4 research outputs found

    Performance of the CMS Event Builder

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    The data acquisition system (DAQ) of the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) assembles events at a rate of 100 kHz. It transports event data at an aggregate throughput of ~100 GB/s to the high-level trigger (HLT) farm. The CMS DAQ system has been completely rebuilt during the first long shutdown of the LHC in 2013/14. The new DAQ architecture is based on state-of-the-art network technologies for the event building. For the data concentration, 10/40 Gb/s Ethernet technologies are used together with a reduced TCP/IP protocol implemented in FPGA for a reliable transport between custom electronics and commercial computing hardware. A 56 Gb/s Infiniband FDR CLOS network has been chosen for the event builder. We report on the performance of the event builder system and the steps taken to exploit the full potential of the network technologies.The data acquisition system (DAQ) of the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider assembles events at a rate of 100 kHz, transporting event data at an aggregate throughput of to the high-level trigger farm. The DAQ architecture is based on state-of-the-art network technologies for the event building. For the data concentration, 10/40 Gbit/s Ethernet technologies are used together with a reduced TCP/IP protocol implemented in FPGA for a reliable transport between custom electronics and commercial computing hardware. A 56 Gbit/s Infiniband FDR Clos network has been chosen for the event builder. This paper presents the implementation and performance of the event-building system

    DAQExpert - An expert system to increase CMS data-taking efficiency

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    The efficiency of the Data Acquisition (DAQ) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment for LHC Run 2 is constantly being improved. A~significant factor affecting the data taking efficiency is the experience of the DAQ operator. One of the main responsibilities of the DAQ operator is to carry out the proper recovery procedure in case of failure of data-taking. At the start of Run 2, understanding the problem and finding the right remedy could take a considerable amount of time (up to many minutes). Operators heavily relied on the support of on-call experts, also outside working hours. Wrong decisions due to time pressure sometimes lead to an additional overhead in recovery time. To increase the efficiency of CMS data-taking we developed a new expert system, the DAQExpert, which provides shifters with optimal recovery suggestions instantly when a failure occurs. DAQExpert is a~web application analyzing frequently updating monitoring data from all DAQ components and identifying problems based on expert knowledge expressed in small, independent logic-modules written in Java. Its results are presented in real-time in the control room via a web-based GUI and a sound-system in a form of short description of the current failure, and steps to recover

    CMS Phase-2 DAQ and Timing Hub -- Prototyping results and perspectives

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    This paper describes recent progress on the design of the DAQ and Timing Hub, or DTH, an ATCA hub board intended for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS experiment. Prototyping was originally divided into multiple feature lines, spanning all different aspects of the DTH functionality. The second DTH prototype merges all R and D and development lines into a single board, which is intended to be the production candidate. Emphasis is on the process and experience in going from the first to the second DTH prototype, which included a change of the chosen FPGA as well as the integration of a commercial networking solution

    Design and development of the DAQ and Timing Hub for CMS Phase-2

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    The CMS detector will undergo a major upgrade for Phase-2 of the LHC program, starting around 2026. The upgraded Level-1 hardware trigger will select events at a rate of 750 kHz. At an expected event size of 7.4 MB this corresponds to a data rate of up to 50 Tb/s. Optical links will carry the signals from on-detector front-end electronics to back-end electronics in ATCA crates in the service cavern. A DAQ and Timing Hub board aggregates data streams from back-end boards over point-to-point links, provides buffering and transmits the data to the commercial data-to-surface network for processing and storage. This hub board is also responsible for the distribution of timing, control and trigger signals to the back-ends.This paper presents the current development towards the DAQ and Timing Hub and the design of the first prototype, to be used as for validation and integration with the first back-end prototypes in 2019-2020