10 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to “The current and future burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada: Summary of results” (Preventive Medicine (2019) 122 (140–147), (S0091743519301318), (10.1016/j.ypmed.2019.04.007))

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    The authors regret that in Table 1 (page 142), footnote ‘a’ should be removed and in Table 2 (page 144), footnote ‘b’ should be removed. In Table 2 on page 144, in the cell corresponding to Human papillomavirus (row) and Cervix (column), the figure 100% should be presented (the cell is currently blank). In Table 3 on page 145, under the column heading ‘Exposure,’ the cells ‘Fruit’ and ‘Vegetable’ should be switched. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused

    The current and future burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada: Summary of results

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    Nearly one in two Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. However, there are opportunities to reduce the impact of modifiable cancer risk factors through well-informed interventions and policies. Since no comprehensive Canadian estimates have been available previously, we estimated the proportion of cancer diagnosed in 2015 and the future burden in 2042 attributable to lifestyle and environmental factors, and infections. Population-based historical estimates of exposure prevalence and their associated risks for each exposure-cancer site pair were obtained to estimate population attributable risks, assuming the exposures were distributed independently and that the risk estimates were multiplicative. We estimated that between 33 and 37% (up to 70,000 cases) of incident cancer cases among adults aged 30 years and over in 2015 were attributable to preventable risk factors. Similar proportions of cancer cases in males (34%) and females (33%) were attributable to these risk factors. Tobacco smoking and a lack of physical activity were associated with the highest proportions of cancer cases. Cancers with the highest number of preventable cases were lung (20,100), colorectal (9800) and female breast (5300) cancer. If current trends in the prevalence of preventable risk factors continue into the future, we project that by 2042 approximately 102,000 incident cancer cases are expected to be attributable to these risk factors per year, which would account for roughly one-third of all incident cancers. Through various risk reduction interventions, policies and public health campaigns, an estimated 10,600 to 39,700 cancer cases per year could be prevented by 2042

    Estimates of the future burden of cancer attributable to infections in Canada

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    More than 7000 incident cancers diagnosed in Canada in 2015 were attributable to infections. The future infection-associated cancer burden can be lowered by reducing the prevalence of major cancer-causing infections; hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and human papillomavirus (HPV). We modeled the future impact of (1) 10%, 25%, and 50% relative reductions in the prevalence of HBV, HCV and H. pylori and (2) different school-based HPV vaccination coverage levels (lower, current, higher) on Canadian cancer incidence by the year 2042. We modeled counterfactual reductions in HBV, HCV and H. pylori prevalence in 2018, assuming a latenc

    Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to excess body weight and abdominal adiposity in Canada

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    The increasing prevalence of obesity among Canadians has important implications for newly diagnosed cases of cancer given that excess body weight and abdominal adiposity are known to increase the risk of several cancers. The purpose of this analysis was to estimate the current attributable and future avoidable burden of cancer related to excess body weight and abdominal adiposity among Canadian adults. We estimated the population attributable risk (PAR) for all cancers associated with excess body weight and abdominal adiposity using contemporary cancer incidence, relative risk and exposure prevalence data for body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and waist-to-hip-ratio. Using the partial impact fraction (PIF), we also estimated the future avoidable burden of cancer from 2015 to 2042 in Canada, and by province, through various hypothetical intervention scenarios. In 2003, approximately half (50.5%) of the Canadian population was estimated to be overweight (BMI 25.0–29.9) or obese (BMI ≥30.0), 56.5% to have excess abdominal adiposity and 56.8% with a high waist-to-hip ratio. In 2015, the estimated PARs of all incident cancers associated with excess body weight, excess abdominal adiposity and high waist-to-hip ratio were 7.2%, 8.9% and 10.0%, respectively. If the population BMI could revert to its 1994 distribution, 72,157 associated cancer cases could be prevented cumulatively by 2042. A reduction in excess body weight and abdominal adiposity has the potential to decrease the future cancer burden in Canada substantially, and hence efforts to reverse increasing trends in obesity should be prioritized

    Estimates of the current and future burden of melanoma attributable to ultraviolet radiation in Canada

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    Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is an established cause of cutaneous melanoma. The purpose of this study was to estimate the current attributable and future avoidable burden of melanoma related to exposure to UVR and modifiable UVR risk behaviors (sunburn, sunbathing, and indoor tanning). The population attributable ris

    Estimates of the current and future burden of lung cancer attributable to residential radon exposure in Canada

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    Radon is widely recognized as a human carcinogen and findings from epidemiologic studies support a causal association between residential radon exposure and lung cancer risk. Our aim was to derive population attributable risks (PAR) to estimate the numbers of incident lung cancer due to residential radon exposure in Canada in 2015. Potential impact fractions for 2042 were estimated based on a series of counterfactuals. A meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the relative risk of lung cancer per 100 Becquerels (Bq)/m 3 increase in residential radon exposure, with a pooled estimate of 1.16 (95% CI: 1.07–1.24). The population distribution of annual residential radon exposure was estimated based on a national survey with adjustment for changes in the population distribution over time, the proportion of Canadians living in high-rise buildings, and to reflect annual rather than winter levels. An estimated 6.9% of lung cancer cases in 2015 were attributable to exposure to residential radon, accounting for 1741 attributable cases. If mitigation efforts were to reduce all residential radon exposures that are above current Canadian policy guidelines of 200 Bq/m 3 (3% of Canadians) to 50 Bq/m 3 , 293 cases could be prevented in 2042, and 2322 cumulative cases could be prevented between 2016 and 2042. Our results show that mitigation that exclusively targets Canadian homes with radon exposures above current Canadian guidelines may not greatly alleviate the future projected lung cancer burden. Mitigation of residential radon levels below current guidelines may be required to substantially reduce the overall lung cancer burden in the Canadian population

    The current and future burden of cancer attributable to red and processed meat consumption in Canada

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    Red meat and processed meat have been consistently associated with an increased risk of colorectal, stomach, pancreatic cancer and esophageal cancer (processed meat only). The purpose of this analysis was to estimate the current attributable and future avoidable burden of cancer related to red and processed meat consumption in Canada. We estimated the population attributable risk of cancer separately for red meat consumption (beef, lamb, and pork, excluding processed meat) and processed meat consumption (sausage and bacon) incorporating current cancer incidence data, relative risks, and exposure prevalence. We also estimated the future avoidable burden of cancer from 2015 to 2042 for Canada and by province using the potential impact fraction associated with various potential intervention scenarios intended to reduce consumption, ranging from a decrease of 0.2 servings/week to 2.0 servings/week among the adult Canadian population aged 20 and over. The estimated mean red meat consumption in the Canadian population in 2007 to 2011 was approximately 3.2 times per week. In addition, Canadians consume an average of 1.2 times of processed meat per week. In 2015, an estimated 5.9% of associated cancers and 0.9% of all cancers were attributable to red meat consumption. An estimated 4.5% of associated cancers and 0.7% of all cancers were attributable to processed meat consumption. A mean decrease of 0.5 servings/week of red meat or processed meat could prevent about 8700 or 16,600 cancer cases, respectively, between 2015 and 2042. In conclusion, a small but meaningful cancer burden is associated with red and processed meat consumption. Interventions aimed at reducing consumption at the population level have the potential in the prevention of many cancers in Canada