33 research outputs found

    ZusammenhÀnge zwischen einem SJT zur Erfassung von Teamwork und der Leistung im Assessment Center

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    Assessment Center (AC) sind weit verbreitete, aber ressourcenintensive Verfahren zur Personalauswahl. Ein fĂŒr die Vorhersage von Berufserfolg etabliertes und effizientes Verfahren sind Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs). Werden diese konstruktorientiert konstruiert, ermöglichen sie eine valide und verfĂ€lschungsresistente Erfassung von tĂ€tigkeitsrelevanten Merkmalen (Christian et al., 2010). In der vorliegenden Studie wurde ein SJT zur Erfassung von TeamfĂ€higkeit im Hinblick auf seine Eignung als Auswahlinstrument im Kontext eines ACs analysiert. N=181 Bewerbern fĂŒr den Beruf Pilot bearbeiteten in der ersten Auswahlstufe verschiedene Leistungs- und Wissenstests sowie einen Persönlichkeitstest. In der zweiten Auswahlstufe fĂŒllten sie den SJT-TW zur Messung von TeamfĂ€higkeit (Gatzka & Volmer, 2017) im Rahmen eines Assessment Center Tages aus. Bewerber, die das AC bestanden, hatten ein signifikant besseres SJT-Ergebnis als diejenigen, die an diesem Tag ausschieden. Dabei korrelierte das SJT-Testergebnis signifikant mit den Dimensionsratings der AC-Beobachter: Sowohl zur TeamfĂ€higkeit als auch zur FĂŒhrungskompetenz und zur Belastbarkeit ergaben sich signifikant positive ZusammenhĂ€nge. Keine bedeutsamen Korrelationen gab es zur Persönlichkeit und zu den kognitiven Leistungstests. FĂŒr den untersuchten SJT-TW lassen sich hypothesenkonform konvergente wie diskriminante ZusammenhĂ€nge zum existierenden Auswahlverfahren aufzeigen. Insbesondere aus den ZusammenhĂ€ngen des SJT-TW zur Verhaltensbeobachtung lĂ€sst sich ableiten, dass dieser relevante Verhaltensaspekte valide erfasst und im Auswahlkontext Verwendung finden kann

    Analysis of a situational judgment test for teamwork as a preselection tool for an assessment center: A construct‐based approach

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    Situational judgment tests (SJTs) constitute an efficient and well-established method for predicting professional success. However, more information is needed regarding their relationship to applicants' behavior as observed in an assessment center (AC) at the construct level. In the present study, an SJT for teamwork (SJT‐TW) was assessed in terms of its suitability as a preselection tool for ACs in the context of a multistage selection. Data were collected from 276 applicants for ab initio pilot training during their selection process. Results from the regression analyses showed that the SJT‐TW test performance is a significant predictor for the AC result and it contributed more than knowledge, cognitive performance tests, and personality scales thereto. The SJT‐TW also caused significant increments for the prediction of single AC dimensions. Therefore, it was concluded that construct‐based SJTs are useful for the assessment of behavioral constructs and can complement selection processes as a preselection tool

    Thermal comfort of novel low-momentum ventilation concepts for passengers in long-distance trains

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    Thermal comfort is essential to increase the modal share of rail transport by attracting more passengers. In this study, three novel low-momentum ventilation concepts were analyzed regarding the thermal comfort of railway passengers and compared to a conventional ventilation setting. Using an experimental approach, objective measurements of climate parameters and subjective assessments from 146 test subjects in a generic train compartment were analyzed. Results revealed significant differences in perceived thermal comfort among the four ventilation settings. Subjects reported comparatively higher thermal comfort in hatrack integrated low-momentum ventilation and hybrid ventilation (HV) than in cabin displacement ventilation (CDV) and microjet ventilation (MJV). Vertical temperature stratification was strongest in CDV, leading to losses in the comfort of the lower body parts. In MJV, some temporary and local exceedances of air velocities were observed, which contributed to lower comfort evaluations at heads and shoulders. For all ventilation settings, warmer air temperatures were preferred. Our findings demonstrated that subjective comfort assessments reasonably complement earlier results derived from thermal manikin studies. Therefore, low-momentum ventilation, especially in terms of HV, has the significant potential to improve thermal conditions for long-distance journeys in passenger rail cars

    Untersuchung zum thermischen Komfort im Pkw fĂŒr den Grenzbereich des Luftzugempfindens

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    In den letzten Jahren ist ein deutlicher Anstieg in Bezug auf wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Themenkomplex „komfortable und energieeffiziente Fahrzeugklimatisierung“ zu beobachten. Die Ursache fĂŒr das gesteigerte Interesse ist der vermehrte Einsatz von ElektromobilitĂ€t und die Weiterentwicklung des autonomen Fahrens. FĂŒr elektrisch betriebene PKWs ist eine effiziente Klimatisierung besonders wichtig, da diese die Reichweite des Fahrzeugs direkt beeinflusst. Auch beim autonomen Fahren ergeben sich in Zukunft ganz neue Anforderungen an die Fahrzeugklimatisierung und deren Integration. Aufgrund der zu erwartenden, völlig neu strukturierten FahrzeuginnenrĂ€ume werden BelĂŒftungskonzepte benötigt, die den neuen Anforderungen an Design und Komfortempfinden gerecht werden

    Job requirements for future train drivers: A job analysis

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    Technological changes enable higher automation in the transport sector. Thus, job environments for train drivers will change. Job holders will potentially operate trains from a control center, responsibly supervising multiple trains at once during routine operations. Additionally, they might remotely intervene in particular train rides if necessary. This study aims at identifying the requirements of remote train operators for automated trains and at comparing these to job requirements of high-speed train drivers. An expert sample of N=36 train drivers was instructed to immerge into future job activities by a written job description and two videos describing future tasks. Following, they were asked to assess future job requirements by rating 75 abilities of the Fleishman Job Analysis Survey regarding their importance for the successful accomplishment of future work tasks. The highest rated competencies were in the domains of sensory/perceptual, cognitive and interactive/social abilities followed by psychomotor abilities. However, physical abilities were evaluated as being unimportant for remote train operators. Most important competencies were dependability, emotional control and perseverance (social/interactive domain) as well as operational monitoring, vigilance and time sharing (cognitive domain). Similarities and differences to the requirements for drivers of high-speed trains are discussed

    Instrumente der beruflichen Eignungsdiagnostik (Studienheft EIDIH02)

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