18 research outputs found

    Purification of Hexabenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane

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    Hexabenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane (HBIW) is produced by a condensation reaction of benzylamine with glyoxal in suitable organic solvents in the presence of protonic acid catalysts. Impurities have to be removed prior to the subsequent stages of the synthesis of CL-20. The effectiveness of HBIW purification by recrystallization from a variety of solvents has been studied here. This method was compared with a novel approach suggested for HBIW purification that consists of prolonged heating of the crude product in boiling methanol. This new purification method allows the product to be prepared in satisfactory purity, it is simple and easily performed on a large-scale

    Application of DSC and DTA Methods for Estimation of Safety Parameters of High Energetic Materials Such as Dinitroamine Ammonium Salt

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    Metody DSC i DTA pozwalaj膮 przy zastosowaniu r贸wna艅 empirycznych wykorzystuj膮cych dane kinetyczne na zaklasyfikowanie substancji do potencjalnie niebezpiecznych lub bezpiecznych. Wykorzystanie regu艂y 100 oraz temperatury ADT24 pozwala okre艣li膰 maksymaln膮 bezpieczn膮 temperatur臋 prowadzenia proces贸w technologicznych. Materia艂y wysokoenergetyczne z punktu widzenia bezpiecze艅stwa mo偶na zaklasyfikowa膰 przy u偶yciu: potencja艂u Koenena, indeksu termicznego ryzyka, indeksu zagrozenia reakcj膮, indeksu chwilowej g臋sto艣ci mocy oraz parametru zagro偶enia wybuchem. Wykonano analizy DSC i DTA soli amonowej dinitroaminy (ADN), wyznaczono parametry kinetyczne i na ich podstawie oszacowano bezpiecze艅stwo u偶ytkowania i warunki bezpieczne prowadzenia proces贸w technologicznych. Maksymalna, bezpieczna temperatura prowadzenia proces贸w technologicznych z wykorzystaniem ADN-u jest ni偶sza od 351 K. S贸l amonowa dinitroaminy zosta艂a zaklasyfikowana do grupy zwi膮zk贸w niestabilnych, potencjalnie niebezpiecznych, zdolnych do wybuchu, do grupy zwi膮zk贸w wysokiego ryzyka. Uzyskane wysokie parametry indeks贸w niebezpiecze艅stwa wskazuj膮 na to, 偶e ADN wymaga szczeg贸lnej ostro偶no艣ci w procesach technologicznych oraz przy wykorzystywaniu w formach u偶ytkowych.DSC and DTA methods, combined with empirical equations based on kinetic data, allow one to classify a substance as potentially harmful or safe. Utilizing the "100 degree rule" and ADT24 temperature enables one to determine the highest safe temperature at which a technological process can be carried out. High energetic materials can be classified from the safety standpoint by using: Koenen potential, Thermal risk index, Reaction hazard index, Instantaneous Power Density and Explosion Potential. DSC and DTA analysis of dinitroamine salt (ADN) were performed. On the basis of the results usage safety and safe conditions of technological process were estimated. The highest safe temperature of the technological process with using ADN is 351 K. ADN was classified to the group of the unstable compounds, potentially dangerous, able to explode and to the group of the high risk substances. The obtained high values of safety parameters indicate that ADN requires great caution when it is used in operational moulds and in technological processes

    Safety of Ammonium Dinitramide Synthesis vs. Size of a Commercial Production Scale

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    Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is an ecological oxidizer suggested as a substitute for ammonium chlorate(VII) in solid rocket fuels. Three ADN synthetic methods were studied in order to estimate process safety under increased production scale, viz.: from ammonia (Method I), from urea (Method II), or from potassium sulfamate (Method III). The intermediates formed in these processes were identified and their thermal stability was examined. DSC analysis showed that the intermediates in Method II are unstable, they readily decompose and pose an explosion hazard. The intermediate in Method III is more thermally stable and less hazardous than its counterparts in Method II. The most suitable methods for large-scale processes are Methods I and III. The preferred method for commercial ADN production, in terms of safety, is Method III

    Pyrotechnic Torch for Burning of the Plastic Mine Casings

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    W badaniach testowano palnik pirotechniczny zaprojektowany i wykonany w Zak艂adzie Materia艂贸w Wysokoenergetycznych Politechniki Warszawskiej, kt贸ry mo偶e s艂u偶y膰 do przepalania plastikowych obud贸w min. Palnik ten sk艂ada艂 si臋 z tekturowo-gipsowej obudowy, w kt贸rej umieszczony by艂 艂adunek pirotechniczny. 艁adunek pirotechniczny sk艂ada艂 si臋 z masy termitowej oraz masy generuj膮cej tlen. Skonstruowany palnik pirotechniczny w oparciu o zmodyfikowane masy termitowe przepala艂 w ci膮gu kilku sekund plastikowe p艂ytki o grubo艣ci 3 mm, tak偶e te, kt贸re by艂y umieszczone pod 5-centymetrow膮 warstw膮 piasku. Najlepszy efekt uzyskano dla masy termitowej o sk艂adzie: Fe2O3 (69%); Al (23%); Viton A (8%). Zastosowanie dodatkowych 艂adunk贸w generuj膮cych tlen pozwoli艂o efektywniej przepala膰 plastikowe p艂ytki.Pyrotechnic torch designed and constructed in Division of High Energetic Materials, Warsaw University of Technology, was tested in these studies. It can be used to burning the plastic mine casings. This torch consisted of a cardboard - plaster casing in which a pyrotechnic charge was placed. The charge was composed of a termite and an oxygen-generating mass. The torch based on a modified termite mass burned in a few seconds the plastic plates with a thickness of 3 mm, even those that were placed under 5 cm sand layer. The best effect was achieved for the following mass composition: Fe2O3 (69%); Al (23%); Viton A (8%). Application of additional oxygengenerating charges allowed for more efficient burning of the plastic plate

    Ecological rocket propellants with low trail level

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    Szybko spalaj膮ce si臋 i wysoko wydajne paliwa rakietowe najcz臋艣ciej s膮 oparte o dobrze znany utleniacz nadchloran amonu i aluminium. Zasadnicz膮 wad膮 tego utleniacza jest powstawanie 艂atwo wykrywalnej smugi i wydzielanie du偶ych ilo艣ci chlorowodoru. Wykrycie trajektorii lotu pozwala z 艂atwo艣ci膮 okre艣li膰 po艂o偶enie miejsca startu rakiety. Wydzielanie du偶ych ilo艣ci chlorowodoru wp艂ywa niszcz膮co na 艣rodowisko. Podejmowane s膮 badania w kierunku uformowania paliwa, w ktorym utleniacz nie posiada艂 wymienionych wad. W Zak艂adzie Materia艂贸w Wysokoenergetycznych Politechniki Warszawskiej podj臋to prace maj膮ce na celu opracowania paliw niezawieraj膮cych nadchloranu amonu lub w ilo艣ciach na tyle ma艂ych, aby smuga powsta艂a w wyniku pracy silnika nie by艂a wykrywalna na obecnym poziomie technicznego zaawansowania. Prowadzone s膮 systematyczne prace nad otrzymaniem i zastosowaniem soli amonowej dinitroaminy jako utleniacza i lepiszcz polimerowych zawieraj膮cych grupy eksplozoforowe. Wymienione sk艂adniki posiadaj膮 du偶e potencjalne mo偶liwo艣ci do formowania paliw do rakiet superszybkich.The ammonium perchlorate and aluminium is a well known oxidiser commonly used for highly efficient and fast burning rocket propellants. The main disadvantage of this propellant is the easy detectable trace and great emission of hydrogen chloride what in consequence leads to detection of missile鈥檚 trajectory and its launching pad. Moreover the emission of hydrogen chloride has a very negative impact into the environment. The research works are carried out to develop a propellant without these drawbacks and in the Section of High Energetic Materials at the Warsaw鈥檚 University of Technology they focus on propellants without ammonium perchlorate or with so low amount of it to prevent the detection of a rocket motor trail by contemporary technical means. Systematic works are under way on the receiving and using of dinitroaminum ammonium salt as a oxidiser and binding polymers with explozophorous groups. The components listed above have great potential possibilities to become propellants of super fast rockets

    Palladium Catalyst in the HBIW Hydrodebenzylation Reaction. Deactivation and Spent Catalyst Regeneration Procedure

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    The polycyclic nitramine 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12- hexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW, CL-20) is synthesized via hydrodebenzylation of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexabenzyl-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (HBIW) over a palladium-based catalyst. This process is the key step in the synthesis of CL-20, a compound with unique energetic and explosive characteristics. The use of CL-20 is restricted at present by the high cost of the hydrodebenzylation process, during which the palladium-based catalyst becomes rapidly deactivated. The catalyst deactivation has now been shown to consist of deposition of the reaction products on the carbon support with simultaneous blocking of the active centers by these products. The HBIW decomposition products can permanently combine with palladium, thereby reducing the number of the active centers on the catalyst. Other byproducts clog the pores of the active carbon and reduce both the surface area of the active carbon and the pore volume. The reaction yield is also reduced by aggregation of palladium particles. A palladium catalyst regeneration procedure which has now been developed, consists of heating the catalyst for a specific time at 350 掳C in a nitrogen and water vapour stream, and allows partial recovery of the activity of the palladium catalyst in a subsequent HBIW hydrodebenzylation reaction. The specific area and overall pore volume of the regenerated catalyst are also enhanced. The yield from the HBIW hydrodebenzylation reaction using the regenerated catalyst was ca. 42%

    Application and properties of aluminum in primary and secondary explosives

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    Aluminum is an easily available and cheap material, which is widely used in military and civil industries, e.g. in space technology, explosion welding, mining, production of oil and natural gas, manufacture of airbags. Primary and secondary explosives containing aluminum are described in this part of the work. Aluminum is added to high explosives of different shapes and sizes. These parameters influence inter alia detonation velocity (D), explosion heat, detonation pressure, pressure impulse and thermal stability. Detonation parameters of high explosive (HE) containing aluminum have been determined for binary systems consisting of high explosive or oxidizer and aluminum, plastic bonded explosives (PBX), melt cast explosives, thermobaric explosives (TBX), ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO). Aluminum causes different effects on detonation velocity and explosion heat depending on the type of high explosive in binary systems. The dependence of the aluminum content in a mixture with ammonium nitrate with detonation velocity increased for an aluminum range from 0 to 10%, changed little between 10 and 16% of aluminum added and decreased from 16 to 40% of the aluminum content. For an aluminum content higher than 40%, the detonation process was not observed. The performance of explosives can be determined by the shock wave intensity. An increase in the pressure impulse made Al particle react with gaseous products and the air behind the front of detonation wave. The addition of aluminum also influences the thermal stability of high explosive materials

    Application and properties of aluminum in primary and secondary explosives

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    Aluminum is an easily available and cheap material, which is widely used in military and civil industries, e.g. in space technology, explosion welding, mining, production of oil and natural gas, manufacture of airbags. Primary and secondary explosives containing aluminum are described in this part of the work. Aluminum is added to high explosives of different shapes and sizes. These parameters influence inter alia detonation velocity (D), explosion heat, detonation pressure, pressure impulse and thermal stability. Detonation parameters of high explosive (HE) containing aluminum have been determined for binary systems consisting of high explosive or oxidizer and aluminum, plastic bonded explosives (PBX), melt cast explosives, thermobaric explosives (TBX), ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO). Aluminum causes different effects on detonation velocity and explosion heat depending on the type of high explosive in binary systems. The dependence of the aluminum content in a mixture with ammonium nitrate with detonation velocity increased for an aluminum range from 0 to 10%, changed little between 10 and 16% of aluminum added and decreased from 16 to 40% of the aluminum content. For an aluminum content higher than 40%, the detonation process was not observed. The performance of explosives can be determined by the shock wave intensity. An increase in the pressure impulse made Al particle react with gaseous products and the air behind the front of detonation wave. The addition of aluminum also influences the thermal stability of high explosive materials

    Application and properties of aluminum in primary and secondary explosives

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    Aluminum is an easily available and cheap material, which is widely used in military and civil industries, e.g. in space technology, explosion welding, mining, production of oil and natural gas, manufacture of airbags. Primary and secondary explosives containing aluminum are described in this part of the work. Aluminum is added to high explosives of different shapes and sizes. These parameters influence inter alia detonation velocity (D), explosion heat, detonation pressure, pressure impulse and thermal stability. Detonation parameters of high explosive (HE) containing aluminum have been determined for binary systems consisting of high explosive or oxidizer and aluminum, plastic bonded explosives (PBX), melt cast explosives, thermobaric explosives (TBX), ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO). Aluminum causes different effects on detonation velocity and explosion heat depending on the type of high explosive in binary systems. The dependence of the aluminum content in a mixture with ammonium nitrate with detonation velocity increased for an aluminum range from 0 to 10%, changed little between 10 and 16% of aluminum added and decreased from 16 to 40% of the aluminum content. For an aluminum content higher than 40%, the detonation process was not observed. The performance of explosives can be determined by the shock wave intensity. An increase in the pressure impulse made Al particle react with gaseous products and the air behind the front of detonation wave. The addition of aluminum also influences the thermal stability of high explosive materials