SUCOPLAS planifique su comunicación y oriente la percepción de su Imagen a los diferentes públicos, aprovechando los beneficios que pueden otorgar los diferentes canales de comunicación hacia la sociedad.Fil: Goitre, Nicole. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación; Argentina

    The Interplay between ROS and Ras GTPases: Physiological and Pathological Implications

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    The members of the RasGTPase superfamily are involved in various signaling networks responsible for fundamental cellular processes. Their activity is determined by their guanine nucleotide-bound state. Recent evidence indicates that some of these proteins may be regulated by redox agents. Reactive oxygen species (ROSs) and reactive nitrogen species (RNSs) have been historically considered pathological agents which can react with and damage many biological macromolecules including DNA, proteins, and lipids. However, a growing number of reports have suggested that the intracellular production of ROS is tightly regulated and that these redox agents serve as signaling molecules being involved in a variety of cell signaling pathways. Numerous observations have suggested that some Ras GTPases appear to regulate ROS production and that oxidants function as effector molecules for the small GTPases, thus contributing to their overall biological function. Thus, redox agents may act both as upstream regulators and as downstream effectors of Ras GTPases. Here we discuss current understanding concerning mechanisms and physiopathological implications of the interplay between GTPases and redox agents

    Molecular Crosstalk between Integrins and Cadherins: Do Reactive Oxygen Species Set the Talk?

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    The coordinate modulation of the cellular functions of cadherins and integrins plays an essential role in fundamental physiological and pathological processes, including morphogenesis, tissue differentiation and renewal, wound healing, immune surveillance, inflammatory response, tumor progression, and metastasis. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the fine-tuned functional communication between cadherins and integrins are still elusive. This paper focuses on recent findings towards the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the regulation of cell adhesion and signal transduction functions of integrins and cadherins, pointing to ROS as emerging strong candidates for modulating the molecular crosstalk between cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion receptors

    Mediterranean diet and sars-cov-2 infection: Is there any association? a proof-of-concept study

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    2 Abstract: The aim of this observational study was investigating the possible correlation between adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MeD) and SARS-COV-2 infection rates and severity among healthcare professionals (HCPs). An online self-administrated questionnaire (evaluating both MeD adherence and dietary habits) was filled out by HCPs working in Piedmont (Northern Italy) from 15 January to 28 February 2021. Out of the 1206 questionnaires collected, 900 were considered reliable and analyzed. Individuals who reported the SARS-COV-2 infection (n = 148) showed a significantly lower MeD score, with a lower adherence in fruit, vegetables, cereals, and olive oil consumption. In a logistic regression model, the risk of infection was inversely associated with the MeD score (OR = 0.88; 95% CI 0.81–0.97) and the consumption of cereals (OR = 0.64; 0.45–0.90). Asymptomatic individuals with SARS-COV-2 infection reported a lower intake of saturated fats than symptomatic; individuals requiring hospitalization were significantly older and reported worse dietary habits than both asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. After combining all symptomatic individuals together, age (OR = 1.05; 1.01–1.09) and saturated fats intake (OR = 1.09; 1.01–1.17) were associated with the infection severity. HCPs who reported a SARS-COV-2 infection showed a significantly lower MeD score and cereal consumption. The infection severity was directly associated with higher age and saturated fat intake