4 research outputs found
âIt's not just fun, it works!â 1
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Irish primary children's perceptions of history
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Four Histories, One Nation? History teaching, nationhood and a British identity
- Author
- ACAC &
- Alan McCully
- Aldrich R.
- Anderson B.
- Ballard M.
- Billig M.
- Booth M.
- Bracey P.
- Calder A.
- Colley L.
- Curriculum Council of Wales (CCW)
- Davies R.
- Dawson I.
- Dearing R.
- Department of Education and Science (DES)
- Department of Education and Science (DES)
- Department of Education and Science (DES)
- Deuchar S.
- Devine T.
- Gallagher C.
- Gallagher C.
- Gallagher C.
- Goalen P.
- Harvie C.
- Hewitt G.
- Jeremy P.
- Jones G.
- Kaye H.
- Lowenthal D.
- Macdonald S.
- Magee J.
- Mcauley J.
- Mccrone D.
- Nash G.
- Northern Ireland Curriculum Council (NICC)
- Northern Ireland Department of Education (DENI)
- Northern Ireland Department of Education (DENI)
- Northern Ireland Department of Education (DENI)
- Northern Ireland Department of Education (DENI)
- Northern Ireland Department of Education (DENI)
- Northern Ireland Department of Education (DENI)
- O'Connor F.
- Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)
- Paul Goalen
- Phillips R.
- Phillips R.
- Phillips R.
- Richardson N.
- Robert Phillips
- Schoolsâ Council History 13â16 Project
- Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum (SCCC)
- Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum (SCCC)
- Scottish Education Department (SED)
- Scottish Education Department (SED)
- Scottish Office Education Department (SOED)
- Slater J.
- Slater J.
- Smith A.
- Smith A.
- Sydney Wood
- Tate N.
- Tate N.
- Visram R.
- Walker B.
- Wallerstein I.
- Welsh Office
- Welsh Office
- Welsh Office
- Wood S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Investigating contingency in school history: an aid to rich, meaningfully critical citizenship?
- Author
- Anderson P.
- Baker P.
- Bourke R.
- Butler J.
- Chapman A.
- Clark C.
- Clemitshaw G.
- Clemitshaw G.
- Counsell C.
- Crick R.
- Davies I.
- Davies I.
- Derrida J.
- Dreyfus H.L.
- Drie J.
- Dunn J.
- Ferguson N.
- Floyd J.
- Foster R.
- Foster R.
- Foucault M.
- Foucault M.
- Foucault M.
- Foucault M.
- Foucault M.
- Foucault M.
- Freeden M.
- Geuss R.
- Geuss R.
- Goalen P.
- Gray J.
- Grosvenor I.
- Hawthorn G.
- Hill C.
- Holliss C.
- Howarth & Glynos
- Howells G.
- Inkpen R.
- Jacoby R.
- Kinloch N.
- Kitson A.
- Klein S.
- Koopman C.
- Laclau E.
- Laclau E.
- Laffin D.
- Lane M.
- Lang S.
- Lee P.
- Lee P.
- Leighton R.
- Luke Billingham
- Lyotard J-F.
- Marks S.
- McCowan T.
- McLennan G.
- Megill A.
- Meillassoux Q.
- Miller D.
- Mills C.
- Paglia C.
- Pettit P.
- Phillips R.
- Pitkin H.
- Rayner L.
- Robertson G.
- RĂźsen J.
- Sears A.
- Skinner Q.
- Skinner Q.
- Stephen A.
- Thompson E.
- Tocqueville A.
- Unger R.
- Unger R.
- Veugelers W.
- Veyne P.
- Walsh P.
- Watts M.
- Williams B.
- Williams B.
- Woodcock J.
- Wrenn A.
- Yeandle P.
- ŽiŞek S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study