4 research outputs found

    Uticaj dugotrajnog zvučnog stresa na histološku građu nadbubrežne žlezde brojlera

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of different sound stress duration on adrenal gland of broiler chickens of different age. The experiments were conducted on 90 HYBRO broiler chickens, divided into nine groups (each group consisting of 10 birds) by different age and lenght of sound stress duration. The chickens were exposed to sound stress in sound attenuated building using a fire alarm bell (95 dB) for stress sessions lasted 120 min every day. The histological structure of adrenal gland was analyzed by light microscopy. The results indicate that adrenal gland is sensitive on this kind of stress and sound as stressor could introduce organism in stress reaction. Adrenal glands of broilers exposed to sound stress characterized by marked hyperemia, hypertrophy of interrenal cells, smaller affinity for staining of chromaffin cells compared with control groups. According to our results, degree of histological changes of adrenal gland under the influence of sound stress depends on the length of exposure and age of chickens.Cilj ovog rada je da ispita uticaj različite dužine trajanja zvučnog stresa na histološku građu nadbubrežnih žlezda brojlerskih pilića u različitim uzrastima. Ogled je izveden na 90 HYBRO brojlerskih pilića, podeljenih u 9 grupa u skladu sa uzrastom i dužinom izlaganja stresu. Pilići su zvučnom stresu bili izlagani u zvučno izolovanim objektima uz korišćenje požarnog alarmnog zvona (95dB) u trajanju od 120 min svakog dana. Histološka građa nadbubrežnih žlezda je analizirana svetlosnim mikroskopom. Rezultati ukazuju da je nadbubrežna žlezda osetljiva na ovu vrstu stresa i da zvuk, kao stresor, može da uvede organizam u stresnu reakciju. Nadbubrežne žlezde pilića izlaganih zvučnom stresu karakteriše značajna hiperemija, hipertrofija interrenalnih ćelija, manji afinitet prema bojenju hromafinih ćelija u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U skladu sa ovim rezultatima, stepen histoloških promena nadbubrežne žlezde pod uticajem zvučnog stresa zavisi i od dužine izlaganja i uzrasta pilića

    Lokalizacija monoaminskih neurotransmitera u jajnicima i jajovodima pacova tokom polnog sazrevanja

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the localization and distribution of sympathetic positive structures in the female gonads and oviducts of 15 30 and 60-day-oldAO rats. Histofluorescence and immunohistochemistry methods were used to determine their distribution in the ovary and oviduct, as well as for identification of dopamine and serotonin within sympathetic positive structures. Total monoamine positive structures (fibers and cells) were mainly localized under the surface epithelium, between follicles, especially surrounding groups of primary follicles and between secondary interstitial cells. The distribution of dopamine (DA) immunolabelled fibers and cells was in accordance with the distribution of total monoaminergic structures detected using histofluorescence. However, the density of structures labeled with DA antibodies was lower compared to total catecholamine positive structures detected by the fluorescence method. Delicate serotonin (5-HT) positive fibers were present mainly under the surface epithelium and in interstitial tissue between the cortex and medulla. In the hilum and medulla 5-HT positive cells were found perivascularly, while a dense population of 5-HT positive cells was found in the oviduct and mesovarium in 60-day-old animals. No corpus luteum cells were labelled using either of the two methods. Our findings corroborate observations that the monoamine supply of the ovary is not exclusively via extrinsic innervation and that intragonadal sources have an important role in their synthesis. Furthermore, the intraovarian localization of these elements suggests that monoamines exert direct or indirect effects on ovarian function.Cilj našeg rada je bio ispitivanje lokalizacije i distribucije struktura pozitivnih na monoaminske neurotransmitere u jajnicima i jajovodima pacova. Za identifikaciju neurotransmitera u jajnicima i jajovodima 15, 30 i 60 dana starih AO pacova koristili smo histofluorescenciju (ukupni monoamini) i imunocitohemiju (dopamin i serotonin). Pozitivne monoaminergičke strukture prisutne su između folikula, naročito oko primarnih folikula, kao i između sekundarnih intersticijalnih ćelija. U mezoovarijumu i jajovodu 30 i 60 dana starih životinja zapažaju se fluorescentne ćelije i vlakna. Dopaminergične strukture su prisutne na istim mestima, ali njihova gustina je manja ako se uporede sa strukturama pozitivnim na ukupne monoamine. Retka serotonin-pozitivna vlakna zapažaju se uglavnom ispod klicinog epitela i u intersticijumu između kore i srži jajnika. Kod 30 i 60 dana starih ženki u hilusu i srži, pretežno oko krvnih sudova, nalaze se serotonin pozitivne ćelije, dok se u mezoovarijumu i jajovodu nalazi gusta populacija pozitivnih ćelija. Ni jednom od primenjenih metoda nije uočeno prisustvo monoamina u žutom telu. Naši rezultati potvrduju da neurotransmiteri u jajnicima i jajovodima ne potiču samo iz nervnih terminala, već da značajnu ulogu u njihovoj sintezi imaju intragonadalni izvori. Lokalizacija ovih elemenata pokazuje da monoaminski neurotransmiteri mogu ispoljavati direktan i!i indirektan uticaj na funkciju jajnika

    Apoptosis as form of natural ovarian cell death

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    Different hormones, cytokines, the absence of growth factors, and others, are some of the signals for initiating apoptosis in ovarian cells. Each of them in its own way, trigger apoptosis as a form of death in which the cell actively participates by precisely implementing a genetically programmed sequence of biochemical and morphological changes which lead to selfdestruction. Apoptosis is a physiological form of death, which helps establish a dynamic balance among proiliferation, differenciation, and death of ovarian cells. It has been confirmed so far that follicular cells oocytes, cells of the germinal epithelium, theca cells, and corpus luteum cells die through apoptosis. The physiological deaths of these cells are an integral part of normal ovarian function, both during intrauterine and postnatal life. Namely, during intrauterine ovarian development, about half the total number of germinative cells (future oocytes) die through apoptosis and their population is gradually reduced after birth by so-called selection of follicles which will continue further growth (folliculogenesis) and the apoptosis of cells of those follicles which will be subjected to atresion. Most ovarian cells die by apoptosis continuously until the end of the reproductive life period of healthy females, and some can continue dieing in this way until the death of the given individual (e.g. germinal epithelium cells)

    The influence of long term sound stress on histological structure of immune organs in broiler chickens

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of different duration sound stress on immune organs of broiler chickens of different age. Nine groups, with 10 chickens in each group were included in experiment. The histological structure of bursa of Fabricius, thymus, and spleen were analyzed. The results indicated that the bursa of Fabricius, in relation to the other examined organs, was the most sensitive to this kind of stress. Histological changes of spleen and thymus were also observed, but less prominent except in chickens after more than 30 days of exposure to stress. According to our results, degree of histological changes of immune organs under the influence of sound stress depends on the length of exposure and age of chickens