54 research outputs found

    Does Dredging of Floodplain Lakes Affects The Structure of The Macrophytes and Epiphytic Fauna Inhabiting Stratiotes Aloides

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    Hydrotechnical activities on the Słupia river above the town of Słupsk (northern Poland) were performed against floods in the valley. The results based on the data on fauna and flora gathered before (in 2003, T+0) and after (in T+2, T+6 and T+11) the reclamation showed that the river canalization and oxbow lake dredging can significantly disturb the ecology of water bodies adjacent to the river. Observations of the oxbow lake (OLS5), showed the decrease in the number of macrophyte phytocenoses from 11 before the dredging to 6 very valuable Potametea phytocenoses, after wards. The development of common pleustonic phytocenoses of Lemnetea minoris and the massive development of green algae resulted from the bottom sediment removal. In the case of population, Stratiotes aloides was rebuilt after elimination during dredging already in T+2. Before hydrotechnical works, the oxbow lake was characterized by 12 invertebrate taxa inhabiting S.aloides, whereas only 9 were found first period after the dredging, 15 taxa in second period and 23 in a recent study. During both observation periods, dominated by Chironomidae larvae (T+0), Trichoptera larvae (T+2 and T+6) and again Chironomidae larvae (T+11). The hydrotechnical activities significantly altered in the first period the structure of fauna and flora inhabiting the water body. Such radical interference in natural values of oxbow lakes is un-suitable for the preservation of ecosystems due to the significant decrease in their biodiversity. Achieved on a similar or higher level of macrophytes diversity and epiphytic invertebrates was noticeable ten years after the dredging of a water body

    The use of Water Quality Indices (WQI and SAR) for multipurpose assessment of water in dam reservoirs

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    The paper intends to show the potential of diverse benefits of two water quality indices used to assess 4 dammed lakes in lowland area in NE Poland: the Water Quality Index (WQI), developed by the Scottish Development Department, used in the assessment of water potential for human consumption, fisheries, industries and recreation, as well as the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), recommended by the Salinity Laboratory of the US Department of Agriculture, used in the water assessment for the irrigation purpose. Our study was based on the results of a water quality monitoring programme, in which the following water parameters have been analyzed: pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, NH4 +, NO3 -, Cl-, SO4 2-, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3-. The water quality parameters differed among the studied reservoirs, and represented a medium (Wykrot) and poor class (Grodzisk Duży, Karwacz and Łoje) on a 5-degree WQI scale. The SAR was less diversified and water in the studied reservoirs showed class I. The results revealed that the water in all the reservoirs is suitable for irrigation with no hazard to the soil structure as well as for breeding of fish that tolerate lower water aeration. This water can be also used for recreational purposes, although direct contact with water is not recommended. The water quality indices (WQI and SAR) showed a great potential in the assessment of water for multi-purpose usage. The WQI and SAR are excellent tools for summarizing overall water quality conditions over space and time. When used together, they are also a method of providing relevant information for specific water use that can be more readable for planners and managers

    Ecological approach to monitoring the hardness of the groundwater

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    W przyrodzie obserwuje się duże zróżnicowanie twardości wód, która zależy głównie od obecności w wodzie metali ziem alkalicznych, zwłaszcza wapnia i magnezu. Pierwiastki te występować mogą jako wodorowęglany, inne sole lub wodorotlenki, wywołując tzw. twardość węglanową. Wiele badań ekologicznych i epidemiologicznych wskazuje na zależność pomiędzy twardością wody do spożycia a chorobami układu krążenia. Celem badań było określenie twardości wody z różnych ujęć wód podziemnych położonych w czterech regionach (Dolina Dolnej Wisły, Żuławy Wiślane, Pojezierze Starogardzkie i Pojezierze Iławskie) o zróżnicowanych warunkach hydrogeologicznych na przestrzeni lat 1990-2004. Największą, średnią twardość wykazały wody regionu Pojezierza Iławskiego (292 mg dm-3 CaCO3), mniejszą Doliny Dolnej Wisły (203 mg dm-3 CaCO3), jednak mieściły się w zakresie od 46 mg dm-3 CaCO3 do 385 mg dm-3 CaCO3.In nature, there is a big variation of hardness of water, which is mainly dependent on the presence of water, alkaline earth metals, especially calcium and magnesium. These elements may be present as bicarbonates, or hydroxides of other salts, resulting in the so-called. carbonate hardness. Many ecological and epidemiological studies indicates a correlation between drinking water hardness and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was to determine the hardness of different groundwater water intakes located in four regions (Lower Vistula Valley, Żuławy Vistula, Starogard Lakelans and Iława Lakeland) with diverse hydrogeological conditions in the years 1990-2004. The largest, the average hardness of the water showed Iława Lakeland region (292 mg∙dm-3 CaCO3), less the Lower Vistula Valley (203 mg∙dm-3 CaCO3), but ranged from 46 mg∙dm-3 to 385 mg CaCO3∙dm-3 of CaCO3

    Water as a Source of Indoor Air Contamination with Potentially Pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila in Aquaculture

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    Human activities influence the presence of potentially pathogenic bacteria in indoor air. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the experimental rearing of European grayling and European perch in a recirculating aquaculture system on the contamination of indoor air with potentially pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila (PPAH) and the resulting health risks to humans. The PPAH counts, their resistance to seven antibiotics, and the multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index were determined in samples of indoor air and water from rearing tanks. The PPAH counts were highest in the laboratory bioaerosol where two fish species were reared. The calculated indoor/outdoor ratio (I/O > 1) demonstrated that tank water was the internal source of PPAH emissions. The unconstrained PCA revealed strong positive relationships (p ≤ 0.05) between the PPAH counts in the indoor air and water samples. Most of the PPAH strains isolated from laboratory air were resistant to tetracycline, cefotaxime, and erythromycin, and 26–82% of the isolates exhibited multiple drug resistance. The values of the MAR index were similar in samples of laboratory air and water (0.23–0.34 and 0.24–0.36, respectively). Agglomerative clustering revealed two clusters of strains isolated from laboratory air and tank water. The results of this study indicate that aquaculture can be a source of indoor air contamination with PPAH

    The effects of environmental parameters on the microbial activity in peat-bog lakes.

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    Microbiological activity is an important parameter for understanding the functioning of different environments. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to estimate the quantity and contribution of metabolically active at the single-cell level bacteria in the microbial community in peat-bog lakes. To determine different aspects of the metabolic activity of bacteria, four fluorescent staining methods (Dehydrogenase/Electron Transport System Activity -CTC+, Nucleoid Containing Cells- NuCC+, Active Bacteria with Intact Ribosome Structures- RIB+ and Active Bacteria With an Intact Membrane-MEM+) were applied. We identified four natural peat-bog lakes in Northern Europe to determine which factors-community (bacterial factors) or environment (hydrochemical and physical factors)-have a significant influence on the quantitative dynamics of metabolically active microorganisms, in terms of seasonal and habitat changes. The results show that change in the amount of abiotic components such as DOC, TN, and TOC can result in stress, which may limit a function but does not lead to losing all other metabolic functions in the community-forming bacteria. In nutrient-poor peat bog lakes, nutrients and organic carbon are factors which regulate the overall activity of the community

    The estuary of the Wieprza river as a habitat for benthic invertebrates

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad strukturą ilościowo-jakościową makrozoobentosu w warunkach ujściowych odcinków rzek na przykładzie estuarium rzeki Wieprzy. Badania obejmowały obszar portu w Darłowie oraz strefę przybrzeżną Bałtyku w rejonie ujścia rzeki. W trakcie prowadzonych prac zidentyfikowano 18 taksonów należących głównie do Mollusca (6 taksonów), Crustacea (4 taksony), Polychaeta (3 gatunki), Insecta (3 taksony). Zagęszczenie makrozoobentosu osiągnęło najwyższe wartości w strefie kontaktu wód rzecznych z morzem, podczas gdy największą biomasę tych organizmów stwierdzono w strefie przybrzeżnej. Wskaźniki bioróżnorodności malały wraz ze wzrostem udziału słonych wód morskich w estuarium. Pomimo negatywnego oddziaływania funkcjonowania portów morskich na faunę denną wewnątrz estuariów rzecznych, możliwe jest podjęcie działań zwiększających bioróżnorodność tych siedlisk poprzez planowe wdrażanie systemu zarządzania środowiskowego w portach.In the paper are presented results of the studies on the qualitative and quantitative structure of benthic fauna in the estuary of Wieprza River. The study was carried out in the area of the harbor of Darłowo and the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. During the study we identified 18 taxa of macronvertebrates belonging mainly to the Mollusca (6 taxa), Crustacea (4 taxa), Polychaeta (3 species) and Insecta (3 taxa). Macrozoobenthos density reached the highest values in the contact zone of the river and the sea, while the highest biomass was stated in the coastal zone. Biodiversity indices decreased due to the increasing share of saline water in the estuary. In spite of negative influence of marine harbors onto the bottom fauna within the river estuaries, there is a possibility to undertake activities aiming at the increase in biodiversity throughout implementation of environmental management system in the harbors

    Znaczenie starorzeczy dla ekosystemu zalesionych dolin rzecznych

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    The interest in significance of forest areas in water quality improvement has been increasing since creation of biogeochemical barriers became effective tools against the input of pollutants to surface water from diffuse sources. Along meandering river valleys, numerous floodplain lakes often appear as valuable water ecosystems but of advanced eutrophy. Their trophic status depends not only on the hydrological connectivity with the river but also land use in the direct vicinity of the reservoir. Research on water ecosystems in the postglacial river valleys in northern Poland contributed to identification of the role of woodland area in pollutants migration in the valley of the Łyna River. The study on the ecosystem concerned seasonal variation in nutrient concentrations (N and P) and bottom sediments properties in relation to hydrological conditions (water level fluctuations). Based on the collected data we attempted prediction of the reservoir lifetime. Depending on hydrological, geological and topographic conditions the origin of water supply of the basin is changing. Annual water level fluctuations in the range of 200 cm cause the basin capacity variation as much as 5 times. Nevertheless, water quality in the lake was conditioned by the riverine supply, the significant share in the lake feeding has groundwater supply from hillslope aquifer and seepage through alluvial aquifer. Contribution of every origin supply depends on river flow rate and valley water level, it depends on alluvial ground formations permeability and relief. Hillslope erosion of the concave bank was responsible for high nitrogen and phosphorus outflows. The research showed that primary and secondary production and freshets contributed to intensive deposition of bottom sediments in oxbow lake. The increase rate of sediment determined on the base of matter balance was 10 times higher than deposition rate of bottom sediments in glacial lakes. The accelerated processes of silting-up and shallowing and terrestialization of the valuable ecosystems indicate the necessity of floodpain lakes protection due to ecological functions they play in forestry landscape.Zainteresowanie funkcją, jaką pełnią obszary leśne w poprawie jakości wody, wzrastało od kiedy bariery biogeochemiczne stały się efektywnym narzędziem przeciwko zanieczyszczeniom obszarowym, wprowadzanym do wód powierzchniowych. Wzdłuż dolin rzek meandrujących pojawiają się liczne jeziora równin zalewowych jako cenne ekosystemy wodne, lecz o zaawansowanym stopniu eutrofizacji. Ich poziom troficzny zależy nie tylko od stopnia połączenia z rzeką, ale również od użytkowania przyległego obszaru. Badania prowadzone nad ekosystemami wodnymi rzek północnej części kraju przyczyniły się do poznania roli, jaką odgrywają obszary zalesione w migracji zanieczyszczeń w dolinie Łyny. Badania dotyczyły sezonowej zmienności koncentracji azotu i fosforu oraz właściwości osadów dennych w odniesieniu do zmiennych warunków hydrologicznych. W kontekście lokalnych warunków hydrologicznych, geologicznych i topograficznych zasilanie starorzecza ma różny charakter. Oscylacje poziomu wody w zbiorniku w cyklu rocznym w zakresie dochodzącym do ponad 200 cm determinowała ponad 5-krotną zmienność jego objętości i zdolności retencyjnej. Jednakże jakość wody w zbiorniku była uwarunkowana zasilaniem przez wody rzeki, istotny udział w zasilaniu zbiornika miały wody gruntowe zbocza doliny i wody aluwialne przesiąkające z koryta rzecznego. Ich udział jest zmienny w czasie i zależy bezpośrednio od wielkości przepływu w rzece i poziomu wód w dolinie, przepuszczalności utworów aluwialnych oraz rzeźby terenu. Erozja stromej skarpy brzegu wklęsłego zbiornika odpowiadała za duży spływ azotu i fosforu do jego wód. Procesami generującymi depozycję osadów dennych w starorzeczach były produkcja pierwotna i wtórna oraz wezbrania rzeczne. Bilans materii w zbiorniku odpowiadał za przynajmniej 10-krotnie szybszy przyrost osadów niż w jeziorach glacjalnych. Przyśpieszony proces odcinania, wypłycania i zalądowienia cennych ekosystemów wymusza konieczność ochrony w odniesieniu do funkcji, jakie pełnią one w krajobrazie leśnym

    Effect of hydrological factors on temperature and oxygen distribution in floodplain lakes a case study of the Drwęca floodplain

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    Starorzecza stanowią integralny element w dolinach rzek meandrujących. Kluczową rolą w funkcjonowaniu wszystkich ekosystemów wodnych w dolinach rzek jest reżim hydrologiczny. Badania nad rozkładem termiczno-tlenowym starorzeczy przeprowadzono w latach 2007-2009 na podstawie sezonowego rytmu profilowania hydrochemicznego w 6 starorzeczach doliny Drwęcy w północnej Polsce. W wyniku przeprowadzonych obserwacji stwierdzono, że fluktuacje zwierciadła wody rzecznej znacznie wpływają na skład fizykochemiczny wód starorzeczy. Wyjaśniają one zwiększone korelacje między stanami wód a natlenieniem. Szczególnym okresem w tym względzie jest wiosenne przesycenie wód tym gazem, gdy po długim okresie utrzymywania się pokrywy lodowej starorzecza odświeżają swe wody, biorąc „głęboki oddech” przed tlenowym deficytem letnim.Oxbow lakes are an integral element in meandering rivers valleys. A key role in the functioning of all floodplain water bodies is hydrological regime. The study on temperature and oxygen distribution in oxbow lakes was carried out in the years 2007-2009 based on seasonal sampling and vertical profiling of 6 oxbow lakes located along the Drweca River in northern Poland. Based on the investigations, it was found that river water-table fluctuations as well as alluvial groundwater movements modify chemical budget of floodplain lakes. The impact of hydrological connectivity in relation to the site specific hydrological conditions on the vertical profiles showed also differences between measurement sites within each water body

    Prokaryotic Community Composition Affected by Seasonal Changes in Physicochemical Properties of Water in Peat Bog Lakes

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    Based on a three-year study on the prokaryotic community composition in peat bog lakes surrounded by a floating mat of Sphagnum sp. moss in the conditions of Northeast Poland (Central Europe), we verified the relationship between 20 water parameters and main Eubacteria and Archaea phyla for specific sites: the subsurface (pelagic zone), near-bottom (benthic zone), and the Sphagnum mat (ecotone zone). Abundance and composition of the main aquatic bacteria phyla (Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Cytophaga-Flavobacteria) and Archaea were associated with different combinations of physico-chemical parameters of water, and followed temporal variations of temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), aromaticity, and water color. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that water acidity is a less significant predictor of bacterial activity; however, we have found Betaproteobacteria negatively correlated (r = −0.49, p = 0.01), while Actinobacteria positively correlated (r = 0.21, p = 0.05) to pH. This relation was the most significant in the ecotone zone. In the overall bacteria community structure Betaproteobacteria dominated (18.3%) regardless of site or season, except for winter when, at low temperatures and DOC concentrations, Actinobacteria increased to 22.9%. The Archaea fraction was uniform (11%) in seasons and sites and showed no specific preferences to physico-chemical predictors. Although the water parameters from the Sphagnum mat did not differ significantly from pelagic water, its role as a source of allochthonous organic matter is crucial for bacteria activity. The relations between peat bog lake attributes and seasonal changes in bacterial diversity demonstrated a distinct divergent pattern for each prokaryote. Obtaining results will provide support for any future evaluation of the effects of environmental variables on prokaryotic community structures in peat bog lakes