420 research outputs found

    Star Formation in a Cosmological Simulation of Reionization

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    We study the luminosity functions of high-redshift galaxies in detailed hydrodynamic simulations of cosmic reionization, which are designed to reproduce the evolution of the Lyman-alpha forest between z=5 and z=6. We find that the luminosity functions and total stellar mass densities are in agreement with observations when plausible assumptions about reddenning at z=6 are made. Our simulations support the conclusion that stars alone reionized the universe.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Towards a complete accounting of energy and momentum from stellar feedback in galaxy formation simulations

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    Stellar feedback plays a key role in galaxy formation by regulating star formation, driving interstellar turbulence and generating galactic scale outflows. Although modern simulations of galaxy formation can resolve scales of 10-100 pc, star formation and feedback operate on smaller, "subgrid" scales. Great care should therefore be taken in order to properly account for the effect of feedback on global galaxy evolution. We investigate the momentum and energy budget of feedback during different stages of stellar evolution, and study its impact on the interstellar medium using simulations of local star forming regions and galactic disks at the resolution affordable in modern cosmological zoom-in simulations. In particular, we present a novel subgrid model for the momentum injection due to radiation pressure and stellar winds from massive stars during early, pre-supernova evolutionary stages of young star clusters. Early injection of momentum acts to clear out dense gas in star forming regions, hence limiting star formation. The reduced gas density mitigates radiative losses of thermal feedback energy from subsequent supernova explosions, leading to an increased overall efficiency of stellar feedback. The detailed impact of stellar feedback depends sensitively on the implementation and choice of parameters. Somewhat encouragingly, we find that implementations in which feedback is efficient lead to approximate self-regulation of global star formation efficiency. We compare simulation results using our feedback implementation to other phenomenological feedback methods, where thermal feedback energy is allowed to dissipate over time scales longer than the formal gas cooling time. We find that simulations with maximal momentum injection suppress star formation to a similar degree as is found in simulations adopting adiabatic thermal feedback.Comment: ApJ submitted. For a high-resolution version of the paper, see http://kicp.uchicago.edu/~agertz

    Gamma-Ray Burst Phenomenon as Collapse of QED Magnetized Vacuum Bubble: Analogy with Sonoluminescence

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    We consider the phenomenon of a gamma-ray burst as a nonlinear collapse of a magnetic cavity surrounding a neutron star with very strong magnetic field B = 10^15 - 10^16 G due to the process of the bubble shape instability in a resonant MHD field of the accreting plasma. The QED effect of vacuum polarizability by the strong magnetic field is taken into account. We develop an analogy with the phenomenon of sonoluminescence (SL) when the gas bubble is located in the surrounding liquid with a driven sound intensity. We show that this analogy between GRB and SL phenomena really exists.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to Natur

    Dynamics of ``Small Galaxies'' in the Hubble Deep Field

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    We have previously found in the Hubble Deep Field a significant angular correlation of faint, high color-redshift objects on scales below one arcsecond, or several kiloparsecs in metric size. We examine the correlation and nearest neighbor statistics to conclude that 38% of these objects in the HDF have a companion within one arcsecond, three times the number expected in a random distribution with the same number of objects. We examine three dynamical scenarios for these object multiplets: 1) the objects are star-forming regions within normal galaxies, whose disks have been relatively dimmed by K-correction and surface brightness dimming; 2) they are fragments merging into large galaxies; 3) they are satellites accreting onto normal L_* galaxies. We find that hypothesis 1 is most tenable. First, large galaxies in the process of a merger formation would have accumulated too much mass in their centers (5e12 M_sun inside 2 kpc) to correspond to present day objects. Second, accretion by dynamical friction occurs with a predictable density vs. radius slope, not seen among the faint HDF objects. Since the dynamical friction time is roughly (1 Gyr), a steady-state should have been reached by redshift z < 5. Star-forming regions within galaxies clearly present no dynamical problems. Since large spirals would still appear as such in the HDF, we favor a scenario in which the faint compact sources in the HDF are giant starforming regions within small normal galaxies, such as Magellanic irregulars. Finally we checked that reduction in mass-to-light from induced star-formation cannot alone explain the luminosity overdensity.Comment: AASTeX 4.0 (preprint), 4 PostScript figure

    Polarization of AGN in UV Spectral Range

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    We present the review of some new problems in cosmology and physics of stars in connection with future launching of WSO. We discuss three problems. UV observations of distant z > 6 quasars allow to obtain information on the soft < 1 KeV X-ray radiation of the accretion disk around a supermassive black hole because of its cosmological redshift. Really the region of X-ray radiation is insufficiently investigated because of high galactic absorption. In a result one will get important information on the reionization zone of the Universe. Astronomers from ESO revealed the effect of alignment of electric vectors of polarized QSOs. One of the probable mechanism of such alignment is the conversion of QSO radiation into low mass pseudoscalar particles (axions) in the extragalactic magnetic field. These boson like particles have been predicted by new SUSY particle physics theory. Since the probability of such conversion is increasing namely in UV spectral range one can expect the strong correlation between UV spectral energy distribution of QSO radiation and polarimetric data in the optical range. In the stellar physics one of the interesting problems is the origin of the X-ray sources with super Eddington luminosities. The results of UV observations of these X-ray sources will allow to find the origin of these sources as accreting intermediate mass black holes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Morphology of the Secondary CMB Anisotropies: the Key to "Smoldering" Reionization

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    We show how the morphological analysis of the maps of the secondary CMB anisotropies can detect an extended period of ``smoldering'' reionization, during which the universe remains partially ionized. Neither radio observations of the redshifted 21cm line nor IR observations of the redshifted Lyman-alpha forest will be able to detect such a period. The most sensitive to this kind of non-gaussianity parameters are the number of regions in the excursion set, the perimeter of the excursion set, and the genus of the largest (by area) region. For example, if the universe reionized fully at z=6, but maintained about 1/3 mean ionized fraction since z=20, then a 2 arcmin map with 500x500 pixel resolution and a signal-to-noise ratio S/N=1/2 allows to detect the non-gaussianity due to reionization with better than 99% confidence level.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Dependence of the Inner DM Profile on the Halo Mass

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    I compare the density profile of dark matter (DM) halos in cold dark matter (CDM) N-body simulations with 1 Mpc, 32 Mpc, 256 Mpc and 1024 Mpc box sizes. In dimensionless units the simulations differ only for the initial power spectrum of density perturbations. I compare the profiles when the most massive halos are composed of about 10^5 DM particles. The DM density profiles of the halos in the 1 Mpc box show systematically shallower cores with respect to the corresponding halos in the 32 Mpc simulation that have masses, M_{dm}, typical of the Milky Way and are fitted by a NFW profile. The DM density profiles of the halos in the 256 Mpc box are consistent with having steeper cores than the corresponding halos in the 32 Mpc simulation, but higher mass resolution simulations are needed to strengthen this result. Combined, these results indicate that the density profile of DM halos is not universal, presenting shallower cores in dwarf galaxies and steeper cores in clusters. Physically the result sustains the hypothesis that the mass function of the accreting satellites determines the inner slope of the DM profile. In comoving coordinates, r, the profile \rho_{dm} \propto 1/(X^\alpha(1+X)^{3-\alpha}), with X=c_\Delta r/r_\Delta, r_\Delta is the virial radius and \alpha =\alpha(M_{dm}), provides a good fit to all the DM halos from dwarf galaxies to clusters at any redshift with the same concentration parameter c_\Delta ~ 7. The slope, \gamma, of the outer parts of the halo appears to depend on the acceleration of the universe: when the scale parameter is a=(1+z)^{-1} < 1, the slope is \gamma ~ 3 as in the NFW profile, but \gamma ~ 4 at a > 1 when \Omega_\Lambda ~ 1 and the universe is inflating.[abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, including 11 figures and 2 tables. The revised version has an additional discussion section and work on the velocity dispersion anisotrop

    Mutual Constraints Between Reionization Models and Parameter Extraction From Cosmic Microwave Background Data

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    Spectroscopic studies of high-redshift objects and increasingly precise data on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are beginning to independently place strong complementary bounds on the epoch of hydrogen reionization. Parameter estimation from current CMB data continues, however, to be subject to several degeneracies. Here, we focus on those degeneracies in CMB parameter forecasts related to the optical depth to reionization. We extend earlier work on the mutual constraints that such analyses of CMB data and a reionization model may place on each other to a more general parameter set, and to the case of data anticipated from the MAPMAP satellite. We focus in particular on a semi-analytic model of reionization by the first stars, although the methods here are easily extended to other reionization scenarios. A reionization model can provide useful complementary information for cosmological parameter (CP) extraction from the CMB, particularly for the degeneracies between the optical depth and either of the amplitude and index of the primordial scalar power spectrum, which are still present in the most recent data. Alternatively, by using a reionization model, known limits on astrophysical quantities can reduce the forecasted errors on CPs. Forthcoming CMB data also have the potential to constrain the sites of early star formation, as well as the fraction of baryons that participate in it. Finally, we examine the implications of an independent, e.g., spectroscopic, determination of the epoch of reionization for the determination of CPs from the CMB. This has the potential to significantly strengthen limits from the CMB on parameters such as the index of the power spectrum, while having the considerable advantage of being free of the choice of the reionization model (abridged).Comment: Accepted on 15 Feb. 2002 for publication in ApJ, 22 pages with 4 figures; paper's text expanded significantly, new Discussion section, results (table and figures) unchanged from version

    Atmospheres and Spectra of Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars -- III. Partially Ionized Hydrogen Models

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    We construct partially ionized hydrogen atmosphere models for magnetized neutron stars in radiative equilibrium with surface fields B=10^12-5 \times 10^14 G and effective temperatures T_eff \sim a few \times 10^5-10^6 K. These models are based on the latest equation of state and opacity results for magnetized, partially ionized hydrogen plasmas that take into account various magnetic and dense medium effects. The atmospheres directly determine the characteristics of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars. For the models with B=10^12-10^13 G, the spectral features due to neutral atoms lie at extreme UV and very soft X-ray energy bands and therefore are difficult to observe. However, the continuum flux is also different from the fully ionized case, especially at lower energies. For the superstrong field models (B\ga 10^14 G), we show that the vacuum polarization effect not only suppresses the proton cyclotron line as shown previously, but also suppresses spectral features due to bound species; therefore spectral lines or features in thermal radiation are more difficult to observe when the neutron star magnetic field is \ga 10^14 G.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures; ApJ, accepted (v599: Dec 20, 2003

    Superfluid turbulence and pulsar glitch statistics

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    Experimental evidence is reviewed for the existence of superfluid turbulence in a differentially rotating, spherical shell at high Reynolds numbers (\Rey\gsim 10^3), such as the outer core of a neutron star. It is shown that torque variability increases with \Rey, suggesting that glitch activity in radio pulsars may be a function of \Rey as well. The \Rey distribution of the 67 glitching radio pulsars with characteristic ages τc≀106\tau_c \leq 10^6 {\rm yr} is constructed from radio timing data and cooling curves and compared with the \Rey distribution of all 348 known pulsars with τc≀106\tau_c \leq 10^6 {\rm yr}. The two distributions are different, with a Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability ≄1−3.9×10−3\geq 1 - 3.9 \times 10^{-3}. The conclusion holds for (modified) Urca and nonstandard cooling, and for Newtonian and superfluid viscosities
