8 research outputs found

    Analytical description of spin-Rabi oscillation controlled electronic transitions rates between weakly coupled pairs of paramagnetic states with S=1/2

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    We report on an analytical description of spin-dependent electronic transition rates which are controlled by a radiation induced spin-Rabi oscillation of weakly spin-exchange and spin-dipolar coupled paramagnetic states (S=1/2). The oscillation components (the Fourier content) of the net transition rates within spin-pair ensembles are derived for randomly distributed spin resonances with account of a possible correlation between the two distributions that correspond to the two individual pair partners. The results presented here show that when electrically or optically detected Rabi spectroscopy is conducted under an increasing driving field B_ 1, the Rabi spectrum evolves from a single resonance peak at s=\Omega_R, where \Omega_R=\gamma B_1 is the Rabi frequency (\gamma is the gyromagnetic ratio), to three peaks at s= \Omega_R, s=2\Omega_R, and at low s<< \Omega_R. The crossover between the two regimes takes place when \Omega_R exceeds the expectation value \delta_0 of the difference of the Zeeman energies within the pairs, which corresponds to the broadening of the magnetic resonance lines in the presence of disorder caused by hyperfine field or distributions of Lande g-factors. We capture this crossover by analytically calculating the shapes of all three peaks at arbitrary relation between \Omega_R and \delta_0. When the peaks are well-developed their widths are \Delta s ~ \delta_0^2/\Omega_R.Comment: 10 page, 5 figure

    Interplay of spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman splitting in the absorption lineshape of 2D fermions

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    We suggest that electron spin resonance (ESR) experiment can be used as a probe of spinon excitations of hypothetical spin-liquid state of frustrated antiferromagnet in the presence of asymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. We describe assumptions under which the ESR response is reduced to the response of 2D electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Unlike previous treatments, the spin-orbit coupling, \Delta_{SO}, is not assumed small compared to the Zeeman splitting, \Delta_Z. We demonstrate that ESR response diverges at the edges of the absorption spectrum for ac magnetic field perpendicular to the static field. At the compensation point, \Delta_{SO}\approx \Delta_Z, the broad absorption spectrum exhibits features that evolve with temperature, T, even when T is comparable to the Fermi energy.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Dissipative dynamics of qubits driven by a bichromatic field in the dispersive regime

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    We study the coherent dynamics of relaxing qubits driven by a bichromatic radiation in the dispersive regime, when detuning of the frequency ωrf\omega_{rf} of a longitudinal radiofrequency field from the Rabi frequency ω1\omega_{1} in a transverse microwave field is comparable in magnitude to ωrf\omega_{rf} and ω1\omega_{1}. We analytically describe this regime beyond the rotating wave approximation and find that the dominant feature of dynamics of qubits is the shift of the Rabi frequency caused by the dynamical Zeeman and Bloch-Siegert-like effects. These fundamental effects can be experimentally separated because, unlike the Bloch-Siegert effect, the dynamical Zeeman effect depends on the detuning sign. Our theoretical results are in a good agreement with the experimental data obtained in pulse EPR for the E1′E'_{1} centers in crystalline quartz.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure