51 research outputs found

    Common Peak Approach Using Mass Spectrometry Data Sets for Predicting the Effects of Anticancer Drugs on Breast Cancer

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    We propose a method for biomarker discovery from mass spectrometry data, improving the common peak approach developed by Fushiki et al. (BMC Bioinformatics, 7:358, 2006). The common peak method is a simple way to select the sensible peaks that are shared with many subjects among all detected peaks by combining a standard spectrum alignment and kernel density estimates. The key idea of our proposed method is to apply the common peak approach to each class label separately. Hence, the proposed method gains more informative peaks for predicting class labels, while minor peaks associated with specific subjects are deleted correctly. We used a SELDI-TOF MS data set from laser microdissected cancer tissues for predicting the treatment effects of neoadjuvant therapy using an anticancer drug on breast cancer patients. The AdaBoost algorithm is adopted for pattern recognition, based on the set of candidate peaks selected by the proposed method. The analysis gives good performance in the sense of test errors for classifying the class labels for a given feature vector of selected peak values

    What is the best approach for breast conserving therapy?

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    A case-control study of breast cancer among Japanese women in Tokyo

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    Untuk meneliti faktor. risiko kanker payudara saat ini dilakukan penelitian kasus-kontrol pada rumah-sakit di Tokyo, dari tahun 1990 sampai 1991. Informasi mengenai faktor risiko potensial didapat dari kwesioner yang diisi sendiri oleh 5.084 pasien rawat jalan. Dari pasien tersebut didapat 300 kasus /canker payudara, dan dipilih 900 kontrol secara acak yang umunya sesuai. Temuan bermakna adalah: (a) semakin tinggijumlah kelahiran hidup, semakin kecil risikopada wanita pramenopause (risiko relatif (RR)yang disesuaikan untuk 3 atau lebih kelahiran hidup terhadap tanpa kelahiran hidup: 0,24; 95% interval kepercayaan (JK) : 0,08 - 0,65); (b)pada wanita pramenopause, siklus haid teratur meningkatkan risiko (RR yang disesuaikan: 2,50; 95% IK : 1,16-5,38), danpeningkatan lama siklus mengurangi risiko (P untuk kecenderungan linier ot 50 kg atau kurang adalah 4,82 (95% IK: 1,53-15,2); (e) semakin tua usia melahirkan anak pertama, semakin tinggi risiko kanker payudara pasca menopause (2,85; 1,16-6,99, dan 3,54; 1,03-12,2 untuk umur 30-34 dan 35 tahun atau lebih). Risiko kanker payudara pra menopause dan pascamenopause tidak berhubungan dengan riwayat kankerpayudara pada keluarga, riwayat penyakit payudara jinak, umur saat haid pertama dan menopause, la/etas kebiasaan minum alkohol dan tinggi badan. Abstract To explore the risk factors for recent female breast cancer, a hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Tokyo, from 1990 to 1991. Information on potential risk factors was obtained by a self-administered questionnaire from 5.084 out-patients. Of thepatients, 300 incident breast cancer cases were recruited, and 900 age-matched controls were randomly selected. Significant findings are: (a) the more the number of livebirths, the smaller the risk inpremenopausal women (adjusted relative risk (RR)for 3 or more births relative to none: 0.24; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.08-0.65); (b) in premenopausal women, regular menstrual cycle increased the risk (adjusted RR: 2.50, 95% Cl: 1.16-5.38), and its increasing duration decreased the risk (Pfor linear tren

    Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the breast: A case report and review of the literature

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    We report a case of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (MCA) of the breast in a 96-year-old woman. This is an extremely rare variant of primary breast carcinoma that bears a striking resemblance to MCAs of the ovary and pancreas. The macroscopic appearance and secretion pattern (cytologic findings) resembled cystic hypersecretory carcinoma. However, microscopically, the epithelial cells were quite different from those of cystic hypersecretory carcinoma. In the present study as well as in the literature, MCAs tend to occur more frequently in elderly women. Immunohistochemical findings suggest that they may develop independently of estrogenic stimulation. Although MCAs show high proliferative activity, the prognosis was favorable in the present case as well as in the reported cases. Because MCAs appear to have a distinct pathogenesis and biologic behavior, they should be distinguished from ordinary mucinous carcinomas, cystic hypersecretory carcinomas, and carcinomas of other histologic subtypes