154 research outputs found

    Effect of weather factors on growth and development of European Mouflon (Ovis aries musimon Pall.) horns in continental Croatia

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    Rogovi kod porodice Bovidae predstavljaju sekundarno spolno obilježje jednog ili oba spola. Kod muflonske divljači rogovi se uglavnom pojavljuju kod muÅ”kog spola, a u iznimnim slučajevima mogu se pojaviti i kod ženki, ali mnogo manji nego kod mužjaka. Analizom rogova mogu se dobiti važne informacije o životu jedinke i populacije. U istraživanjima opisanim u analiziranoj literaturi klima i okoliÅ”ni čimbenici pokazali su se značajnim za rast rogova uz ostale čimbenike poput selekcije, trofejnog lova, veličine populacije, dobne strukture unutar populacija, i drugih. Cilj ovog istraživanja je testirati može li se ovisnost duljine drugog segmenta, odnosno godiÅ”njeg prirasta rogova muflona (Ovis aries musimon Pall.) iz loviÅ”ta Garjevica objasniti okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima (temperaturom i padalinama). U istraživanju su kao prediktori za model prirasta roga koriÅ”tene minimalna i maksimalna proljetna temperatura (ožujak, travanj, svibanj) te prosječna količina padalina za proljetni period. U modelu su analizirane duljine drugog segmenta roga, a uzorkovane su 83 trofeje muflona, stečenih u državnom otvorenom loviÅ”tu broj: VII/15 ā€“ ā€žZAPADNA GARJEVICAā€œ, u periodu od 1992. do 2002. godine. Velika varijabilnost prirasta roga unutar istih kalendarskih godina, uz iste okoliÅ”ne uvjete, te nedovoljan broj prediktora rasta uključenih u model, ukazuju na neadekvatnost ovakvog pojednostavljenog modela za opis rasta rogova muflona na ovom području.Horns in the Bovidae family represent the secondary sex characteristic of one or both sexes. At wild mouflons, horns usually occurs in male sex, but in exceptional cases they may occur in female sex but much less often than in males. By analyzing horns, important information about the life of the individual and the population can be obtained. In the studies described in the analyzed literature, climate and environmental factors have proved to be significant for the growth of horns along with other factors such as selection, trophy hunting, population size, age structure in the population and others. The objective of this study is to test whether the dependence of the length of the second segment, or the annual growth of mouflons horns (Ovis aries musimon Pall.) from the Garjevica hunting ground can be explained by environmental factors (temperature and precipitation). In the study, the minimum and maximum spring temperatures (March, April, May) and the average rainfall for the spring period were used as predictors for the horn growth model. In the model it was analyzed the lengths of the second horn segment, and 83 trophies of mouflon were sampled, obtained in the state open hunting ground number: VII / 15 - "ZAPADNA GARJEVICA", in the period from 1992 to 2002. The high variability of horn growth within the same calendar years, with the same environmental conditions, and the insufficient number of growth predictors involved in the model, indicate the inadequacy of such a simplified model for describing the growth of mouflons horns in this area


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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between attribute and overall customer satisfaction with online banking services. The main objective was to discuss the impact of four online banking service attributes on overall customer satisfaction. The questionnaire designed for collecting data consisted of three parts. Firstly, customer satisfaction with online banking services was measured. Secondly, questions about online banking services usage were comprised. Thirdly, demographic variables were included. Questionnaires were distributed online, of which 171 valid responses were gathered. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyze data. The findings showed that accessibility, security and price had a significant and positive effect on overall customer satisfaction, while user-friendly approach positively influenced overall customer satisfaction, but this impact was not statistically significant when other variables were involved. These findings indicate that improving online banking servicesā€™ accessibility, security, price and user-friendly approach lead to higher overall satisfaction levels of online banking customers.Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti povezanost zadovoljstva pojedinim elementom usluge i ukupnog zadovoljstva klijenta uslugama internetskog bankarstva. Osnovni cilj bio je utvrditi utjecaj zadovoljstva s četiri elementa usluge na ukupno zadovoljstvo klijenta. Upitnik za prikupljanje podataka sastoji se od triju dijelova. Prvo je mjereno zadovoljstvo klijenta uslugama internetskog bankarstva. Zatim su postavljena pitanja o koriÅ”tenju usluga internetskog bankarstva. Treći dio sadrži pitanja o demografskim varijablama. Upitnici su ispitanicima poslani u obliku on-line ankete elektroničkom poÅ”tom. Prikupljen je 171 ispravno ispunjen upitnik. U analizi prikupljenih podataka koriÅ”tene su metode deskriptivne statističke analize, korelacijska analiza i analiza multiple regresije. Rezultati pokazuju da dostupnost, sigurnost i cijena usluge značajno i pozitivno utječu na ukupno zadovoljstvo klijenta, dok je jednostavnost koriÅ”tenja usluge pozitivno povezana s ukupnim zadovoljstvom, ali ta veza nije statistički značajna kada su uključene i druge varijable. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da poboljÅ”anje dostupnosti, sigurnosti, cijene i jednostavnosti koriÅ”tenja usluge internetskog bankarstva dovodi do viÅ”e razine ukupnog zadovoljstva korisnika internetskog bankarstva

    KoriŔtenje 3D modela u arheologiji

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    Razvoj računala i računalne grafike, promijenio je izgled 3D modela, ali i omogućio njihovu Å”iru primjenu u arheologiji. Tako danas u arheologiji možemo razlikovati dvije vrste 3D modela; 3D digitalizaciju i 3D rekonstrukciju. 3D digitalizacija, koja se provodi uz pomoć laserskih skenera i modeliranja temeljenog na fotografijama, stvara digitalne replike nalaza ili nalaziÅ”ta, koje pomažu u izradi arheoloÅ”ke dokumentacije. S druge strane 3D rekonstrukcije najčeŔće se koriste za prezentaciju arheoloÅ”kih nalaziÅ”ta,njegovih dijelova ili nalaza

    Modification of solvent retention capacity test method and prediction of cookie quality

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    Sposobnost zadržavanja otapala (Solvent Retention Capacity ā€“ SRC) i sposobnost zadržavanja alkalne vodene otopine (Alkaline Water Retention Capacity ā€“ AWRC) su metode za ispitivanje kakvoće pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na kojima se mjeri sposobnost braÅ”na da zadržava različite otopine nakon centrifugiranja suspenzije. Zadatak ovoga rada bilo je ispitivanje utjecaja koriÅ”tenja različitih količina uzoraka (5 g, 1 g i 0,2 g) na predviđanje kvalitete čajnog peciva proizvedenih od pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na s dodatkom jabučnog i pivskog tropa i repinih rezanaca. Utvrđene su značajne korelacije između podataka za sposobnost zadržavanja svih primijenjenih otopina bez obzira na upotrebljenu masu uzorka, a najbolji rezultati retencijske sposobnosti braÅ”na dobiveni su na 5 g uzorcima. Iz dobivenih rezultata vidljivo je da AWRC, SRC-H2O i SRC-Na2CO3 metode možemo koristiti za predviđanje volumena i Å”irine čajnih peciva, SRC-saharoza metodu samo za predviđanje visine čajnih peciva, a SRC-MK metodu za predviđanje Å”irine čajnih peciva. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, SRC i AWC su pogodne metode za određivanje kvalitete pÅ”eničnog braÅ”na kada su nam potrebni brzi rezultati ili ako imamo malu količinu uzoraka.Solvent Retention Capacity (SRC) and Alkaline Water Retention Capacity (AWRC) are used to determine flour capacity of holding different solutions after centrifugation. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of using different quantities of samples (5 g, 1 g and 0.2 g) to predict the quality of cookies produced from wheat flour with the addition of apple pomace, brewers' spent grains and sugar beet pulp. There were significant correlations between all the applied solutions, regardless of the used mass of the sample, and the best results were obtained on 5 g samples. It can be concluded that AWRC, SRC-H2O and SRC-Na2CO3 methods can be used to predict the volume and width of cookies, SRC-sucrose method for predicting the height, and SRC-MC method to predict the width of cookies. According to the results, the SRC and AWRC are suitable methods for determining the quality of wheat flour when we need quick results or if you have a small amount of samples

    Tehnologija zavarivanja i zaŔtite od korozije kopača na brodu za jaružanje

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    Zavarivanje na brodu jaružaru jedno je od iznimno sofisticiranih postupaka koji danas postoje u brodogradnji zbog svojih debljina limova i potrebe za predgrijavanjem prije i poslije samog zavarivanja. Uz to, objaÅ”njen je detaljan postupak zavarivanja na sekciji SU 104 u koju se ugrađuje odljevak od čeličnog lijeva. Prilikom opisivanja zaÅ”tite od korozije na brodu jaružaru, objaÅ”njen je postupak nanoÅ”enja premaza te njegova kontrola prije i poslije samog postupka. Detaljno je proveden postupak apliciranja silikonskih premaza na kopaču broda za jaružanje


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    U radu se nastoji pokazati kako je polaziÅ”te Novakova romana Izvanbrodski dnevnik ā€œizokrenutiā€ svijet koji počiva na paradoksu, Å”to utječe na glavne elemente i strategije pripovijedanja. Polazeći od te izokrenutosti, koja je uvelike određena politički i ideoloÅ”ki, nastoji se pokazati da u tekstu prevladava ā€œporemećena perspektivaā€. Temeljna je strategija u romanu igra jezikom/riječima, njihovim simbolima i značenjima, koja povezuje radnju, kompoziciju, pripovijedanje i označiteljski sloj. Ideologiji i jeziku kao njezinu glavnom uporiÅ”tu lik Magistra, kojeg naopaki svijet pretvara u ludu i izopćenika, može se suprotstaviti samo ā€œideologijom Å”utnjeā€ (za koju znamo iz prijaÅ”njih Novakovih novela: Dalje treba misliti, Južne misli, Treba umrijeti logično) ili taj naopaki svijet može pokuÅ”ati ā€œpotkopati samim jezikomā€. Kada jezik ne može protumačiti svijet, onda se gube gotovo sve njegove funkcije osim poetske. Međutim, u ovom diskursu ironizira se čak i ta jezična funkcija. U paradigmatskoj sintagmi Å”koljke koja Å”umi nastoji se utjeloviti individualnost i opravdati literarnost, ali pokazuje se da i taj ā€œzalogā€ umjetnosti može biti u sebi podrivački i proturječan. Povratkom subjekta na otok zaokružuje se romaneskna cjelina, kao i njegov put. Igra riječima, paradoksima, obratima i zamjenama, kao i ā€œtežnja za logičnim umiranjemā€ ā€œizmiruju seā€ na kraju trećeg dijela romana, naslovljenog ā€œNekropolaā€, u ā€œizjednačavanju suprotstavljenih svjetovaā€ i rjeÅ”avanju problema temporalnosti

    The Effects of Multimedia Learning Materials Quality on Knowledge Acquisition

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    Different learning environments offer l earners various kinds of multimedia learning materials (MLMs). Although the usage of multimedia has proven to foster meaningful learning, a multimedia resource will not necessarily contribute to the teaching-learning process unless proper attention is paid to its quality. This paper explores issues regarding the assessment of multimedia learning materials (MLMs) quality as well as the relationship between MLM quality and knowledge acquisition. We present a research experiment that involves low-quality and high-quality MLMs implemented in the learning management system (LMS) Moodle of a polytechnic school course. The quality of MLMs was evaluated by means of the LORI assessment tool adapted for the purpose of this research. The analysis of research data shows that MLMs developed according to the principles of multimedia learning and principles for reducing cognitive load were perceived as being of higher quality than those not developed using multimedia principles. Furthermore, studentsā€™ usage of high-quality MLMs during treatment resulted in better knowledge acquisition indicated by significantly higher scores in knowledge assessment

    Morphological study of Chaetoceros wighamii Brightwell (Chaetocerotaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Lake Vrana, Croatia

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    Chaetoceros wighamii Brightwell is a planktonic diatom species originally described from brackish waters. Since its original description, the species has been reported in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from freshwater to marine. Varying descriptions exist in the taxonomic literature and several taxa have been considered as synonyms, including freshwater species Chaetoceros amanita. In this study we provide morphological and ultrastructural information on a cultured strain isolated from freshwater sample collected in the Lake Vrana (Vransko jezero) in Croatia, in April 2011. The cells form short and robust chains with very narrow apertures, often partially occluded by silica membranes. Other distinctive features observable in light microscopy are the shape and orientation of the setae which are very long, straight and robust, diverging in various directions from the chain axis and the single parietal chloroplast extending from valve to valve. Distinct ultrastructural characteristics are the absence of processes either in intercalary or terminal valves and the ornamentation of the valve face with densely distributed ribs spreading from an irregular eccentric hyaline area without a clearly defi ned annulus. The outer surface of the terminal valve is ornamented with small spines and setae are composed of flat longitudinal filaments interconnected with short bars and ornamented with small spines tightly arranged around the setae. Our description agrees well with that reported for the freshwater morphotypes of C. wighamii (syn. C. amanita) and contributes for a reliable distinction of this intriguing taxon from similar morphotypes. This finding supports the interpretation of Chaetoceros wighamii as a freshwater/brackish species and represents the first report of a Chaetoceros species in lacustrine environment in Croatia and possibly in any Central European habitats

    Effect of weather factors on growth and development of European Mouflon (Ovis aries musimon Pall.) horns in continental Croatia

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    Rogovi kod porodice Bovidae predstavljaju sekundarno spolno obilježje jednog ili oba spola. Kod muflonske divljači rogovi se uglavnom pojavljuju kod muÅ”kog spola, a u iznimnim slučajevima mogu se pojaviti i kod ženki, ali mnogo manji nego kod mužjaka. Analizom rogova mogu se dobiti važne informacije o životu jedinke i populacije. U istraživanjima opisanim u analiziranoj literaturi klima i okoliÅ”ni čimbenici pokazali su se značajnim za rast rogova uz ostale čimbenike poput selekcije, trofejnog lova, veličine populacije, dobne strukture unutar populacija, i drugih. Cilj ovog istraživanja je testirati može li se ovisnost duljine drugog segmenta, odnosno godiÅ”njeg prirasta rogova muflona (Ovis aries musimon Pall.) iz loviÅ”ta Garjevica objasniti okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima (temperaturom i padalinama). U istraživanju su kao prediktori za model prirasta roga koriÅ”tene minimalna i maksimalna proljetna temperatura (ožujak, travanj, svibanj) te prosječna količina padalina za proljetni period. U modelu su analizirane duljine drugog segmenta roga, a uzorkovane su 83 trofeje muflona, stečenih u državnom otvorenom loviÅ”tu broj: VII/15 ā€“ ā€žZAPADNA GARJEVICAā€œ, u periodu od 1992. do 2002. godine. Velika varijabilnost prirasta roga unutar istih kalendarskih godina, uz iste okoliÅ”ne uvjete, te nedovoljan broj prediktora rasta uključenih u model, ukazuju na neadekvatnost ovakvog pojednostavljenog modela za opis rasta rogova muflona na ovom području.Horns in the Bovidae family represent the secondary sex characteristic of one or both sexes. At wild mouflons, horns usually occurs in male sex, but in exceptional cases they may occur in female sex but much less often than in males. By analyzing horns, important information about the life of the individual and the population can be obtained. In the studies described in the analyzed literature, climate and environmental factors have proved to be significant for the growth of horns along with other factors such as selection, trophy hunting, population size, age structure in the population and others. The objective of this study is to test whether the dependence of the length of the second segment, or the annual growth of mouflons horns (Ovis aries musimon Pall.) from the Garjevica hunting ground can be explained by environmental factors (temperature and precipitation). In the study, the minimum and maximum spring temperatures (March, April, May) and the average rainfall for the spring period were used as predictors for the horn growth model. In the model it was analyzed the lengths of the second horn segment, and 83 trophies of mouflon were sampled, obtained in the state open hunting ground number: VII / 15 - "ZAPADNA GARJEVICA", in the period from 1992 to 2002. The high variability of horn growth within the same calendar years, with the same environmental conditions, and the insufficient number of growth predictors involved in the model, indicate the inadequacy of such a simplified model for describing the growth of mouflons horns in this area
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