23 research outputs found

    Il Duomo: Catterdrale

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    The idea for the ensemble, titled Il Duomo, is inspired by the beauty and detail of cathedrals in Europe. Each piece of the Cattedrale collection utilizes various means of fabric manipulation to emulate the immaculate detail in the cathedral architecture. Il Duomo is inspired by Il Duomo di Milano in Italy

    A Commons for a Supply Chain in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Case for a Reformed Strategic National Stockpile

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-0009.12485Policy Points: Reflecting on current response deficiencies, we offer a model for a na- tional contingency supply chain cell (NCSCC) construct to manage the medical materials supply chain in support of emergencies, such as COVID-19. We develop the following: a framework for governance and response to enable a globally independent supply chain; a flexible structure to accommodate the requirements of state and r county health systems for receiving and distributing materials; and a national material "control tower" to improve transparency and real- time access to material status and location.Office of Naval Research grants N00014-04-1-0118, N00014-10- 1-0200, N00014-11-1-0783, N00014-10-1-0811, N00014-16-1-2567, and N00014-04-1-0018. A.N. acknowledges support from an NSF CAREER and NOAA OGP. A.B.M. acknowledges support from the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT).Office of Naval Research grants N00014-04-1-0118, N00014-10- 1-0200, N00014-11-1-0783, N00014-10-1-0811, N00014-16-1-2567, and N00014-04-1-0018

    Stakeholder Theory and Marketing: Moving from a Firm-Centric to a Societal Perspective

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    This essay is inspired by the ideas and research examined in the special section on “Stakeholder Marketing” of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing in 2010. The authors argue that stakeholder marketing is slowly coalescing with the broader thinking that has occurred in the stakeholder management and ethics literature streams during the past quarter century. However, the predominant view of stakeholders that many marketers advocate is still primarily pragmatic and company centric. The position advanced herein is that stronger forms of stakeholder marketing that reflect more normative, macro/societal, and network-focused orientations are necessary. The authors briefly explain and justify these characteristics in the context of the growing “prosociety” and “proenvironment” perspectives—orientations that are also in keeping with the public policy focus of this journal. Under the “hard form” of stakeholder theory, which the authors endorse, marketing managers must realize that serving stakeholders sometimes requires sacrificing maximum profits to mitigate outcomes that would inflict major damage on other stakeholders, especially society

    Understanding the Challenges of Providing Personal Protective Equipment in the United States During COVID-19

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    On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization designated "coronavirus disease 2019" (COVID-19) a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic caused massive shortages in the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies needed to treat the virus as the disease spread rapidly throughout the world during 2020. Global supply chains suddenly became a new problem in public attention. In the United States, there were no reliable databases about what was needed in different hospitals, states, or healthcare systems. Also, there was no accurate database of the production capabilities of U.S. suppliers of PPE. The aim of our research was to investigate the best approaches to determine the needs for PPE during the pandemic and to improve the methods used to predict the PPE needs for hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The second part of our research was to develop an understanding of the capabilities of the U.S.-based companies to produce large quantities of specific PPE for both the current pandemic and future needs. We feel that this work has implications for anyone in the healthcare supply chain space (Department of Defense [DoD] task forces, Defense Logistics Agency [DLA], Defense Health Agency [DHA], Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS], Department of Homeland Security [DHS], state, local, and healthcare systems).Prepared for the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943.Naval Postgraduate SchoolApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Il Duomo: Catterdrale

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    The idea for the ensemble, titled Il Duomo, is inspired by the beauty and detail of cathedrals in Europe. Each piece of the Cattedrale collection utilizes various means of fabric manipulation to emulate the immaculate detail in the cathedral architecture. Il Duomo is inspired by Il Duomo di Milano in Italy.</p

    Quality control handbook.

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    1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 24 c

    Jurans Quality Handbook -5/E.

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    La eficacia de los textiles antimicrobianos como herramientas para el control de las Infecciones Hospitalarias (IH)

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    &nbsp;Each year, Hospital Infections (IH) in the U.S. cause 98,000 deaths and in turn represent an economic burden of US28toUS28 to US45 billion. On any given day, about one in 31 hospitalized patients has at least one IH.&nbsp;Cada año, las Infecciones Hospitalarias (IH) en EE. UU. causan 98,000 muertes y a su vez representan una carga económica de US 28aUS28 a US 45 mil millones.&nbsp;A cada ano, as Infecções Hospitalares (IH) nos EUA causam 98.000 mortes e, por sua vez, representam um fardo econômico de US28aUS 28 a US 45 bilhões. Em qualquer dia, cerca de um em cada 31 pacientes hospitalizados tem pelo menos uma HI.&nbsp