16 research outputs found
Russian gipsy song [alternative title]
Performance Medium: Piano and Chord
I\u27m looking rather seedy now while holding down my claim, [first line]
Performers: Ken HouchinsPiano, Voice and Chord
In my little old sod shanty in the west, yes I rather like the [first line of chorus]
Performers: Rhubarb RedPiano, Voice and Chord
In a little rosewood casket, that is resting on my stand [first line of chorus]
Performers: Benny KantorPiano, Voice and Chord
Sometime ago two weeks or more, if I remember well, I found [first line]
Performers: Johnny MarvinPiano, Voice and Chord
William tell
Performance Medium: Piano and Chord
Moonlight sonata
Performance Medium: Piano Onl
Rustle of spring
Performance Medium: Piano Onl