6 research outputs found

    A Leptin-regulated Circuit Controls Glucose Mobilization During Noxious Stimuli

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    Adipocytes secrete the hormone leptin to signal the sufficiency of energy stores. Reductions in circulating leptin concentrations reflect a negative energy balance, which augments sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation in response to metabolically demanding emergencies. This process ensures adequate glucose mobilization despite low energy stores. We report that leptin receptor–expressing neurons (LepRb neurons) in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), the largest population of LepRb neurons in the brain stem, mediate this process. Application of noxious stimuli, which often signal the need to mobilize glucose to support an appropriate response, activated PAG LepRb neurons, which project to and activate parabrachial nucleus (PBN) neurons that control SNS activation and glucose mobilization. Furthermore, activating PAG LepRb neurons increased SNS activity and blood glucose concentrations, while ablating LepRb in PAG neurons augmented glucose mobilization in response to noxious stimuli. Thus, decreased leptin action on PAG LepRb neurons augments the autonomic response to noxious stimuli, ensuring sufficient glucose mobilization during periods of acute demand in the face of diminished energy stores

    Excitatory synaptic transmission and network activity are depressed following mechanical injury in cortical neurons

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    In vitro and in vivo traumatic brain injury (TBI) alter the function and expression of glutamate receptors, yet the combined effect of these alterations on cortical excitatory synaptic transmission is unclear. We examined the effect of in vitro mechanical injury on excitatory synaptic function in cultured cortical neurons by assaying synaptically driven intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) oscillations in small neuronal networks as well as spontaneous and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). We show that injury decreased the incidence and frequency of spontaneous neuronal [Ca2+]i oscillations for at least 2 days post-injury. The amplitude of the oscillations was reduced immediately and 2 days post-injury, although a transient rebound at 4 h post-injury was observed due to increased activity of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDARs) and calcium-permeable α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptors (CP-AMPARs). Increased CP-AMPAR function was abolished by the inhibition of protein synthesis. In parallel, mEPSC amplitude decreased immediately, 4 h, and 2 days post-injury, with a transient increase in the contribution of synaptic CP-AMPARs observed at 4 h post-injury. Decreased mEPSC amplitude was evident after injury, even if NMDARs and CP-AMPARs were blocked pharmacologically, suggesting the decrease reflected alterations in synaptic Glur2-containing, calcium-impermeable AMPARs. Despite the transient increase in CP-AMPAR activity that we observed, the overriding effect of mechanical injury was long-term depression of excitatory neurotransmission that would be expected to contribute to the cognitive deficits of TBI

    Leptin-inhibited PBN neurons enhance responses to hypoglycemia in negative energy balance

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    Hypoglycemia initiates the counter regulatory response (CRR), in which the sympathetic nervous system, glucagon, and glucocorticoids restore glucose to appropriate concentrations. During starvation, low leptin restrains energy utilization, enhancing long-term survival. To ensure short-term survival during hypoglycemia in fasted animals, the CRR must overcome this energy-sparing program and nutrient depletion. Here, we identify in mice a previously unrecognized role for leptin and a population of leptin-regulated neurons that modulate the CRR to meet these challenges. Hypoglycemia activates leptin receptor (LepRb) and cholecystokinin (CCK)-expressing neurons of the parabrachial nucleus (PBN), which project to the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Leptin inhibits these cells and Cck(cre)-mediated ablation of LepRb enhances the CRR. Inhibition of PBN LepRb cells blunts the CRR, while their activation mimics the CRR in a CCK-dependent manner. PBN LepRb(CCK) neurons represent a crucial component of the CRR system, and may represent a therapeutic target in hypoglycemia