1 research outputs found

    Productivity of cassava grown on Marandu grass straw managed through diferent grazing intensities

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    For cassava farming, conventional soil preparation is traditionally used. However, in recent years, some producers have been showing interest in adopting no-tillage system. We evaluated the cassava yield in conventional tillage or no-tillage systems with marandu grass straw, as well as the straw decomposition and the physical and chemical soil attributes. A completely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates was used. The treatments were no-tillage (NT 0% - no-grazing pasture; NT 25%, NT 50%, NT 75% - grazing intensities to obtain an intake of 25%, 50% and 75% of forage mass, by animals) and conventional tillage (CT 50% - grazing intensity to obtain an intake of 50% of forage mass, before tillage). The soil tillage did not influence fresh and dry weight of cassava roots, with averages of 31.84 and 10.88 Mg ha-1. After 448 days of cassava planting, straw decomposition did not differ between treatments, with an average value of 53%. The half-life time of straw was 221, 218, 263 and 321 days to treatments NT 0%, NT 25%, NT 50%, NT 75%, respectively. We observed that soil physical quality was improved in no-tillage treatment NT 50%, when compared to CT 50%. The residual straw of Marandu grass did not influence the cassava yield in no-tillage, when compared to conventional tillage. Part of the forage available in the pasture can be used for animal feed, before cassava planting