7 research outputs found

    The Centre of the Inklings: Lewis? Williams? Barfield? Tolkien?

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    Considers which of the Inklings might be considered the “centre” of the group through a discussion of the dynamics of the writing workshop. On the basis of studies of successful writing groups, concludes the Inklings are a model of the type of group which includes several different types of leaders, but no authoritative overall leader

    Joy Davidman Lewis: Author, Editor and Collaborator

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    Biography of Joy Davidman Lewis and her influence on C.S. Lewis


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    J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator. Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. C.S. Lewis: Companion and Guide. Walter Hooper. Reviewed by Diana Pavlac Glyer. The Rhetoric of Vision: Essays on Charles Williams. Ed. by Charles A. Huttar and Peter J. Schakel. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. Poetry of Dorothy L. Sayers. Ed. by Ralph E. Hone. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. Inklings of Reality: Toward a Christian Philosophy of Letters. Donald T. Williams. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. C.S. Lewis: Mere Christian. Kathryn Linskoog. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. C.S. Lewis: Readings for Reflection and Meditation. Ed. by Waiter Hooper. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. C.S. Lewis Index: Rumors From the Sculptor\u27s Shop. Janine Goffar. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis. Terry W. Glaspey. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson