52 research outputs found

    Fenotipska varijabilnost i polimorfizam SSR markera u NS kolekciji germplazme paradajza

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    In this study phenotypic and molecular characterization of 29 tomato genotypes, belonging to the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad was performed. Plant material was comprised of local populations, old varieties, breeding lines and commercial cultivars. The field trials were set in randomized block design with five replications, during three consecutive years. Ten quantitative and four qualitative phenotypic traits were analyzed, and five chemical fruit characteristics. The sum of ranks indicated significant differences among genotypes in all quantitative traits. Years had a significant impact on all quantitative traits except average fruit weight and locule number while the interaction between genotype and year was not found. Genotypes were classified into four groups, using cluster analysis. Genotypes grouping was to a large extent in agreement with the results of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Differences between genotypes in chemical traits were found, also. Using cluster analysis genotypes were classified into three groups, according to both chemical characteristics of fruit and qualitative traits, also. For diversity assessment at molecular level, 30 microsatellite markers were selected. For 7 polymorphic loci, further genetic diversity indicators were analyzed: a number of alleles per locus, frequency of the predominant allele, observed and expected heterozygosity and polymorphism of individual loci, or PIC value. The average number of alleles per locus was 2,6. The highest number of allele (4) was identified for marker S248 while the rest of the markers had 2-3 alleles. Polymorphic loci have enabled differentiation of most of the genotypes and classification into four groups by cluster analysis. Based on the results of this research, some of the possible crossing combinations were suggested in order to obtain varieties of higher yield and improved fruit quality.U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji izvršena je fenotipska i molekularna karakterizacija 29 genotipova paradajza koji pripadaju kolekciji Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Biljni materijal je obuhvatao lokalne populacije, stare sorte, linijski materijal i sorte zastupljene u proizvodnji. Eksperiment u polju se odvijao tokom tri uzastopne godine, a postavljen je po slučajnom blok sistemu sa pet ponavljanja. Od fenotipskih osobina, analizirano je 10 kvantitativnih i 4 kvalitativne i 5 hemijskih osobina ploda. Na osnovu sume rangova genotipova utvrđeno je da su se genotipovi značajno razlikovali u svim ispitivanim kvantitativnim osobinama. Ustanovljen je značajan uticaj godina na sve osobine osim na broj komora i prosečnu masu ploda, dok između genotipa i godine nije postojala unakrsna interakcija. Primenom klaster analize genotipovi su klasifikovani u četiri grupe, pri čemu je u velikoj meri uočena podudarnost sa grupisanjem genotipova primenom analize glavnih komponenti. Utvrđeno je da su se genotipovi razlikovali u hemijskim osobinama ploda. Klaster analizom grupisanja genotipovi su se raspodelili u tri grupe, na osnovu hemijskih osobina ploda, kao i na osnovu kvalitativnih osobina. Za procenu diverziteta na molekularnom nivou odabrano je 30 mikrosatelitskih markera. Za 7 polimorfnih lokusa, izračunati su pokazatelji genetičkog diverziteta: broj alela po lokusu, frekvencija najzastupljenijeg alela, očekivana i uočena heterozigotnost i polimorfnost pojedinačnih lokusa, odnosno PIC vrednost (Polymorphism Information Content). Prosečan broj alela za polimorfne markere bio je 2,6 alela po lokusu. Najveći broj alela po lokusu detektovan je za marker SSR 248 (4 alela), dok se za preostalih 6 markera broj alela kretao od 2-3. Polimorfni lokusi su omogućili razlikovanje većine genotipova i klasifikaciju u četiri grupe primenom klaster analize grupisanja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja, predložene su neke od mogućih kombinacija ukrštanja iz kojih se može očekivati pojava rekombinacija u cilju dobijanja sorti većeg prinosa i kvaliteta ploda

    Komponente varijanse i korelacije agronomskih svojstava kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) različitih grupa zrenja

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    In this paper we studied the variability and correlation of cabbage traits in different maturity groups. The study included early spring cabbages (planted in early spring, harvested in early summer) and autumn cabbages (planted in mid-summer, harvested in late autumn). Using coefficients of variation and correlation coefficients, we analyzed 17 cabbage traits in 35 commercially grown cultivars, F1 hybrids, and experimental F1 hybrids. The traits were analyzed separately for each maturity group. In the early cabbages, the coefficients of variation ranged from 4.8 to 44.2%. The calculated correlation coefficients differed between the two maturity groups. The early cabbages had 26 significant positive correlations. The positive correlations calculated among different traits of early cabbages defined this group fully and made it distinct from the late-maturing genotypes. Plant height and rosette diameter in the early genotypes were highly positively correlated with rosette weight, whole plant weight, head weight, usable portion of head, head height, and head diameter. Plant height and rosette diameter participate in the formation of active photosynthetic area in early cabbages. Rosette width in these genotypes provides a greater influx of light and heat, which results in greater head weight. Also, in early cabbages that have greater plant height, the leaf rosette will not lie on the cold surface of the ground in the spring. The activity of the cabbage plant is thus more focused towards the formation of larger head weight. Head volume in the late genotypes was highly positively correlated with rosette diameter, whole plant weight, head weight, usable portion of head, inner stem length, and head height. In late cabbages plant activity is directed towards the formation of head volume due to the longer duration of the growth period, larger leaves, and differences in climatic conditions.U radu smo istraživali varijabilnost i korelacije svojstava kupusa iz različitih grupa zrenja. Ubuhvaćeni su rani-prolećni kupusi (posejani rano u proleće, posečeni u rano leto), i jesenji kupusi (posejani sredinom leta, posečeni kasno u jesen). Koeficijentima varijacije i korelacionim koeficijentima analizarano je 17 kupusnih svojtava, između 35 komercijalno gajenih sorata, F1-hibrida i eksperimentalnih hibrida kupusa. Svojstva sorata i F1-hibrida kupusa smo analizirali posebno kod svake grupe zrenja. Koeficijent varijacije analiziranih svojstava se kretao od minimalnih 4,8% do maksimalnih 44,2%. Navedeni koeficijenti varijacije su pripadali kupusima iz rane grupe zrenja. Međutim korelacioni koeficijenti su bili različiti između analiziranih grupa zrenja kupusa. Kupusi iz rane grupe zrenja imali su 32 signifikantno pozitivne korelacije, a kasno jesenji kupusi su imali 26 signifikantno pozitivnih korelacija. Visina biljke i prečnik rozete kod ranih genotipova je u visokoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa masom rozete, masom cele biljke, masom glavice, korisnim delom glavice, visinom glavice i prečnikom glavice. Kod ranih kupusa sa većom visinom glavice, lisna rozeta tokom proleća neće ležati na hladnoj površini zemljišta. Ovako je aktivnost biljke više usmerena na formiranje veće mase glavice. Zapremina glavice kod kasnih genotipova je u visoko pozitivnoj korelaciji sa prečnikom rozete, masom cele biljke, masom glavice, korisni delom glavice, dužinom unutrašnjeg kočana i visinom glavice. Aktivnost biljaka kod kasnih kupusa na formiranju veće zapremine glavice je u funkciji dužeg vegetacionog perioda, većih listova rozete i drugačijih klimatskih uslova

    Varijabilnost ploda kod različitih genotipova paradajza (L. esculentum Mill.)

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    Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) is vegetable which could be produced and consumed in a many different ways, due to its variability, made by breeding programs. Variability of analyzed genotypes was determinated for further fruit traits: average mass, fruit shape, locules number and dry matter content. Variability source structure was determinated using principal components analysis (PCA). Three main components, which explain 94,2 % of total variability, were chosen for further analysis. The biggest part of the first main component has fruit shape and locule number. The second component is determinated by dry matter content, and the third by the fruit mass. For more precisely perception of homology and divergence between analyzed genotypes, nonhierarchical grouping analysis (k-means) was performed, and genotypes were divided into three groups. Divergency was determinated for fruit mass and locule number, while for index shape and dry matter contetent analyzed genotypes are homologous. The aim of this study is to examine tomato genotypes variability for fruit traits.Paradajz (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) se odlikuje raznolikošću načina proizvodnje i upotrebe, zahvaljujući varijabilnosti koju čovek stvara oplemenjivanjem. Varijabilnost ispitivanih genotipova paradajza analizirana je za sledeće osobine ploda: prosečna masa, oblik, broj komora i sadržaj suve materije. Struktura izvora varijabilnosti određena je primenom metode glavnih komponenata (PCA). Za dalju analizu odabrano je tri glavne komponente, kojima je objašnjeno 94,2% ukupne varijabilnosti. Najveći udeo u prvoj glavnoj komponenti imaju oblik ploda i broj komora. Druga glavna komponenta definisana je sadržajem suve materije dok je masa ploda izdvojena u treću glavnu komponentu. U cilju jasnijeg sagledavanja sličnosti i razlika između genotipova paradajza, primenjena je nehijerarhijska analiza grupisanja (k-means), sa podelom genotipova u tri grupe. Utvrđeno je da se ispitivani genotipovi razlikuju u masi ploda i broju komora, dok su po obliku ploda i sadržaju suve materije sličniji. Cilj rada je ispitivanje varijabilnosti genotipova paradajza za osobine ploda

    Korišćenje starih sorti i lokalnih populacija paradajza kao izvora genetičke varijabilnosti u oplemenjivanju

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    Five local tomato populations and fourteen heirloom cultivars were analyzed in this study. The analyzed genotypes represent a part of tomato collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The following fruit and plant traits were analyzed: growth type, fruit color, fruit shape index, fruit weight, number of locules and dry matter content. Cluster analysis was performed so as to group the analyzed genotypes by homology and divergence. The aim of this article was to determine the importance of heirloom cultivars and local populations as sources of genetic variability in tomato breeding process.U ovom istraživanju je analizirano 5 lokalnih populacija i 14 starih sorti paradajza. Ispitivani genotipovi predstavljaju deo kolekcije paradajza Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Analizirane su sledeće osobine biljke i ploda: tip rasta, boja ploda, indeks oblika ploda, masa ploda, broj komora i sadržaj suve materije u plodu. Primenjena je analiza grupisanja (klaster analiza) u cilju grupisanja ispitivanih genotipova na osnovu sličnosti i razlika za ispitivana svojstva. Cilj rada je ispitivanje značaja starih sorti i lokalnih populacija kao izvora genetičke varijabilnosti u oplemenjivanju paradajza

    Multivariaciona analiza mase glavice i prinosa eksperimentalnih hibrida kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

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    This paper reviews characters of 18 cabbage genotypes (9 experimental hybrids vs 4 cultivars and 5 hybrids from the domestic commercial production). The experimental genotypes differed in head weight, growing season and yield performance. The analysis of variability of the characters was performed by the PCA method. The two characters selected by the scree test accounted for 57.7% of the variability. Based on head weight and yield performance, the tested hybrids were classified into two clusters that differed quantitatively.Masa glavice i prinos su najznačajnija svojstva ekonomskog prinosa kupusa. Tokom procesa oplemenjivanja ispituju se eksperimentalni hibridi u poređenju sa aktualno gajenim sortama i hibridima u proizvodnji. U ovom radu su prikazane karakteristike 18 genotipova kupusa, (9 eksperimentalnih hibrida, 4 sorte i 5 hibrida iz šire proizvodnje). Genotipovi kupusa u ogledu su različite mase glavice a samim tim i prinosa, obzirom da su i različite dužine vegetacije. Analiza varijabilnosti osobina vršena je PCA metodom, gde je na osnovu scree testa, odabrano dve glavne komponente kojima je definisano 57.7% varijabilnosti. Masa glavice i prinos su osobine na osnovu kojih su ispitivani hibridi razvrstani u kvantitativno različite grupe, čime su bliže određene njihove vrednosti

    Stability of head weight in cabbage accessions (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

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    An understanding of the causes of genotype x environment interaction can help in identifying traits and environments for better cultivar evaluation. The fact that head formation depends on other factors besides the cabbage accessions involved, makes it necessary to investigate accessions responses to agroecological growing conditions. Studied in the present paper was the stability of 21 cabbage accessions (10 cultivars and 11 F1-hybrids) with regard to head weight over three growing seasons. Joint analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the cabbage accessions, study years and accessions x year interactions. The parameter stability test showed that seven of the accessions (Kopenhaski and Elisa-F1 as early type; Tucana-F1 as summer type; Srpski melez, SG-3014, Ljubljanski and Rodeo-F1 as late type) significantly deviated from the regression line. Four of the seven accessions are cultivars and three F1-hybrids. These accessions had quite different regression coefficients around or above the value of one. Analysis of stability parameters for head weight showed the following accessions to be very stable: Copenhagen market (an early variety), Grenadier-F1 (a summer cabbage) and Ljubljanski (a late variety)

    Uticaj faza zrelosti ploda i momenta vađenja semena na kvalitet semena plavog patlidžana (Solanum melongena L.)

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    Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a vegetable from Solanaceae family and its fruit is used in human consumption. It is produced from seedlings in the Republic of Serbia and quantity of seed used for seedlings depends on germination and 1000 seed mass, and ranges from 250 to 350 g ha-1. The aim of this paper was to determine effect of fruit maturity stages and storage duration of harvested fruit on eggplant seed quality. Seed was extracted from technologically mature, semi-mature and botanically mature fruit. Germination energy, germination and 1000 seed mass were tested after seed extraction. Part of harvested fruit was stored for 10 and 20 days, after which seed was extracted and the same seed qualities were tested. It was determined that seed from technologically mature fruit had germination around 25%. In semi-mature fruit, germination abruptly increased from 2% (seed extracted after harvest) to 88% (seed extracted 20 days after harvest). Seed obtained from botanically mature fruit had maximum germination after storing for 20 days after harvest and amounted to 99%. In all tested variants, 1000 seed mass increased with storage life, and it reached 5.48 g in botanically mature fruit.Plavi patlidžan (Solanum melongena L.) je povrće iz familije Solanaceae čiji plodovi se koriste u ljudskoj ishrani. U Republici Srbiji se proizvodi iz rasada, a količina utrošenog semena za proizvodnju rasada zavisi od klijavosti i apsolutne mase semena i kreće se od 250-350 g za 1 ha useva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi uticaj faza zrelosti ploda i dužine čuvanja ubranog ploda na semenske kvalitete plavog patlidžana. Seme je vađeno iz plodova koji su dostigli tehnološku zrelost, iz poluzrelih plodova i iz botanički zrelih plodova. Nakon vađenja semena ispitana je energija klijanja, klijavost i apsolutna masa semena. Deo ubranih plodova je ostavljen da stoji 10 i 20 dana, a potom je vađeno seme i ispitani su isti semenski kvaliteti. Ustanovljeno je da seme iz plodova u tehnološkoj zrelosti imalo klijavost oko 25%. Kod semena iz poluzrelih plodova klijavost se naglo povećala sa 2% (seme vađeno nakon berbe) na 88% (seme vađeno 20 dana nakon berbe). Seme dobijeno iz botanički zrelih plodova imalo je maksimalnu klijavost stajanjem ploda 20 dana nakon berbe i iznosila je 99%. Kod svih ispitivanih varijanti stajanjem ploda apsolutna masa semena se povećavala, a iz botanički zrelih plodova dostigla je 5,48 g

    Novi eksperimentalni hibrid kupusa pogodan za ranu proizvodnju

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    The paper analyzes experimental hybrids of early cabbage developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in the previous period. The hybrids were tested together for two years and then one (H17) was chosen and submitted to the Variety Commission of the Republic of Serbia. In 2011, the experimental hybrid H17 was officially released as an early cabbage hybrid and registered under the name of NS Mendo F1. The hybrid had been developed by crossing two early lines, one of which was sterile. It is characterized by a short growing season - 65 days from transplanting to harvest. The head weight ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 kg depending on the cultural practice applied. The head is light green in color, sweet-tasting, and suitable for fresh consumption. The hybrid’s traits that contributed significantly to the formation of the first principal component were in fact those that the breeders attach most importance to in their breeding programs. These are the traits that directly influence the market value of a new hybrid and make a given hybrid recognizable on the market. Most notable among such traits are head weight and the weight of the useful part of the head.U radu su analizirani eksperimentalni hibridi ranog kupusa stvoreni u prethodnom periodu u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Hibridi su međusobno dve godine testirani, iz čega je jedan hibrid (H17) izabran i prijavljen Republičkoj sortnoj komisiji. 2011 godine je eksperimentalni hibrid H17 i zvanično priznat kao rani hibrid kupusa, te registrovan pod imenom NS Mendo F1. Navedeni rani hibrid je nastao ukrštanjem dve linije kupusa, od kojih je jedna sterilna linija. Karakteriše se kratkom dužinom vegetacije, tj. 65 dana od rasađivanja do berbe. Masa glavice se kreće od 2,5 kg do 3,5 kg u zavisnosti od agrotehnike. Glavica je svetlo zelene boje, slatkog ukusa pogodna za svežu potrošnju. Osobine koje su pokazale značajan udeo na formiranje varijabilnosti prve glavne komponente, su u stvari i osobine na koje selekcionari daju i najveći značaj u oplemenjivačkim programima. To su svojstva koja direktno utiču na formiranje tržišne vrednosti novi hibrida, i čine pojedine hibride prepoznatljive na tržištu. To se odnosi pre svega na masu glavice i masu korisnog dela glavice

    Fruit characteristics of new pepper variety „NS Prva“

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    Paprika (Capsicum annuum) je u svetu, pa tako i u Srbiji jedna od vodećih povrtarskih vrsta. U sortimentu Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo se nalaze sorte paprika različitih tipova ploda kao što su: babure, polubabure, kapije, šipke, feferone i paradajz paprike. Međutim, pošto se u sortimentu Instituta ne nalazi nijedna sorta slatke paprike sa konusnim i visećim plodovima, cilj je bio da tržištu ponudimo novu sortu u ovom tipu ploda. Višegodišnjim oplemenjivačkim radom je dobijena nova sorta paprike pod nazivom NS Prva. U Republici Srbiji NS Prva je priznata 2019. godine i od tada se nalazi na domaćoj sortnoj listi. Plodovi ove sorte su mase oko 150 g, imaju jedan vrh, rastu viseći na biljci, svetložute su boje u tehnološkoj, a crvene boje u punoj zrelosti. Analizom plodova čuvanih tri nedelje nakon branja, utvrđeno je da plodovi sorte NS Prva imaju mali gubitak mase, odnosno imaju dobru sposobnost čuvanja.Pepper (Capsicum annuum) is one of the major vegetable species in the world, and Serbia as well. The pepper assortment of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops includes varieties of different fruit type such as the bell, conical, kapia, elongated, pepperoni and tomato-shaped peppers. However, in the assortment of the Institute, there is no variety of sweet pepper with conical and hanging fruits. Because of that, we wanted to develop a new pepper variety with this fruit type and offer it to the market. Selected lines from one of the crossbreeding combinations were grown in the open field and the greenhouse area by the pedigree method in the period 2012-2017. Based on the phenotype, the most vital plants that had the desired characteristics of the fruit were selected. During the many years of breeding, a new pepper variety NS Prva was obtained. NS Prva has been registered in the Republic of Serbia in 2019 and from that period it has been on the National variety list. The fruits of this variety are about 150 g, have one peak, grow hanging on the plant, with light yellow colour in technological maturity, and red in full maturity. A new pepper variety NS Prva is recommended for growing in a greenhouse where it gives uniform fruits suitable for the market in all maturity stages. It can also be recommended for growing in the open field where it gives slightly longer fruits. NS Prva showed good storage ability three weeks after harvest since it had the smallest reduction in fruit weight during storage in a cold chamber

    Prikaz nove letnje sorte kupusa - Orion

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    Cabbage breeding at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops is aimed at the development of cultivars and hybrids whose properties meet the demands of the food processing industry and green market, intensive food production and human population, and which are adapted to the local agroclimatic conditions. This paper presents the main characteristics of a cabbage cultivar released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia in 2007. The cabbage cultivar Orion is primarily intended for fresh consumption in summer and pickling. The head is slightly flattened to oval-shaped, reddish white at cross section, with tender inner leaves, good taste and quality. The length of the growing season is 85-95 days (from transplanting to technological maturity). .Oplemenjivački rad na kupusu u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo ima za cilj stvaranje sorti i hibrida koje po svojim osobinama zadovoljavaju zahteve tržišta, industrijske prerade, zelene pijace, zahteve intenzivne proizvodnje i ishrane ljudske populacije, a prilagođene su našem agroklimatskom području. U ovom radu date su glavne karakteristike sorte kupusa priznate od strane Ministarstva za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i vodoprivredu republike Srbije u 2007. godini. Sorta kupusa Orion, spada u kupuse namenjene pre svega za svežu letnju potrošnju i kišeljenje. Glavica je blago spljošteno-ovalnog oblika, na preseku belo crvenkaste boje, nežnih unutrašnjih listova, dobrog ukusa i kvaliteta. Dužina vegetacije iznosi oko 85-95 dana (rasađivanje-tehnološka zrelost).