2 research outputs found

    Agricultural Research Bulletins, Nos. 413-447

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    Volume 32, Bulletins 413-447. (413) What Does the Iowa Farmer Want from Radio Market News?; (414) Estimate of the Volume of Farm Dwelling Construction in Iowa; (415) Retail Lumber Establishment and Farm Dwelling Construction in Iowa; (416) Farm Rental Practices and Problems in the Midwest; (417) How Do Iowa Farmers Obtain and Use Market News?; (418) Incomplete Block Designs with Blocks of Two Plots; (419) Economic Efficiency in Pasture Production and Improvement in Southern Iowa; (420) Load Characteristics of Southeastern Iowa Farms Using Electric Ranges; (421) Objective Grade Specifications for Slaughter Barrow and Gilt Carcasses; (422) Comparison of Costs of Service and Self-Service Methods in Retail Meat Departments; (423) Costs, Returns and Capital Requirements for Soil-Conserving Farming on Rented Farms in Western Iowa; (424) Crop Response Surfaces and Economic Optima in Fertilizer Use; (425) Resource Returns and Productivity Coefficients in Selected Farming Areas of Iowa, Montana and Alabama; (426) Optimum Combinations of Competitive Crops at Particular Locations (Applications of Linear Programming: 1); (427) Application of Input-Output Analysis to a Simple Model Emphasizing Agriculture (A Study of the Interdependence of Agriculture and Other Sectors of the National Economy; (428) Farm Size Adjustments in Iowa and Cost Economies in Crop Production for Farms of Different Sizes; (429) Costs and Returns for Soil-Conserving Systems of Farming on Ida-Monona Soils in Iowa; (430) Population Change and Net Migration in the North Central States, 1940-1950; (431) Economic Instability and Choices Involving Income and Risk in Livestock and Poultry Production; (432) Relationships Between Lard Production Methods, Volumes of Production, Costs and Characteristics of Lard Produced in Selected Packing Plants; (433) Marginal Productivity of Resources and Imputation of Shares for Cash and Share Rented Farms; (434) Nutrition of 9-, 10-, and 11-Year-Old Public School Children in Iowa, Kansas and Ohio; (435) Optimum Allocation of Resources Between Pasture Improvement and Other Opportunities on Southern Iowa Farms; (436) Physical and Mathematical Theories of the Tile and Ditch Drainage and their Usefulness in Design; (437) Optimum Combinations of Livestock Enterprises and Management Practices on Farms Including Supplementary Dairy and Poultry Enterprises (An Application of Linear Programming); (438) Application of Expectation Models to Livestock and Crop Prices and Products; (439) Combinations of Rotations and Fertilization to Maximize Crop Profits on Farms in North-Central Iowa (An Application of Linear Programming); (440) Optimum Farm Plans for Beginning Farmers on Tama-Muscatine Soils; (441) Production Functions, Isoquants, Isoclines and Economic Optima in Corn Fertilization for Experiments with Two and Three Variable Nutrients; (442) Least-Cost Rations and Optimum Marketing Weights for Broilers; (443) Least-Cost Rations and Optimum Marketing Weights for Turkeys; (444) Milk Production Functions, Hay/Grain Substitution Rates and Economic Optima in Dairy Cow Rations; (445) Analysis of the Efficiencies of Alternative Farm Leasing Arrangements (An Application of Linear Programming); (446) Effects of the USDA Corn Storage Program on Corn Carryover Stocks and Corn Utilization; (447) Uncertainty, Expectations and Investment Decisions for a Sample of Central Iowa Farmers</p