42 research outputs found

    A Bestiary of Sets and Relations

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    Building on established literature and recent developments in the graph-theoretic characterisation of its CPM category, we provide a treatment of pure state and mixed state quantum mechanics in the category fRel of finite sets and relations. On the way, we highlight the wealth of exotic beasts that hide amongst the extensive operational and structural similarities that the theory shares with more traditional arenas of categorical quantum mechanics, such as the category fdHilb. We conclude our journey by proving that fRel is local, but not without some unexpected twists.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    A Corpus-based Toy Model for DisCoCat

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    The categorical compositional distributional (DisCoCat) model of meaning rigorously connects distributional semantics and pregroup grammars, and has found a variety of applications in computational linguistics. From a more abstract standpoint, the DisCoCat paradigm predicates the construction of a mapping from syntax to categorical semantics. In this work we present a concrete construction of one such mapping, from a toy model of syntax for corpora annotated with constituent structure trees, to categorical semantics taking place in a category of free R-semimodules over an involutive commutative semiring R.Comment: In Proceedings SLPCS 2016, arXiv:1608.0101

    Mermin Non-Locality in Abstract Process Theories

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    The study of non-locality is fundamental to the understanding of quantum mechanics. The past 50 years have seen a number of non-locality proofs, but its fundamental building blocks, and the exact role it plays in quantum protocols, has remained elusive. In this paper, we focus on a particular flavour of non-locality, generalising Mermin's argument on the GHZ state. Using strongly complementary observables, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for Mermin non-locality in abstract process theories. We show that the existence of more phases than classical points (aka eigenstates) is not sufficient, and that the key to Mermin non-locality lies in the presence of certain algebraically non-trivial phases. This allows us to show that fRel, a favourite toy model for categorical quantum mechanics, is Mermin local. We show Mermin non-locality to be the key resource ensuring the device-independent security of the HBB CQ (N,N) family of Quantum Secret Sharing protocols. Finally, we challenge the unspoken assumption that the measurements involved in Mermin-type scenarios should be complementary (like the pair X,Y), opening the doors to a much wider class of potential experimental setups than currently employed. In short, we give conditions for Mermin non-locality tests on any number of systems, where each party has an arbitrary number of measurement choices, where each measurement has an arbitrary number of outcomes and further, that works in any abstract process theory.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118