17 research outputs found
Wychowanie fizyczne – praca z uczniem zdolnym
Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Opracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu pracy z uczniem zdolnym”Publikacja współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg
The Impact of Brain Breaks Classroom-Based Physical Activities on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in Polish School Children in Third to Fifth Grade
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Solutions in changing attitudes toward physical activity of school children in a community in Poland. In 2015, a sample of 326 pupils aged 9–11 years old from 19 classes at three selected primary schools were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups within the study. During the classes, children in the experimental group performed physical activities two times per day in three to five minutes using Brain Breaks® videos for four months, while the control group did not use the videos during the test period. Students’ attitudes toward physical activities were assessed before and after the intervention using the “Attitudes toward Physical Activity Scale”. Repeated measures of ANOVA were used to examine the change from pre- to post-intervention. Overall, a repeated measures ANOVA indicated time-by-group interaction effects in ‘Self-efficacy on learning with video exercises’, F(1.32) = 75.28, p = 0.00, η2 = 0.19. Although the changes are minor, there were benefits of the intervention. It may be concluded that HOPSports Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Program contributes to better self-efficacy on learning while using video exercise of primary school children
Między tradycją a nowoczesnością: studium przypadku. Raport z badań terenowych
Przedmiotem badań terenowych była religijność rodziny Martinów: Jakuba i Anity wraz z siedmiorgiem dzieci (Ruben, Jozue, Ilona, Zofi a, Krzysztof, Waldemar i Stefan). Martinowie są Amerykanami. Pod względem wyznaniowym wywodzą się: Jakub z tradycji mennonicko-amiszowej, Anita – z amiszowej. Martinowie przyjechali do Polski w 1993 roku wraz z kilkoma innymi członkami swojej wspólnoty w celu założenia zboru w Polsce. Plan ten się nie powiódł2, co sprawiło, że amisze postanowili wrócić do Stanów, a Martinowie byli jedynymi, którzy zdecydowali się zostać. Swoją decyzję motywowali tym, że tak odczytali wolę Bożą względem nich. Obecnie mieszkają we wsi Cezarów w gminie Dębe Wielkie (powiat miński, województwo mazowieckie). Jakub i Anita znają język polski, jednak popełniają błędy gramatyczne i stylistyczne. Mówią z wyraźnym amerykańskim akcentem. Język polski jest używany w konwersacjach z osobami niebędącymi domownikamiInspiracją do przeprowadzenia badań stał się krótki reportaż dotyczący Martinów w programie informacyjnym, w którym przedstawieni zostali jako „jedyna w Polsce rodzina amiszów”
Między tradycją a nowoczesnością: studium przypadku : raport z badań terenowych
Przedmiotem badań terenowych była religijność rodziny Martinów: Jakuba i Anity wraz z siedmiorgiem dzieci (Ruben, Jozue, Ilona, Zofia, Krzysztof, Waldemar i Stefan). Martinowie są Amerykanami. Pod względem wyznaniowym wywodzą się: Jakub z tradycji mennonicko-amiszowej, Anita - z amiszowej. Martinowie przyjechali do Polski w 1993 roku wraz z kilkoma innymi członkami swojej wspólnoty w celu założenia zboru w Polsce. Plan ten się nie powiódł, co sprawiło, że amisze postanowili wrócić do Stanów, a Martinowie byli jedynymi, którzy zdecydowali się zostać. Swoją decyzję motywowali tym, że tak odczytali wolę Bożą względem nich. Obecnie mieszkają we wsi Cezarów w gminie Dębe Wielkie (powiat miński, województwo mazowieckie). Jakub i Anita znają język polski, jednak popełniają błędy gramatyczne i stylistyczne. Mówią z wyraźnym amerykańskim akcentem. Język polski jest używany w konwersacjach z osobami niebędącymi domownikami. Inspiracją do przeprowadzenia badań stał się krótki reportaż dotyczący Martinów w programie informacyjnym, w którym przedstawieni zostali jako "jedyna w Polsce rodzina amiszów"
Relationship between body composition and selected motor components in 17-year-old adolescents residing in the city of Poznań in Poland
Study aim: The objective of this study was to determine differences in body composition status and levels of selected motor components and assess the relationship between selected motor components and body composition in adolescent girls and boys
Do They Need Goals or Support? A Report from a Goal-Setting Intervention Using Physical Activity Monitors in Youth
The objective of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity (PA) and different goal setting and strategies in youth. The study took into consideration different sources of support as well as gender variations. Classmate and Teacher Support scales were used to evaluate support in physical education (PE) classes, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was reported. Garmin Vivofit® activity trackers were used during an 8 week-long intervention to count daily steps. Data was collected from 65 adolescents (mean age 17.2 ± 0.2), 74 young adolescents (mean age 15.3 ± 0.2) and 57 children (mean age 11.5 ± 0.4). An experimental design was employed, with “goal” and “do your best” groups given different step goal strategies. The results show that both groups achieved a comparable number of steps. Two-way ANOVA showed interactional effects between gender and teacher support. There were no such effects for MVPA and number of steps. Although classmate support in PE was reported to be reasonably high, the findings show that it does not play a significant role in increasing MVPA behaviors in youths. However, the problem of significantly lower support given to adolescent girls by PE teachers should be embedded into the teaching context of PE students and counteracted in school setting realities
Can traditional games be an option in increasing the physical activity of women following mastectomy?
Study aim: the purpose of the present study was to investigate the potential of traditional games as a method of increasing the physical activity (PA) of women following mastectomy. A cross-sectional survey during the 20th ONCO Games was conducted and the sample included data from women divided into two groups: up to 50 years old (n = 26) and over 50 years old (n = 86)
This paper presents the results of the research on the physical activity of school youth in three
European countries (Poland, Bulgaria, Kosovo) which are at different stages of socio-economic
development and, therefore, of different possibilities and conditions in terms of leisure and mobility.
The purpose of this cognitive study was to diagnose certain aspects of the lifestyle of young people
aged 13-16 from Kosovo, Bulgaria and Poland, with a particular focus on physical activity. The
practical aim, however, was an indication of such actions, arising from past experience that would aim
at improving lifestyle, and could lead to the elimination or prevention of certain causes of physical
inactivity by the youth of the countries surveyed.
The research was conducted by the use of a diagnostic survey of a group of 524 people aged 13-16,
among whom there were 88 people from Bulgaria, 136 people from Poland and 300 people from
Kosovo. The research material was collected in 2012.
The research that was carried out shows that the level of wealth (not so much of the family, but of the
specific country) may have an impact on the choice of activities chosen by the youth. Undoubtedly
socio-cultural factors and the tradition of social life, which impose certain ways of spending leisure
time (as can be seen particularly in the case of the Bulgarian and Kosovar youth) are also of great
importance. The above observations, taking into account local conditions, should be the starting point
for all those who plan to introduce changes in the physical education systems in each of these
countries in the future