26 research outputs found

    The Transport History of Alluvial Fan Sediment Inferred From Multiple Geochronometers

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    We present a multi-chronometer approach to refine the age of an alluvial fan and to infer sediment transport and deposition history in the Anza Borrego Desert region of Southern California. We measure in situ produced cosmogenic carbon-14 (14C) from boulders on the fan surface and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages from single feldspar grains within the alluvium. Our new IRSL age [5.3 ± 0.5 ka (±1σ)] is in excellent agreement with existing uranium-series [U-series; 5.3 ± 0.2 (±2σ)] ages of pedogenic carbonates. The IRSL and U-series ages show that in situ 14C measurements [6.6 ± 1.1 ka (±1σ)] from boulders contain inherited nuclides from prior exposure in the upstream catchment, much like measurements of the longer-lived nuclide, beryllium-10 (10Be). However, in situ 14C ages are closer to the preferred ages inferred from IRSL and U-series and with less scatter than comparative 10Be ages. Our data demonstrate that a multi-geochronometer approach will produce ages of alluvial fan surfaces with the greatest degree of confidence. We then apply the paired 14C and 10Be concentrations to infer the prior exposure and storage duration of the sampled boulders of 3.1 ± 3.2 and 4.6 ± 2.3 Kyr, respectively. A mixture model analysis of the single grain IRSL ages suggests bimodal storage durations prior to remobilization with peaks at ca. 2 and 10 Kyr. We demonstrate that cosmogenic nuclide inheritance and single grain IRSL equivalent dose distributions can provide additional information regarding sediment transport history prior to deposition on the alluvial fan

    Do Phreatomagmatic Eruptions at Ubehebe Crater (Death Valley, California) Relate to a Wetter than Present Hydro-Climate?

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    Phreatomagmatic eruptions occur when rising magma encounters groundwater and/or surface water, causing a steam explosion and the ejection of country rock and pyroclastic material. The predominance of this type of activity at the Ubehebe volcanic field in northern Death Valley, California, is enigmatic owing to the extremely arid climate of the region. A novel application of 10Be surface exposure dating is presented to determine the timing of phreatomagmatic eruptions at Ubehebe Crater and to test the idea that volcanism may relate to a wetter than present hydro-climate. Twelve of the fifteen ages obtained lie between 0.8 and 2.1 ka, while three samples give older, mid-Holocene ages. The cluster between 0.8 and 2.1 ka is interpreted as encompassing the interval of volcanic activity during which Ubehebe Crater was formed. The remaining older ages are inferred to date eruptions at the older neighboring craters. The main and most recent period of activity encompasses the Medieval Warm Period, an interval of prolonged drought in the American southwest, as well as slightly wetter conditions prior to the Medieval Warm Period. Phreatomagmatic activity under varied hydrologic conditions casts doubt on the idea that eruptive timing relates to a wetter hydro-climate. Instead, the presence of a relatively shallow modern water table suggests that sufficient groundwater was generally available for phreatomagmatic eruptions at the Ubehebe site, in spite of prevailing arid conditions. This and the youth of the most recent activity suggest that the Ubehebe volcanic field may constitute a more significant hazard than generally appreciated

    Abrupt mid-Holocene ice loss in the western Weddell Sea Embayment of Antarctica

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    The glacial history of the westernmost Weddell Sea sector of Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum is virtually unknown, and yet it has been identified as critical for improving reliability of glacio-isostatic adjustment models that are required to correct satellite-derived estimates of ice sheet mass balance. Better knowledge of the glacial history of this region is also important for validating ice sheet models that are used to predict future contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet to sea level rise. Here we present a new Holocene deglacial chronology from a site on the Lassiter Coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, which is situated in the western Weddell Sea sector. Samples from 12 erratic cobbles and 18 bedrock surfaces from a series of presently-exposed ridges were analysed for cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating, and a smaller suite of 7 bedrock samples for in situ 14C dating. The resulting 10Be ages are predominantly in the range 80–690 ka, whereas bedrock yielded much younger in situ 14C ages, in the range 6.0–7.5 ka for samples collected from 138–385 m above the modern ice surface. From these we infer that the ice sheet experienced a period of abrupt thinning over a short time interval (no more than 2700 years) in the mid-Holocene, resulting in lowering of its surface by at least 250 m. Any late Holocene change in ice sheet thickness — such as re-advance, postulated by several modelling studies — must lie below the present ice sheet surface. The substantial difference in exposure ages derived from 10Be and 14C dating for the same samples additionally implies ubiquitous 10Be inheritance acquired during ice-free periods prior to the last deglaciation, an interpretation that is consistent with our glacial-geomorphological field observations for former cold-based ice cover. The results of this study provide evidence for an episode of abrupt ice sheet surface lowering in the mid-Holocene, similar in rate, timing and magnitude to at least two other locations in Antarctica

    New Last Glacial Maximum Ice Thickness constraints for the Weddell Sea Embayment, Antarctica

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    We describe new Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice thickness constraints for three locations spanning the Weddell Sea Embayment (WSE) of Antarctica. Samples collected from the Shackleton Range, Pensacola Mountains, and the Lassiter Coast constrain the LGM thickness of the Slessor Glacier, Foundation Ice Stream, and grounded ice proximal to the modern Ronne Ice Shelf edge on the Antarctic Peninsula, respectively. Previous attempts to reconstruct LGM-to-present ice thickness changes around the WSE used measurements of long-lived cosmogenic nuclides, primarily Be-10. An absence of post-LGM apparent exposure ages at many sites led to LGM thickness reconstructions that were spatially highly variable and inconsistent with flow line modelling. Estimates for the contribution of the ice sheet occupying the WSE at the LGM to global sea level since deglaciation vary by an order of magnitude, from 1.4 to 14.1m of sea level equivalent. Here we use a short-lived cosmogenic nuclide, in situ-produced C-14, which is less susceptible to inheritance problems than Be-10 and other long-lived nuclides. We use in situ C-14 to evaluate the possibility that sites with no post-LGM exposure ages are biased by cosmogenic nuclide inheritance due to surface preservation by cold-based ice and non-deposition of LGM-aged drift. Our measurements show that the Slessor Glacier was between 310 and up to 655m thicker than present at the LGM. The Foundation Ice Stream was at least 800m thicker, and ice on the Lassiter Coast was at least 385m thicker than present at the LGM. With evidence for LGM thickening at all of our study sites, our in situ C-14 measurements indicate that the long-lived nuclide measurements of previous studies were influenced by cosmogenic nuclide inheritance. Our inferred LGM configuration, which is primarily based on minimum ice thickness constraints and thus does not constrain an upper limit, indicates a relatively modest contribution to sea level rise since the LGM of < 4.6 m, and possibly as little as < 1.5 m

    The last glaciation of Bear Peninsula, central Amundsen Sea Embayment of Antarctica: Constraints on timing and duration revealed by in situ cosmogenic 14C and 10Be dating

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    Ice streams in the Pine Island-Thwaites region of West Antarctica currently dominate contributions to sea level rise from the Antarctic ice sheet. Predictions of future ice-mass loss from this area rely on physical models that are validated with geological constraints on past extent, thickness and timing of ice cover. However, terrestrial records of ice sheet history from the region remain sparse, resulting in significant model uncertainties. We report glacial-geological evidence for the duration and timing of the last glaciation of Hunt Bluff, in the central Amundsen Sea Embayment. A multi-nuclide approach was used, measuring cosmogenic 10Be and in situ14C in bedrock surfaces and a perched erratic cobble. Bedrock 10Be ages (118–144 ka) reflect multiple periods of exposure and ice-cover, not continuous exposure since the last interglacial as had previously been hypothesized. In situ14C dating suggests that the last glaciation of Hunt Bluff did not start until 21.1 ± 5.8 ka – probably during the Last Glacial Maximum – and finished by 9.6 ± 0.9 ka, at the same time as ice sheet retreat from the continental shelf was complete. Thickening of ice at Hunt Bluff most likely post-dated the maximum extent of grounded ice on the outer continental shelf. Flow re-organisation provides a possible explanation for this, with the date for onset of ice-cover at Hunt Bluff providing a minimum age for the timing of convergence of the Dotson and Getz tributaries to form a single palaeo-ice stream. This is the first time that timing of onset of ice cover has been constrained in the Amundsen Sea Embayment

    Measuring multiple cosmogenic nuclides in glacial cobbles sheds light on Greenland Ice Sheet processes

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    The behavior of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Pleistocene remains uncertain due to the paucity of evidence predating the Last Glacial Maximum. Here, we employ a novel approach, cosmogenic nuclide analysis of individual subglacially-derived cobbles, which allows us to make inferences about ice sheet processes and subglacial erosion. From three locations in western Greenland, we collected 86 cobbles from the current ice sheet margin and nine cobbles exposed on the modern proglacial land surface. We measured the concentration of in situ 10Be in all cobbles (n = 95) and 26Al and 14C in a subset (n = 14). Cobbles deposited during Holocene retreat have 10Be exposure ages generally consistent with the timing of ice retreat determined by other methods. Conversely, most of the 86 subglacial cobbles contain very low concentrations of 10Be (median 1.0×10 3 atoms g −1), although several have ∌10 4 and one has ∌10 5 atoms g −1. The low concentrations of 10Be in most subglacial cobbles imply that their source areas under the Greenland Ice Sheet are deeply eroded, preserving minimal evidence of surface or near-surface exposure. The presence of measurable 14C in ten of the cobbles requires that they experienced cosmogenic nuclide production within the past ∌30 ka; however, 14C/ 10Be ratios of ∌6 suggest that nuclide production occurred during shielding by overlying material. Only two of the 86 subglacial cobbles definitively have cosmogenic nuclide concentrations consistent with prior surface exposure. Overall, isotopic analysis of subglacial cobbles indicates that much of western Greenland's subglacial landscape is characterized by deep erosion and minimal subaerial exposure