18 research outputs found

    Cdc53p acts in concert with Cdc4p and Cdc34p to control the G1 to S phase transition and identifies a conserved family of proteins

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    Regulation of cell cycle progression occurs in part through the targeted degradation of both activating and inhibitory subunits of the cyclin-dependent kinases. During G1, CDC4, encoding a WD-40 repeat protein, and CDC34, encoding a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, are involved in the destruction of these regulators. Here we describe evidence indicating that CDC53 also is involved in this process. Mutations in CDC53 cause a phenotype indistinguishable from those of cdc4 and cdc34 mutations, numerous genetic interactions are seen between these genes, and the encoded proteins are found physically associated in vivo. Cdc53p defines a large family of proteins found in yeasts, nematodes, and humans whose molecular functions are uncharacterized. These results suggest a role for this family of proteins in regulating cell cycle proliferation through protein degradation

    IKAP/Elp1 Is Required In Vivo for Neurogenesis and Neuronal Survival, but Not for Neural Crest Migration

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    Familial Dysautonomia (FD; Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy; HSAN III) manifests from a failure in development of the peripheral sensory and autonomic nervous systems. The disease results from a point mutation in the IKBKAP gene, which encodes the IKAP protein, whose function is still unresolved in the developing nervous system. Since the neurons most severely depleted in the disease derive from the neural crest, and in light of data identifying a role for IKAP in cell motility and migration, it has been suggested that FD results from a disruption in neural crest migration. To determine the function of IKAP during development of the nervous system, we (1) first determined the spatial-temporal pattern of IKAP expression in the developing peripheral nervous system, from the onset of neural crest migration through the period of programmed cell death in the dorsal root ganglia, and (2) using RNAi, reduced expression of IKBKAP mRNA in the neural crest lineage throughout the process of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) development in chick embryos in ovo. Here we demonstrate that IKAP is not expressed by neural crest cells and instead is expressed as neurons differentiate both in the CNS and PNS, thus the devastation of the PNS in FD could not be due to disruptions in neural crest motility or migration. In addition, we show that alterations in the levels of IKAP, through both gain and loss of function studies, perturbs neuronal polarity, neuronal differentiation and survival. Thus IKAP plays pleiotropic roles in both the peripheral and central nervous systems

    B-Cyclin/CDKs Regulate Mitotic Spindle Assembly by Phosphorylating Kinesins-5 in Budding Yeast

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    Although it has been known for many years that B-cyclin/CDK complexes regulate the assembly of the mitotic spindle and entry into mitosis, the full complement of relevant CDK targets has not been identified. It has previously been shown in a variety of model systems that B-type cyclin/CDK complexes, kinesin-5 motors, and the SCFCdc4 ubiquitin ligase are required for the separation of spindle poles and assembly of a bipolar spindle. It has been suggested that, in budding yeast, B-type cyclin/CDK (Clb/Cdc28) complexes promote spindle pole separation by inhibiting the degradation of the kinesins-5 Kip1 and Cin8 by the anaphase-promoting complex (APCCdh1). We have determined, however, that the Kip1 and Cin8 proteins are present at wild-type levels in the absence of Clb/Cdc28 kinase activity. Here, we show that Kip1 and Cin8 are in vitro targets of Clb2/Cdc28 and that the mutation of conserved CDK phosphorylation sites on Kip1 inhibits spindle pole separation without affecting the protein's in vivo localization or abundance. Mass spectrometry analysis confirms that two CDK sites in the tail domain of Kip1 are phosphorylated in vivo. In addition, we have determined that Sic1, a Clb/Cdc28-specific inhibitor, is the SCFCdc4 target that inhibits spindle pole separation in cells lacking functional Cdc4. Based on these findings, we propose that Clb/Cdc28 drives spindle pole separation by direct phosphorylation of kinesin-5 motors

    Loss of the Homotypic Fusion and Vacuole Protein Sorting or Golgi-Associated Retrograde Protein Vesicle Tethering Complexes Results in Gentamicin Sensitivity in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Gentamicin continues to be a primary antibiotic against gram-negative infections. Unfortunately, associated nephro- and ototoxicity limit its use. Our previous mammalian studies showed that gentamicin is trafficked to the endoplasmic reticulum in a retrograde manner and subsequently released into the cytosol. To better dissect the mechanism through which gentamicin induces toxicity, we have chosen to study its toxicity using the simple eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A recent screen of the yeast deletion library identified multiple gentamicin-sensitive strains, many of which participate in intracellular trafficking. Our approach was to evaluate gentamicin sensitivity under logarithmic growth conditions. By quantifying growth inhibition in the presence of gentamicin, we determined that several of the sensitive strains were part of the Golgi-associated retrograde protein (GARP) and homotypic fusion and vacuole protein sorting (HOPS) complexes. Further evaluation of their other components showed that the deletion of any GARP member resulted in gentamicin-hypersensitive strains, while the deletion of other HOPS members resulted in less gentamicin sensitivity. Other genes whose deletion resulted in gentamicin hypersensitivity included ZUO1, SAC1, and NHX1. Finally, we utilized a Texas Red gentamicin conjugate to characterize gentamicin uptake and localization in both gentamicin-sensitive and -insensitive strains. These studies were consistent with our mammalian studies, suggesting that gentamicin toxicity in yeast results from alterations to intracellular trafficking pathways. The identification of genes whose absence results in gentamicin toxicity will help target specific pathways and mechanisms that contribute to gentamicin toxicity

    The Antibiotic Gentamicin Inhibits Specific Protein Trafficking Functions of the Arf1/2 Family of GTPases β–Ώ

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    Gentamicin is a highly efficacious antibiotic against Gram-negative bacteria. However, its usefulness in treating infections is compromised by its poorly understood renal toxicity. Toxic effects are also seen in a variety of other organisms. While the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is relatively insensitive to gentamicin, mutations in any one of ∼20 genes cause a dramatic decrease in resistance. Many of these genes encode proteins important for translation termination or specific protein-trafficking complexes. Subsequent inspection of the physical and genetic interactions of the remaining gentamicin-sensitive mutants revealed a network centered on chitin synthase and the Arf GTPases. Further analysis has demonstrated that some conditional arf1 and gea1 alleles make cells hypersensitive to gentamicin under permissive conditions. These results suggest that one consequence of gentamicin exposure is disruption of Arf-dependent protein trafficking