16 research outputs found

    The distribution and structure of the lingual papillae on the tongue of the bank vole Clethrinomys glareolus

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    The distribution and three-dimensional structure of the lingual papillae were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. The elongated tongue in the bank vole is about 12 mm in length and about 3 mm in width. The characteristic features of the tongue are the median sulcus on the apex of the tongue, considerable narrowing in the body of the tongue and a well developed intermolar prominence. On the surface of the apex and body of the tongue three morphological types of the filiform papillae and fungiform papillae were observed. The intermolar prominence of the tongue is covered with conical and saw-like filiform papillae. On the posteriolateral margin of the intermolar prominence two foliate papillae were found. A single oval vallate papilla was situated in the median line of the anterior part of the root of the tongue. The posterior part of the lingual root is flat without papillae. The distribution and types of the lingual papillae found in the bank vole are similar to those in species of the Microtinae family

    Badanie przy pomocy mikroskopu elektronowego skaningowego morfogenezy brodawek nitkowatych i grzybowatych u królika, Oryctolagus cuniculus f. domestica

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    Rudiments of fungiform papillae were observed at day 18 of prenatal development. They were arranged only on the dorsal surface of the apex of the tongue and its margins. The fungiform papillae looked like a hemispherical, dome-shaped eminences. From day 22 of prenatal development, scanning electron microscope showed also that rudiments of fungiform papillae appeared on the body of the tongue at the front of forming torus linguae, and on its both sides. No rudiments of filiform papillae were observed at day 22 of prenatal development. However, after removal the epithelium, the connective tissue cores of rudiments of fungiform and filiform papillae were visible. Scanning electron microscopy showed on the surface of the tongue numerous filiform papillae at day 26 of prenatal development. They were arranged on the entire dorsal surface of the apex and body of the tongue, and on its margins. During morphogenesis two types of filiform papillae were noticed. One type of filiform papillae was similar to separated cones, another had 3–4 processes more. The similar changes was with the shape of connective tissue core. The fungiform papillae were located among filiform papillae. Scanning electron microscope showed three types connective tissue cores of developing fungiform papillae. One type was mace-shaped, another one was bowl-shaped and yet barred-shaped. At day 30 of postnatal development on the surface of the connective tissue cores of fungiform papillae, from its top towards its base there were parallel and longitudinal folds.Zawiązki brodawek grzybowatych obserwowano w 18 dniu rozwoju prenatalnego. Były one rozmieszczone na powierzchni grzbietowej wierzchołka języka i na jego brzegach. Brodawki grzybowate wyglądały jak półkoliste, kopulaste wyniosłości. Od 22 dnia rozwoju prenatalnego, mikroskop elektronowy skaningowy wykazał, że zawiązki brodawek grzybowatych pojawiły się także na trzonie języka przed formującym się wałem języka i po jego bokach. Żadnych zawiązków brodawek nitkowatych nie obserwowano w 22 dniu rozwoju prenatalnego. Jednak po usunięciu nabłonka, zręby łącznotkankowe zawiązków brodawek grzybowatych i nitkowatych były widoczne. Mikroskop elektronowy skaningowy wykazał na powierzchni języka liczne brodawki nitkowate dopiero w 26 dniu rozwoju prenatalnego. Były one rozmieszczone na całej powierzchni grzbietowej wierzchołka i trzonu języka i na jego brzegach. Podczas morfogenezy zanotowano dwa typy brodawek nitkowatych. Jeden typ brodawek nitkowatych był podobny do pojedynczych stożków a drugi miał dodatkowe 3-4 wyrostki. Podobne zmiany dotyczyły kształtu zrębu łącznotkan- kowego. Brodawki grzybowate zlokalizowane były pośród brodawek nitkowatych. Mikroskop elektronowy skaningowy wykazał trzy typy zrębów łącznotkankowych brodawek grzybowatych. Jeden typ był kształtu buławkowatego, drugi miseczkowa- tego a kolejny beczułkowatego. W 30 dniu rozwoju postnatalnego, na powierzchni zrębów łącznotkankowych brodawek grzybowatych, od ich wierzchołka w kierunku podstawy przebiegały podłużne i równoległe fałdy

    The caudal intercarotid artery in species of order perissodactyla

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    The caudal intercarotid artery was investigated in 6 species of Equidae family and in lowland tapir of Tapiridae family. It was found that this artery connects bilateral intracranial segments of the internal carotid artery. It is located in the cavernous and intercavernous sinuses, caudal to the hypophysis. This artery being constant vessel in horse, is also permanent vessel in other species of Equidae family. It is homologous with anastomising vessel in fishes, amphibia, reptiles and birds

    Metric analysis of stomach and intestine growth in the coypu fetuses

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    Microvascularisation of the scrotal integument of Holstein-Friesian bulls

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    Based on standard histological methods and specific injection technique, the study demonstrates for the first time the blood vessel system of the scrotal integument.The latter is relatively thin and shows a thick underlying fascia, the tunica dartos. The vessel networks found in both structures are somewhat different from eachother, i.e., the former displays the typical integumental vessel scheme, which, because of its thinness, shows a higher vessel density. The tunica dartos displayeda blood vessel system with specific characteristics, i.e. horizontal networks arepresent, which are on the one hand directly connected to the rete dermidis andon the other hand, with the ascending (arteries) or descending (venes) vesselsof the dartos, so that a rather uniform distribution and nutrition of the latter, including its muscle layers, is assured.The findings support the idea that the functions of the scrotal integument and thedartos are based on a dependable energy supply, but with regard to vessel type, particularly arteries, may also be involved in the regulation of blood flow. Thus, the scrotal integument as well as the dartos can be used for thermoregulation