5 research outputs found

    Anticoagulant rodenticides in game meat: a risk to human health

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    Although rodents are the largest taxonomic groups of all mammals, only about 5% of them are considered pests. Rodent pest control is used to control commensal rodents such as Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), roof rats (Rattus rattus), and house mice (Mus musculus). Methods used for rodent pest control are: trapping, poisons, habitat management, fertility control, barriers, repellents (acoustic and olfactory), behavioural mechanisms, predators or parasites, control of ectoparasites or pathogens, damage prevention and forecasting, etc. One of the most widespread methods in the world is the application of poisons. The most common are anticoagulant rodenticides, which are divided into firstā€‘generation anticoagulant rodenticides and secondā€‘generation anticoagulant rodenticides. Considering that anticoagulant rodenticides are indiscriminate and can affect all vertebrates, there is a high risk of unintentional poisoning of nonā€‘target wildlife or domesticated animals. Therefore, there is growing concern about the detection of secondā€‘generation anticoagulant residues in a large number of animal species. Their accumulation in the environment can cause anticoagulants to transfer along the food chain, causing potentially serious health consequences for wildlife and humans

    A critical look at UNEP reports concerning depleted uranium on Yugoslav territory

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    A critical look at UNEP Reports concerning depleted uranium on Yugoslav territory is presented in this paper. The subjects of the analysis are summarized as remarks high-lighting the following three points: (a) those concerning the use of terms significant and insignificant doses (risks), (b) those concerning the use of 1 mSv as a border between these two risk types and (c) those concerning the composition of ex pert UNEP Teams investigating the depleted uranium issue. To start with, the assumption that it should be possible to express the risks (con sequences) caused by the in take of depleted uranium ( by ingestion/ inhalation and/ or external exposure) to b and g rays from depleted uranium as insignificant or significant for comparison purposes is, in our view, in collision with the linear non thresh old hypothesis, still valid in the radiation protection field. Secondly, the limit of 1 mSv per year as a reference dose level between insignificant and significant risks (con sequences) is not accept able in the case of military depleted uranium contamination. This is because the reference level of 1 mSv, according to the ICRP Recommendation, can be used in the optimization of radiation protection as an additional annual dose limit for members of the public solely for useful practices. Military usage of depleted uranium can not be classified as being useful for both sides - the culprit and the victim alike. Our third objection concerns the composition of ex pert UNEP teams for Kosovo (Desk Assessment Group, Scientific Reviewer Group, and UNEP Scientific Mission) as not being representative enough, bearing in mind all UN member-countries. This last objection may be rather difficult to understand for any one viewing it from the perspective other than that of the victims

    Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of carrot fruit essential oil: Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity

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    Isolation of carrot fruit (Daucus carrota L., cultivar "Chanteney") essential oil by supercritical carbon dioxide was investigated from the pretreatment of herbaceous matrix and extraction conditions to the chemical composition of obtained extract and its antimicrobial activity. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of the supercritical extract, as well as of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation, were done by GC/FID and GC/MS methods. Antimicrobial properties of both samples were investigated against ten species of microorganisms. Experimental results showed that the particle size had no influence on the extraction process. The highest yield was obtained at 40 degrees C and 10 MPa. The main component of the supercritical extract, as well as of the essential oil was carotol. The supercritical extract was characterized by the presence of heavier molecular weight compounds, while some lighter compounds, e.g. pinenes, were not detected. The supercritical extract and the essential oil were the most effective against Gram-positive bacteria

    ProÅ”lost, sadaÅ”njost i budućnost deratizacije u praksi

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    Pretpostavlja se da je čovek počeo da ostvaruje bliski kontakt sa glodarima od ranog neolita, kada je počeo da skladiÅ”ti hranu. Od tog trenutka, pa sve do danas, ljudi pokuÅ”avaju na različite načine da reguliÅ”u brojnost Å”tetnih glodara. Preventivnim merama se sprečava naseljavanje glodara u objekte za smeÅ”taj životinja, ljudi i hrane. Kada glodari nasele neki objekat postoji niz metoda kojima se reguliÅ”e njihova brojnost, a te metode se dele na: mehaničke, fizičke, bioloÅ”ke, genetičke i hemijske metode. Upotreba hemijskih metoda, tj. antikoagulantnih rodenticida u praksi je poznata poslednjih sto godina i predstavlja uobičajenu praksu regulacije brojnosti Å”tetnih glodara. Pored toga Å”to danas postoji veliki broj hemijskih jedinjenja za deratizaciju, rezistencija glodara predstavlja veliki problem regulacije njihove brojnosti. Zbog toga se u budućnosti očekuje multidisciplinarni pristup za reÅ”avanje ovog problema uz poboljÅ”avanje postojećih i razvoj multitehnoloÅ”kih proizvoda za deratizaciju.Zbornik radov

    Komensalni glodari u urbanim i ruralnim sredinama: sličnosti i razlike

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    Glodari predstavljaju najzastupljenije vrste sisara na planeti zemlji. Od svih vrsta sisara 44% njih čine glodari, a od svih glodara samo 5-10% se smatraju Å”tetočinama u urbanim i ruralnim područjima. Prisustvo glodara u urbanim i u ruralnim ekosistemima ima veliki uticaj na javno zdravlje i ekonomiju. Urbanizacija je jedna od najbržih i najraÅ”irenijih promena životne sredine izazvana uticajem čoveka. Proces urbanizacije pored promene uslova životne sredine stvara i nove uslove i obilje novih resursa i mogućnosti preživljavanja, Å”to omoguć ava glodarima da se veoma uspeÅ”no prilagode životu u gradovima gde se njihov broj može viÅ”estruko povećati. Prilagodljivo ponaÅ”anje je jedna od najvažnijih osobina koja omoguć ava životinjama da napreduju i opstaju u prisustvu ljudi. Kućni miÅ”evi koji su duže vreme u suživotu sa čovekom pokazuju bolje rezultate u reÅ”avanju određenih prepreka koje ih vode do hrane, dok populacije sivih pacova koje žive u urbanim područjima imaju homogeniju i kvalitetniju ishranu, nego one populacije koje su živele van urbanih sredina. Konstantan porast broja stanovnika na zemlji, kao i u gradovima prati porast broja glodara Å”to će usloviti deratizaciju kao ključnu preventivnu meru od Å”tetnih efekata glodara. Proces kontrole i regulacija brojnosti glodara u budućnosti se mora prilagoditi uslovima sredine gde se deratzacija izvodi.Zbornik radov