8 research outputs found

    GATA-3 is involved in the development of serotonergic neurons in the caudal raphe nuclei

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    Abstract The GATA-3 transcription factor shows a specific and restricted expression pattern in the developing and adult mouse brain. In the present study we investigated the role of GATA-3 in the caudal raphe system, which is known to operate as a modulator of motor activity. We demonstrate that virtually all neurons in the caudal raphe nuclei that express GATA-3 also produce serotonin. Absence of GATA-3, as analyzed in chimeric -/- mice, affects the cytoarchitecture of serotonergic neurons in the caudal raphe nuclei. As a result the chimeras show a serious defect in their locomotor performance on a rotating rod. In sum, we conclude that GATA-3 plays a major role in the development of the serotonergic neurons of the caudal raphe nuclei, and that it is crucial for their role in locomotion

    Multiple cerebellar zones are involved in the control of individual muscles: a retrograde transneuronal tracing study with rabies virus in the rat

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    To identify cerebellar regions that are involved in the control of limb muscles, rabies virus was injected into the tibialis anterior (TA), the gastrocnemius (GC) or, for comparison, into the flexor digitorum (FD) muscles of the rat. Progression of retrograde transneuronal infection at supraspinal levels was assessed after variable time spans and was divided into three groups. Initially, infected neurons were observed in the reticular formation, lateral vestibular nucleus, red nucleus and motor cortex (group 1). Group 2 was characterized by labelling within the cerebellar nuclei as well as of two vermal strips of Purkinje cells (PCs). Double-labelling with zebrin enabled identification of these strips as the lateral part of the A1- and B-zone. For TA both zones were ipsilateral, whereas for GC the A1 strip predominated contralaterally. Group 3 infections showed additional labelling of multiple, in part bilateral, identifiable strips of PCs in vermis, paravermis and hemisphere. FD injections resulted in less robust labelling of vermal strips and more pronounced labelling within paravermal and hemispheral zonal regions. Only sporadic labelling in corresponding regions of the inferior olive and no labelling of cortical interneurons or granule cells was observed. Prolonged infection was seen to result in degeneration of PCs and possibly of motoneurons. We conclude that vermal, paravermal as well as hemispheral zones of the cerebellar cortex converge upon motoneurons that innervate a particular muscle. In addition, individual zones may control motorpools of different muscles and thus contribute to muscle synergies

    A disynaptic basal ganglia connection to the inferior olive: potential for basal ganglia influence on cerebellar learning

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    Recent studies have shown that the cerebellum and the basal ganglia are interconnected at subcortical levels. However, a subcortical basal ganglia connection to the inferior olive (IO), being the source of the olivocerebellar climbing fiber system, is not known. We have used classical tracing with CTb, retrograde transneuronal infection with wildtype rabies virus, conditional tracing with genetically modified rabies virus, and examination of material made available by the Allen Brain Institute, to study potential basal ganglia connections to the inferior olive in rats and mice. We show in both species that parvalbumin-positive, and therefore GABAergic, neurons in the entopeduncular nucleus, representing the rodent equivalent of the internal part of the globus pallidus, innervate a group of cells that surrounds the fasciculus retroflexus and that are collectively known as the area parafascicularis prerubralis. As these neurons supply a direct excitatory input to large parts of the inferior olivary complex, we propose that the entopeduncular nucleus, as a main output station of the basal ganglia, provides an inhibitory influence on olivary excitability. As such, this connection may influence olivary involvement in cerebellar learning and/or could be involved in transmission of reward properties that have recently been established for olivocerebellar signaling

    Organization of cerebral projections to identified cerebellar zones in the posterior cerebellum of the rat

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    The cerebrocerebellar connection makes use of two of the largest fiber tracts in the mammalian brain, i.e., the cerebral and medial cerebellar peduncles. Neuroanatomical approaches aimed to elucidate the organization of this important connection have been hindered by its multisynaptic nature, the complex organization of its components, and the dependency of conventional tracers on precisely placed injections. To overcome these problems, we used rabies virus (RV) as a retrograde transneuronal tracer. RV was injected simultaneously with cholera toxin βsubunit (CTb) into selected areas of the cerebellar cortex of 18 male Wistar rats. A survival time of 48 -50

    The microtubule destabilizing protein stathmin controls the transition from dividing neuronal precursors to postmitotic neurons during adult hippocampal neurogenesis

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    The hippocampus is one of the two areas in the mammalian brain where adult neurogenesis occurs. Adult neurogenesis is well known to be involved in hippocampal physiological functions as well as pathophysiological conditions. Microtubules (MTs), providing intracellular transport, stability, and transmitting force, are indispensable for neurogenesis by facilitating cell division, migration, growth, and differentiation. Although there are several examples of MT-stabilizing proteins regulating different aspects of adult neurogenesis, relatively little is known about the function of MT-destabilizing proteins. Stathmin is such a MT-destabilizing protein largely restricted to the CNS, and in contrast to its developmental family members, stathmin is also expressed at significant levels in the adult brain, notably in areas involved in adult neurogenesis. Here, we show an important role for stathmin during adult neurogenesis in the subgranular zone of the mouse hippocampus. After carefully mapping stathmin expression in the adult dentate gyrus (DG), we investigated its role in hippocampal neurogenesis making use of stathmin knockout mice. Although hippocampus development appears normal in these animals, different aspects of adult neurogenesis are affected. First, the number of proliferating Ki-67+ cells is decreased in stathmin knockout mice, as well as the expression of the immature markers Nestin and PSA-NCAM. However, newborn cells that do survive express more frequently the adult marker NeuN and have a more mature morphology. Furthermore, our data suggest that migration in the DG might be affected. We propose a model in which stathmin controls the transition from neuronal precursors to early postmitotic neurons