6 research outputs found

    The Use of Cloud Services for Learning Foreign Language (English)

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    Gnedkova, O. The Use of Cloud Services for Learning Foreign Language (English) [Електрон.ресурс] / О. Gnedkova, Н. Kravtsov // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on ICT on Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. – Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21- 24, 2016/ Ed. by Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.). – CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2016. – Vol.1614. – P. 620 – 631.Research goals: determine particularities of using cloud services in English communicative competence forming process and develop the model of distance learning system (DLS) and cloud services interaction that improves the quality of the learning process. Research objectives: to identify, describe and develop methodological features of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction; consider on the examples the methods of use cloud services in DLS in foreign language training, aimed at English communicative competence forming process of students; experimentally investigate the level of using of cloud services in distance learning and identify ways of improving its use. Object of research: methodical system of foreign language students’ training of language faculties in high institutions. Subject of research: methodological model of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction in English communicative competence forming process. Research methods used: review and analysis of scientific publications, psychological, educational and instructional materials, modeling of complex systems, questionnaires, conducting pedagogical experiment. Results of research: The model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction was developed and the methodological particularities of this interaction are defined. Methods of using cloud services on the example of the distance course "Practical English Course Upper Intermediate" describing the methods of doing the tasks in English communicative competence forming process of language faculties were considered. As a result of experiment it was found there is a low level of use of cloud technologies in distance learning is a consequence of a lack of awareness of teachers in the possibilities of its use


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    Due to the global process of information of society and the involvement of information and communication technologies (ICT) in all areas of human activity, including in the educational process of high school the paradigm of educational process is changing, priority of human life in the information society presents an opportunity to study anywhere and anytime. This opportunity is provided by many techniques of teaching using ICT, particularly through technology of mobile learning. This learning technology is a new form of learning with the usage of IKT and hasn’t study fully from the methodological point of view, so the question of further development and implementation of mobile learning technologies in educational process of high school is arisen.The implementation of mobile learning technologies in educational practice requires the design of model, which will show the interaction of mobile learning components and distance learning system. The paper proposes a model of interaction between participants of the educational process and technologies of mobile learning based on distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University". The description of the proposed model in terms of the methodological realization in the learning process is presented. In the article the main approaches to the definition of "mobile learning", "environment", "educational space", "educational environment", "learning environment" and the implementation process of mobile learning are considered, and the draft of model of mobile learning in the system of distance learning "Kherson Virtual University" is presented

    Модель організації контролю знань майбутніх учителів англійської мови з використанням дистанційного навчання

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    Гнєдкова, О. О. Модель організації контролю знань майбутніх учителів англійської мови з використанням дистанційного навчання / О. О. Гнєдкова // Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. праць / ред. кол. : В. Л. Федяєва (гол. ред.) та ін. – Херсон : Вид-во ХДУ, 2016. – Вип. 74. – С. 167–175

    Methods of using cloud services in foreign language training

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    Research goals: determine particularities of using cloud services in English communicative competence forming process and develop the model of distance learning system (DLS) and cloud services interaction that improves the quality of the learning process.Research objectives: to identify, describe and develop methodological features of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction; consider on the examples the methods of use cloud services in DLS in foreign language training, aimed at English communicative competence forming process of students; experimentally investigate the level of using of cloud services in distance learning and identify ways of improving its use.Object of research: methodical system of foreign language students’ training of language faculties in high institutions.Subject of research: methodological model of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction in English communicative competence forming process.Research methods used: review and analysis of scientific publications, psychological, educational and instructional materials, modeling of complex systems, questionnaires, conducting pedagogical experiment.Results of the research. The model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction was developed and the methodological particularities of this interaction are defined. Methods of using cloud services on the example of the distance course “Practical English Course Upper Intermediate” describing the methods of doing the tasks in English communicative competence forming process of language faculties were considered. As a result of experiment it was found there is a low level of use of cloud technologies in distance learning is a consequence of a lack of awareness of teachers in the possibilities of its use.The main conclusions and recommendations: 1) the use of cloud technologies in distance learning of foreign language will improve the quality of training of students of language faculties of high institutions; 2) it is reasonable to conduct work in familiarization and training university lecturers using cloud services in professional and educational activities

    Mobile Learning Technologies for Learning English

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    Gnedkova, O. Mobile Learning Technologies for Learning English / О. Gnedkova, N. Osipova, D. Ushakov // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on ICT on Education, Research and Industrial Applications : Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. – Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21- 24, 2016 / Ed. by Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.). – CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2016. – Vol. 1614. – Pp. 672 – 679.The priority of education development is the introduction of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular - technologies of mobile learning, providing improvement of teaching and educational process, accessibility and effectiveness of education for personal development according to individual inclinations, abilities, based on lifelong learning. Due to rapid expansion, proliferation and increasing of functionality of mobile technologies we should use their potential to improve and facilitate learning, ensuring accessibility, equity, individualization and flexibility. The analysis of the basic features and benefits of mobile technologies for lifelong learning was conducted. The model using mobile learning technologies for learning English phonetics is proposed in the article. The mobile application allows organizing the learning process of English practical phonetics. This article describes the methodical implementation of the proposed model for learning of English phonetics. Modern education in many countries, including Ukraine, foresees the necessity of learning of foreign languages. The proposed mobile learning technologies help to achieve the main aim of learning foreign languages – forming the general and professional communicative competence of specialists in the globalized society


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    Гнєдкова, О. О. Проектування моделі мобільного навчання у системі дистанційного навчання «Херсонський Віртуальний Університет» / О. О. Гнєдкова, В. В. Лякутін // Інформаційні технології в освіті : зб. наук. праць. / ред.кол. : О. В. Співаковський (гол.ред) та ін. – Херсон : ХДУ, 2015. – Вип. 24. – С. 107 – 118.У зв’язку з глобальним процесом інформатизації суспільства та залученням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) у всі сфери діяльності людини, в тому числі в освітній процес вищої школи змінюється парадигма навчального процесу, тобто пріоритетним напрямком життєдіяльності людини в інформаційному суспільстві постає можливість навчатися будь-де і будь-коли. Така можливість забезпечується багатьма технологіями навчання з використанням ІКТ, зокрема, й за допомогою технологій мобільного навчання. Дана технологія навчання є новою формою навчання з використанням ІКТ і є не повністю вивчена з методичної точки зору, тому постає питання розробки та подальшого впровадження технології мобільного навчання у навчальний процес вищої школи. У статті запропоновано модель взаємодії учасників навчального процесу та технологій мобільного навчання на базі системи дистанційного навчання «Херсонський Віртуальний Університет». Представлено опис запропонованої моделі з точки зору методичної реалізації моделі у навчальному процесі. У статті розглянуто основні підходи до визначення поняття «мобільне навчання», «середовище», «освітній простір», «освітнє середовище», «навчальне середовище» та реалізації процесу мобільного навчання, а також представлено проект моделі мобільного навчання в системi дистанційного навчання «Херсонський Віртуальний Університет». В связи с глобальным процессом информатизации общества и привлечением информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) во все сферы деятельности человека, в том числе в образовательный процесс высшей школы меняется парадигма учебного процесса, то есть приоритетным направлением жизнедеятельности человека в информационном обществе возникает возможность учиться где угодно и когда угодно. Такая возможность обеспечивается многими технологиями обучения с использованием ИКТ, в том числе и с помощью технологий мобильной обучения. Данная технология обучения является новой формой обучения с использованием ИКТ и является не полностью изученой с методической точки зрения, поэтому возникает вопрос разработки и последующего внедрения технологии мобильного обучения в учебный процесс высшей школы. В статье предложена модель взаимодействия участников учебного процесса и технологий мобильного обучения на базе системы дистанционного обучения «Херсонский Виртуальный Университет». Представлено описание предлагаемой модели с точки зрения методической реализации модели в учебном процессе. В статье рассмотрены основные подходы к определению понятия «мобильное обучение», «среда», «образовательное пространство», «образовательная среда», «учебная среда» и реализации процесса мобильного обучения, а также представлен проект модели мобильного обучения в системе дистанционного обучения «Херсонский Виртуальный Университет ». Due to the global process of information of society and the involvement of information and communication technologies (ICT) in all areas of human activity, including in the educational process of high school the paradigm of educational process is changing, priority of human life in the information society presents an opportunity to study anywhere and anytime. This opportunity is provided by many techniques of teaching using ICT, particularly through technology of mobile learning. This learning technology is a new form of learning with the usage of IKT and hasn’t study fully from the methodological point of view, so the question of further development and implementation of mobile learning technologies in educational process of high school is arisen.The implementation of mobile learning technologies in educational practice requires the design of model, which will show the interaction of mobile learning components and distance learning system. The paper proposes a model of interaction between participants of the educational process and technologies of mobile learning based on distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University". The description of the proposed model in terms of the methodological realization in the learning process is presented. In the article the main approaches to the definition of "mobile learning", "environment", "educational space", "educational environment", "learning environment" and the implementation process of mobile learning are considered, and the draft of model of mobile learning in the system of distance learning "Kherson Virtual University" is presented