450 research outputs found
Correlation functions of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures
We calculate the asymptotic behaviour of correlation functions as a function
of the microscopic parameters for a Bose-Fermi mixture with repulsive
interaction in one dimension. For two cases, namely polarized and unpolarized
fermions the singularities of the momentum distribution functions are
characterized as a function of the coupling constant and the relative density
of bosons.Comment: RevTeX 4, 10 pages, 2 figure
String order and adiabatic continuity of Haldane chains and band insulators
The ground state of spin-1 Haldane chains is characterized by the so-called
string order. We show that the same hidden order is also present in ordinary
one-dimensional band insulators. We construct a family of Hamiltonians which
connects adiabatically band insulators to two topologically non-equivalent spin
models, the Haldane chain and the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladder. We observe
that the localized spin-1/2 edge-state characteristic of spin-1 chains is
smoothly connected to a surface-bound state of band insulators and its
emergence is not related to any bulk phase transition. Furthermore, we show
that the string order is absent in any dimensions higher than one.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Appendix about charge string orders added.
Version as publishe
Dissipation-driven quantum phase transitions in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid electrostatically coupled to a metallic gate
The dissipation induced by a metallic gate on the low-energy properties of
interacting 1D electron liquids is studied. As function of the distance to the
gate, or the electron density in the wire, the system undergoes a quantum phase
transition from the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid state to two kinds of dissipative
phases, one of them with a finite spatial correlation length. We also define a
dual model, which describes an attractive one dimensional metal with a
Josephson coupling to a dirty metallic lead.Comment: 5 pages, 2 EPS figures; v2: improved figure for phase diagram, added
discussion, corrected typo
Threshold Singularities in the One Dimensional Hubbard Model
We consider excitations with the quantum numbers of a hole in the one
dimensional Hubbard model below half-filling. We calculate the finite-size
corrections to the energy. The results are then used to determine threshold
singularities in the single-particle Green's function for commensurate
fillings. We present the analogous results for the Yang-Gaudin model (electron
gas with delta-function interactions).Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures version to appear in Phys Rev
Electro-spinon in one-dimensional Mott insulator
The low-energy dynamical optical response of dimerized and undimerized spin
liquid states in a one-dimensional charge transfer Mott insulator is
theoretically studied. An exact analysis is given for the low-energy asymptotic
behavior using conformal field theory for the undimerized state. In the
dimerized state, the infrared absorption due to the bound state of two
solitons, i.e, the breather mode, is predicted with an accurate estimate for
its oscillator strength, offering a way to detect experimentally the excited
singlet state. Effects of external magnetic fields are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, some typos are correcte
Susceptibility at the edge points of magnetization plateau of 1D electron/spin systems
We study the behavior of magnetization curve as a function of magnetic field
in the immediate vicinity of the magnetization plateaus of 1D electron systems
within the bosonization formalism. First we discuss the plateau that is formed
at the saturation magnetization of 1D electron system. Interactions between
electrons we treat in the lowest order of perturbation. We show that for
isolated systems, where total number of electrons is not allowed to vary,
magnetic susceptibility stays always finite away of half filling. Similar
statement holds for many other magnetization plateaus supporting nonmagnetic
gapless excitations encountered in 1D electron/spin systems in the absence of
special symmetries or features responsible for the mode decoupling. We
demonstrate it on example of the plateaus at irrational values of magnetization
in doped modulated Hubbard chains. Finally we discuss the connection between
the weak coupling description of saturation magnetization plateau and strong
coupling description of zero magnetization plateau of attractively interacting
electrons/ antiferromagnetically interacting spin 1 Bosons.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Anderson-like impurity in the one-dimensional t-J model: formation of local states and magnetic behaviour
We consider an integrable model describing an Anderson-like impurity coupled
to an open -- chain. Both the hybridization (i.e. its coupling to bulk
chain) and the local spectrum can be controlled without breaking the
integrability of the model. As the hybridization is varied, holon and spinon
bound states appear in the many body ground state. Based on the exact solution
we study the state of the impurity and its contribution to thermodynamic
quantities as a function of an applied magnetic field. Kondo behaviour in the
magnetic response of the impurity can be observed provided that its parameters
have been adjusted properly to the energy scales of the holon and spinon
excitations of the one-dimensional bulk.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figure
Fragility of String Orders
One-dimensional gapped systems are often characterized by a 'hidden'
non-local order parameter, the so-called string order. Due to the gap,
thermodynamic properties are robust against a weak higher-dimensional coupling
between such chains or ladders. To the contrary, we find that the string order
is not stable and decays for arbitrary weak inter-chain or inter-ladder
coupling. We investigate the vanishing of the order for three different
systems: spin-one Haldane chains, band insulators, and the transverse-field
Ising model. Using perturbation theory and bosonization, we show that the
fragility of the string order arises from non-local commutation relations
between the non-local order parameter and the perturbation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Published versio
Spin gap and string order parameter in the ferromagnetic Spiral Staircase Heisenberg Ladder: a quantum Monte Carlo study
We consider a spin-1/2 ladder with a ferromagnetic rung coupling J_\perp and
inequivalent chains. This model is obtained by a twist (\theta) deformation of
the ladder and interpolates between the isotropic ladder (\theta=0) and the
SU(2) ferromagnetic Kondo necklace model (\theta=\pi). We show that the ground
state in the (\theta,J_\perp) plane has a finite string order parameter
characterising the Haldane phase. Twisting the chain introduces a new energy
scale, which we interpret in terms of a Suhl-Nakamura interaction. As a
consequence we observe a crossover in the scaling of the spin gap at weak
coupling from \Delta/J_\| \propto J_\perp/J_\| for \theta < \theta_c \simeq
8\pi/9 to \Delta/J_\| \propto (J_\perp/J_\|)^2 for \theta > \theta_c. Those
results are obtained on the basis of large scale Quantum Monte Carlo
calculations.Comment: 4 page
The Mott metal-insulator transition in the 1D Hubbard model in an external magnetic field
We study the low energy behavior of the one dimensional Hubbard model across
the Mott metal-insulator phase transition in an external magnetic field. In
particular we calculate elements of the dressed charge matrix at the critical
point of the Mott transition for arbitrary Hubbard repulsion and magnetization
numerically and, in certain limiting cases, analytically. These results are
combined with a non-perturbative effective field theory approach to reveal how
the breaking of time reversal symmetry influences the Mott transition.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur
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