16 research outputs found

    Evryscope and K2 Constraints on TRAPPIST-1 Superflare Occurrence and Planetary Habitability

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    The nearby ultracool dwarf TRAPPIST-1 possesses several Earth-sized terrestrial planets, three of which have equilibrium temperatures that may support liquid surface water, making it a compelling target for exoplanet characterization. TRAPPIST-1 is an active star with frequent flaring, with implications for the habitability of its planets. Superflares (stellar flares whose energy exceeds 1033 erg) can completely destroy the atmospheres of a cool star's planets, allowing ultraviolet radiation and high-energy particles to bombard their surfaces. However, ultracool dwarfs emit little ultraviolet flux when quiescent, raising the possibility of frequent flares being necessary for prebiotic chemistry that requires ultraviolet light. We combine Evryscope and Kepler observations to characterize the high-energy flare rate of TRAPPIST-1. The Evryscope is an array of 22 small telescopes imaging the entire Southern sky in g′ every two minutes. Evryscope observations, spanning 170 nights over 2 yr, complement the 80 day continuous short-cadence K2 observations by sampling TRAPPIST-1's long-term flare activity. We update TRAPPIST-1's superflare rate, finding a cumulative rate of superflares per year. We calculate the flare rate necessary to deplete ozone in the habitable-zone planets' atmospheres, and find that TRAPPIST-1's flare rate is insufficient to deplete ozone if present on its planets. In addition, we calculate the flare rate needed to provide enough ultraviolet flux to power prebiotic chemistry. We find TRAPPIST-1's flare rate is likely insufficient to catalyze some of the Earthlike chemical pathways thought to lead to ribonucleic acid synthesis, and flux due to flares in the biologically relevant UV-B band is orders of magnitude less for any TRAPPIST-1 planet than has been experienced by Earth at any time in its history

    Evryscope-south survey of upper-and pre-main sequence solar neighborhood stars

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    Using photometric data collected by Evryscope-South, we search for nearby young variable systems on the upper main sequence (UMS) and pre-main sequence (PMS). The Evryscopes are all-sky high-cadence telescope arrays operating in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. We base our search on a Gaia-selected catalog of young neighborhood upper-and pre-main sequence stars which were chosen through both astrometric and photometric criteria. We analyze 44,971 Evryscope-South light curves in search of variability. We recover 615 variables, with 378 previously known, and 237 new discoveries including 84 young eclipsing binaries (EB) candidates. We discover a new highly eccentric binary system and recover a further four previously known systems, with periods ranging from 299 to 674 hr. We find 158 long-period (>50 hr) candidate EB systems, 9 from the PMS and 149 from the UMS, which will allow constraints on the mass/radius/age relation. These long-period EBs include a 179.3 hr PMS system and a 867.8 hr system from the UMS. For PMS variable candidates we estimate system ages, which range from 1 to 23 Myr for non-EBs and from 2 to 17 Myr for EBs. Other non-EB discoveries that show intrinsic variability will allow relationships between stellar rotation rates, ages, activity, and mass to be characterized

    Rotation Periods of TESS Objects of Interest from the Magellan-TESS Survey with Multiband Photometry from Evryscope and TESS

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    Stellar radial-velocity (RV) jitter due to surface activity may bias the RV semiamplitude and mass of rocky planets. The amplitude of the jitter may be estimated from the uncertainty in the rotation period, allowing the mass to be more accurately obtained. We find candidate rotation periods for 17 out of 35 TESS Objects of Interest (TOI) hosting <3 R ⊕ planets as part of the Magellan-TESS survey, which is the first-ever statistically robust study of exoplanet masses and radii across the photoevaporation gap. Seven periods are ≥3σ detections, two are ≥1.5σ, and eight show plausible variability, but the periods remain unconfirmed. The other 18 TOIs are nondetections. Candidate rotators include the host stars of the confirmed planets L 168-9 b, the HD 21749 system, LTT 1445 A b, TOI 1062 b, and the L 98-59 system. Thirteen candidates have no counterpart in the 1000 TOI rotation catalog of Canto Martins et al. We find periods for G3-M3 dwarfs using combined light curves from TESS and the Evryscope all-sky array of small telescopes, sometimes with longer periods than would be possible with TESS alone. Secure periods range from 1.4 to 26 days with Evryscope-measured photometric amplitudes as small as 2.1 mmag in g′. We also apply Monte Carlo sampling and a Gaussian process stellar activity model from exoplanet to the TESS light curves of six TOIs to confirm the Evryscope periods

    EvryFlare. III. Temperature Evolution and Habitability Impacts of Dozens of Superflares Observed Simultaneously by Evryscope and TESS

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    Superflares may provide the dominant source of biologically relevant UV radiation to rocky habitable-zone M-dwarf planets (M-Earths), altering planetary atmospheres and conditions for surface life. The combined line and continuum flare emission has usually been approximated by a 9000 K blackbody. If superflares are hotter, then the UV emission may be 10 times higher than predicted from the optical. However, it is unknown for how long M-dwarf superflares reach temperatures above 9000 K. Only a handful of M-dwarf superflares have been recorded with multiwavelength high-cadence observations. We double the total number of events in the literature using simultaneous Evryscope and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite observations to provide the first systematic exploration of the temperature evolution of M-dwarf superflares. We also increase the number of superflaring M dwarfs with published time-resolved blackbody evolution by ∼10×. We measure temperatures at 2 minutes cadence for 42 superflares from 27 K5-M5 dwarfs. We find superflare peak temperatures (defined as the mean of temperatures corresponding to flare FWHM) increase with flare energy and impulse. We find the amount of time flares emit at temperatures above 14,000 K depends on energy. We discover that 43% of the flares emit above 14,000 K, 23% emit above 20,000 K and 5% emit above 30,000 K. The largest and hottest flare briefly reached 42,000 K. Some do not reach 14,000 K. During superflares, we estimate M-Earths orbiting <200 Myr stars typically receive a top-of-atmosphere UV-C flux of ∼120 W m-2 and up to 103 W m-2, 100-1000 times the time-averaged X-ray and UV flux from Proxima Cen

    Mathematical Models for Blood Coagulation

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